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luxury liner - globalplayer-svk - 11-19-2007

why in last time when i meet trader is very big chance that he fly with luxury liner? from 10 traders 6-7 are in luxury liners,but why? i think liners may carry passangers or VIP,not diamonds or radioactive materials or cardamine.i was flying with container and i have change it for firefly.i was thinkin when new trade ships come on rp server it will be great because all players will have differnet ships not only trains/containers.but now all (not all but many) change their ship for liners. and answer that someone use luxury liner because he has stronger shield(advanced transport shield) is not good for me,i have the same shield on my ship and all what i must for the shield make is go to ..... and buy it and mount it.and other ships have also cd/cm.maybe not so big cargo as luxury liner but pure matematic:price of luxury liner is 114 milions.when you have him only because he has bigger cargo as the other trade ships with CD/CM,i think the nearest ship with CD/CM is firefly with 3500 cargo.thats 1100 diferent. and when you run is long 20 minutes and your profit 20 milions(for example) (i think for so big profit you need much longer run)with 4600 cargo your profit with firefly with 3500 cargo is something about 15 milions.that is 5 mil different. to make 114 milions (the price of the luxury liner) you need to make 22/23 runs for 20 minutes,and that is something about 7,5 hour of trading.but continuous is still the liner necessary for trader? i dont think so.and when you have enough money for luxury liner i think you are not trading for money but for fun.and i think when come pirates or terrorist,i with the smallest ship have bigger chance to escape as all others in luxury liners.
but this all is only my opinion.

(sorry for my bad english)

luxury liner - alance - 11-19-2007

I agree that Liners have too much cargo space. They are meant to carry people, not containers and crates. Loading and unloading cargo isn't something a Liner is built for like real transports.

The advantages of the Liners (having CD, CM, huge cargo bays) are not properly balanced in my opinion. Other trade ships have the give/take of either large cargo holds or a CM dropper.

There are suggestions in the mod balance threads on how to fix up liners, some involve making class 6 turrets for Liners, fixing class 7 turrets so they are usable, etc. Hopefully they'll get some changes so they are unique RP ships rather than just big transports with CM droppers.

luxury liner - Knucklehead - 11-19-2007

I, for one, fly the Luxury Liner because it fits with the role I have outlined for Eman, that of a pilot for Orbital Spa and Cruise. The recent tradeoffs of weaponry for cargo space are a welcome change, but yes, they are used too much. We have at least 10 super transports now, we don't all need to be flying the same thing. Pick something that fits your role and stick with it.

luxury liner - McNeo - 11-19-2007

Luxury liners are a bit boring in my opinion. They also have too much cargo. In my opinion, they should have their class 7 turrets, interchangeable with fighter turrets, along with cruiser armour, but their highest cargo value should be 3000. After all, they are meant to guard VIP's (Lux liner), Prisoner's from their jailbreakers (Prison Liner) and the Queen and her entourage (Bretonian liner). That means a very high armour value, but not a lot of cargo space. I mean, the Queen doesn't need cargospace, she needs protection from Kusari and other hostiles. Last thing she's gonna do is trade...

Don't change the prices for the liners though, because those changes will make it a civilian cruiser, without the armament. A fair trade, if you ask me. I was even going to buy the Bretonian liner, just because I like how it looks. Not because of its cargo space.:).

luxury liner - vpdm - 11-19-2007

I brought my 'Yacht' as a secondary ship for relaxations and some RP fun beside trading.

I understand the downgrade because the LL was Gunship like.
But now it's some whoreship for trading:(
I put a smuggler license on it - i call it advanced sightseeing experience for my passenger and vips.:unsure: