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Yuki Okamura - Printable Version

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Yuki Okamura - Yuki - 08-26-2010

Early in the morning, in the city Seikan on planet Honshu, a woman screams rather loudly. The screams are coming from a big mansion, which is standing in the middle of the city, surrounded by the private gardens of that mansion. Not short after the dramatic screaming, the sounds of a crying baby are heard. Shosho Tatsuya Mochizuki is engulfed by an intense feeling of joy and shouts out "It's a boy!!!". The woman who had screamed earlier, Matsumoto Okamura, is now crying of happiness, and takes the newborn baby into her arms and says "Hello Yuki. Welcome to Sirius."
The little baby boy has a skin white as snow, and his ginger hair appears to be burning in the morning sun coming trough the open bedroom window. Little Yuki calms down in his mother's arms and opens his eyes to look out the window. Shosho asks the maid "Hikari-kun, can you get some clean towels for my wife?". Hikari bows for Shosho and answers "Hai, Mochizuki-dono". Hikari walks out of the bedroom towards the laundry room. She leans over the hall's balcony and whispers to the other household employees downstairs "It's a boy! His name is Yuki!" While Hikari walks back into the bedroom with three white and clean towels, the rest of the employees finish up their presents. The Chef cook - Naoki - writes 'Yuki' on the pie he made in whip cream, while the people of the laundry quickly sew the baby boy's name onto some new blankets and towels. The butler Takahiro adjusts the holographic lighting systems to simulate falling snow (Yuki means snow), and changes the electronic walls' color to white. Shosho and Matsumoto look up at the holographic snow with their mouths wide open. Little Yuki tries to grab the falling snowflakes and chuckles when his tiny hand goes right trough them. The parents and the maid look at their baby with a very satisfied look on their faces.

The little boy is very bright for his age. His parents found out that little detail pretty quick while Yuki grew up. He was the brightest of all his classes at the local elementary school in Seikan, and even skipped a few grades while there. Because of that, he didn't have any learning interruptions during the nomad war in 800 A.S. During this period Yuki was rather sad on occasion because in the entire year he barely saw his mother. His father said that she was away for important business in another star system. Even though Yuki was only 2 years old at the time, he could still notice his mother was nervous at the times when she was at home.
Yuki's parents were able to afford almost anything because Shosho is a high ranked commander of the Kusari Naval Forces. He is the commander of Battleship Matsumoto, which he named after his wife. The Matsumoto is a Genji class battleship, built just a few months before Yuki was born, in the year 798 A.S. Stationed at the Chugoku Gate construction site in the Hokkaido system, Shosho didn't have a very tough job. Or so Yuki thought. Just protect the site against Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemums. For some reason his parents never spoke a bad word about those two groups. All the bad words went to the Hogosha, and his mother occasionally cursed about the Samura-based government. Yuki found this utterly hilarious and bursted out in laughter every time his mother ranted about Samura, which in turn made her laugh too.
When Yuki graduated from elementary school at the age of 12, he naturally did it with flying colors. During vacation, when he turned 13, his father even gave him the best present he ever had. A brand new J7P - 34 "Wyrm" Kusari Light Fighter.
"Oh my god!! Thank you so much Otou-san!!! It looks so shiny! But... I don't even know how to fly a spaceship.." said Yuki. (Otou-san is Japanese for father)
Shosho answered "But when your vacation is over, you'll be going to the respected middle school Ryouitchi, in the beautiful city of Shimotsui. They have advanced flight simulators there, in which you can practice. And of course when you've had enough practice in the simulator, I will take you to the Hiroshima system, where we can train you in peace."
"We? Is mom coming with us too?" Yuki asked. Matsumoto snickered and said "No no sweetheart. Mommy has to go to New Tokyo. I'm going shopping with a good friend of mine.." She winked at her husband and continued "You will be having flight practice with your father and his lieutenant Sanetomo Tawaraya."
Yuki nodded and walked around the back of his new ship, with the fire in his eyes, that all the recruits have.

As soon as vacation was over, Yuki was dying to go to school. The day that he would go to his new school in Shimotsui would finally begin. Hikari opened the curtains and the windows of Yuki's room at exactly 8:30 am. Bright light and fresh air rushed into the room and woke Yuki. He pulls the blankets over his head and said "Just a few more minutes Hikari-chaaaaann"
"Today you will start at your new school Yuki-dono. Naoki-san is already cooking breakfast, and Taiki-kun is ready to fly you to school in the hover-limousine." Hikari replies.
Even before she was done talking, Yuki already jumped out of bed and dashed to his bathroom for a quick shower in the automated shower cabin. When he walks back into his room he notices that Hikari had already left the room and left some sets of clothing over his desk chair. He picks a set that looked cool and cute at the same time. Dark shaded jeans with a wide, brown leather belt, and a tight grey shirt with a V-shaped neck. He does his hair as he sees fit, and rushs downstairs using the banister to slide down on.
When he walks into the dining room and sits down, Naoki walks in with a chipper "Good morning Yuki-dono!" and put a plate in front of Yuki with a silver lid over the plate.
"Today we have a sandwich with scrambled PlatyprusBear egg, and Ostragoon ham." Naoki removes the silver lid to reveal the delicious plate with food, and continued "I hope it is to your liking young master."
Yuki ate his breakfast fast and the butler Takahiro told Taiki "Taiki-kun, the young master is almost done eating." on which Taiki replied "I better get into the car then... When the young master gets enthusiastic there is no stopping him."

Yuki Okamura - Yuki - 08-28-2010

Yuki nearly jumps into the hover-limousine while enthusiastically saying "Let's go!"
The trip towards the school isn't very long, since the limo is fast. But at least Yuki gets to see a bit of the area before they land in front of the school. As if someone gave a sign, everyone made a makeshift passage between the car and the school's front gates.
Taiki got out of the car, walked around the car and opened the rear door for Yuki.
"Have a good day at school Yuki-dono" he said when Yuki stepped out of the car. "Arigatou Taiki-san! Drive safely okay?"He asked, and Taiki replied "Of course Yuki-dono."
Yuki turned around towards the school and headed for the entrance hall. There he was greeted by the principal. He bowed and said "Welcome to Ryouitchi, Yuki-sama. I hope you will have a good time here. May I begin by giving you a tour of the school?" He turned around and made a gesture with his open hand towards the eastern hallway. They started walking in that direction and the Principal started blabbing about the history of the school and how well respected it is. Yuki wasn't even paying attention. In fact, he was checking out other guys who walked by, and winked to some of them.
"Well?" asked the principal. Yuki shook his head fast and looked at the principal. "Sorry sir my ears are ringing from this wealth of knowledge. [yea right] What did you ask?" Yuki answered.
"I asked if you had any class preferences. The classes you pick now will be your major courses in high school."
"Oh right! Yea i have a note right here.. somewhere.." Yuki reaches into his jeans pocket and found the note his mother gave him and told the principal "Right. Primary course is Space-Flight. Secondary course is Physical Exercise. Tertiary course is Logistics."
The principal resumed "In that case, most of your classes will be in the northern wing of the building." They went into the northern wing of the school and walked by big state of the art zeroG-flight spaceflight simulators, located the actual basement of the school. They could look at the machines through big panoramic windows in the top of the basement's halls so that people on ground level could see what's going on in there without having to actually go down there. On the west side of the hallway they could see the logistics classrooms. Logistics was usually about how much rubbish you can stuff into a small area. In the next classroom people were taught quantum physics. The whole room was filled with nerds and geeks (nerds who don't know they're nerds) for their pre-school time activities.
The principal said "The quantum physic classes will be moved to the south part of the building tomorrow. This is their last class in the northern wing."
"Thankgod..." mumbled Yuki. The principal looked at Yuki with a look in his eyes as if asking him what he said. Yuki smiled and said "Thatscool!" and declared the principal deaf from that moment on.
Back on the eastern side of the northern wing, there were the PE classes. Inside the classroom are a lot of machines that Yuki has never seen before.
It was almost 9 am. Yuki arrived after the school started for official mumbo jumbo because he's the son of a Naval Forces Commander. He didn't really want all the attention, but it has it's perks so he put up with it.
"Let's go to my office before...." started the head of the school before he got interrupted by the school bell. The two quickly stepped into the principal's office before a true stampede of students rushed over the very spot they just stood.
The principal sighed and said "Boy oh boy did we get away from there in time or what.." Yuki chuckled and sat down in the chair in front of the desk in the office. The principal said "Please sit down." while he sat down in the big chair behind the desk and folded his hands. "Today you will be starting in flight training, since that is your primary course." He turns around and grabs a small pile of books. "These are for your logistics classes. For the others you don't need books.. obviously." He pushed the pile of books over to Yuki, who in turn put the books in his space compressing bag. A whole pile of books got shrunk to a smaller size. The principal continued "Your first class is starting in a few minutes so I suggest you get moving Yuki-dono. Flight simulator hall one in the basement."