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My last RP-questions - Printable Version

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My last RP-questions - AceJoker - 08-28-2010

Hi there. These are my last questions about some RP issues. If this thread doesn't belong here, feel free
to move it.

Let's say i want to use the weapons of <place faction here>, do i need

a)the tag and the ID
b)the tag, ID and join the player faction

if i should guess, i would say a) is right.

About RP cargo:
The commodity "Space ship crew" looks really authentical when you flying bigger ships. But:
Are there any guidelines, which descripes how big a crew is? I mean it's quite obvious that
a cruiser would require a smaller crew than a battleship, but it's hard to judge only by looking
at the pictures on the wiki, or compare the size of ship 1 with ship 2. Currently one of my chars is
flying a Border worlds transport with a "crew" of 80 men. I know i can fly completely without it,
but i just want to know.:)

About the info card:
Does anyone use it actually? I have two, but didn't encoutered anyone else who use it too.

RP insults:
This is rather difficult for me. RP-insults should point the CHAR and NOT the player and is tolerated
as long as i stay away from heavy language i. e. avoiding the f-word. So far, so good. This is how
i know it from other systems (mostly pen&paper)
Now my question here is:
Where is the limit of RP-insults in disco? How far can i go with my char? I mean i encountered several
"soft-racist" insults from the Xenos against other nations. This is ok in my eyes, cause this is their RP.
Pirates don't like police and vice versa. In-RP it would be obvious that the one or two insults throwed
against each other would make some sense, as long as the other one don't gets the feeling that he as the
player got insulted. I mean can i say soft things like <strike>hell or damn</strike> INSIDE my RP?
These words are common speak at any school in my country, but since disco/forum is a foreign-to-me
server, i would know where exactly the limit is. Where is the like/dislike border?
Or in other words: How would you insult (IF you would) someone who is your archenemy (according to
rep-sheet and faction story)?

Sorry if i maybe stired up a hornets' nest, but i prefer to ask dumb once, BEFORE i do something stupid
and get sanctioned for this.
And please, no flames. I'm still the new one (who wants to get rid of this whelp-safety).

My last RP-questions - Magoo! - 08-28-2010

' Wrote:Hi there. These are my last questions about some RP issues. If this thread doesn't belong here, feel free
to move it.

Let's say i want to use the weapons of <place faction here>, do i need

a)the tag and the ID
b)the tag, ID and join the player faction
No, you can be an indy. You don't have to join the faction.

if i should guess, i would say a) is right.
Good guess

About RP cargo:
The commodity "Space ship crew" looks really authentical when you flying bigger ships. But:
Are there any guidelines, which descripes how big a crew is? I mean it's quite obvious that
a cruiser would require a smaller crew than a battleship, but it's hard to judge only by looking
at the pictures on the wiki, or compare the size of ship 1 with ship 2. Currently one of my chars is
flying a Border worlds transport with a "crew" of 80 men. I know i can fly completely without it,
but i just want to know.:)
Do however much you think is right. There is no concrete crew size for ships.

About the info card:
Does anyone use it actually? I have two, but didn't encoutered anyone else who use it too.
I do.

RP insults:
This is rather difficult for me. RP-insults should point the CHAR and NOT the player and is tolerated
as long as i stay away from heavy language i. e. avoiding the f-word. So far, so good. This is how
i know it from other systems (mostly pen&paper)
Now my question here is:
Where is the limit of RP-insults in disco? How far can i go with my char? I mean i encountered several
"soft-racist" insults from the Xenos against other nations. This is ok in my eyes, cause this is their RP.
Pirates don't like police and vice versa. In-RP it would be obvious that the one or two insults throwed
against each other would make some sense, as long as the other one don't gets the feeling that he as the
player got insulted. I mean can i say soft things like <strike>hell or damn</strike> INSIDE my RP?
These words are common speak at any school in my country, but since disco/forum is a foreign-to-me
server, i would know where exactly the limit is. Where is the like/dislike border?
Or in other words: How would you insult (IF you would) someone who is your archenemy (according to
rep-sheet and faction story)?
Hell, damn, piss (off) are seen as acceptable usually unless you get a really stingy, prissy person on the receiving end of your words. Keep the insults in-RP and don't say anything to the effect of, "ZOMG U F'ING B--- I'M GOING TO F'ING KEEL U!!!1!1!!" and you'll be fine.

Sorry if i maybe stired up a hornets' nest, but i prefer to ask dumb once, BEFORE i do something stupid
and get sanctioned for this.
And please, no flames. I'm still the new one (who wants to get rid of this whelp-safety).

My last RP-questions - Manifest.Destiny - 08-28-2010

Let's say i want to use the weapons of <place faction here>, do i need

a)the tag and the ID
b)the tag, ID and join the player faction

if i should guess, i would say a) is right.
A is right, b is not necessary
There is a chart somewhere in the rules section which tells you what you can use with what iff and ID, you can go look it up.

There is also information on what ship classes you can use written in the ID.

Quote:About RP cargo:
The commodity "Space ship crew" looks really authentical when you flying bigger ships. But:
Are there any guidelines, which descripes how big a crew is? I mean it's quite obvious that
a cruiser would require a smaller crew than a battleship, but it's hard to judge only by looking
at the pictures on the wiki, or compare the size of ship 1 with ship 2. Currently one of my chars is
flying a Border worlds transport with a "crew" of 80 men. I know i can fly completely without it,
but i just want to know.

It's completely up to you.

Most people dont use that comodity.

Quote:About the info card:
Does anyone use it actually? I have two, but didn't encoutered anyone else who use it too.

What info card are you talking about?
And what do you mean with "use it"

Quote:RP insults:
This is rather difficult for me. RP-insults should point the CHAR and NOT the player and is tolerated
as long as i stay away from heavy language i. e. avoiding the f-word. So far, so good. This is how
i know it from other systems (mostly pen&paper)
Now my question here is:
Where is the limit of RP-insults in disco? How far can i go with my char? I mean i encountered several
"soft-racist" insults from the Xenos against other nations. This is ok in my eyes, cause this is their RP.
Pirates don't like police and vice versa. In-RP it would be obvious that the one or two insults throwed
against each other would make some sense, as long as the other one don't gets the feeling that he as the
player got insulted. I mean can i say soft things like hell or damn INSIDE my RP?
These words are common speak at any school in my country, but since disco/forum is a foreign-to-me
server, i would know where exactly the limit is. Where is the like/dislike border?
Or in other words: How would you insult (IF you would) someone who is your archenemy (according to
rep-sheet and faction story)?

Dont use swear words or outright racist comments.
Soft RP taunts are allowed, as long as they dont contain swear words. But keep in mind that rude RP behavior, even if its only RP, can still make the other player very angry, especially if you just blew up his ship. So it may be a good idea to not be rude even in RP.

My last RP-questions - Rommie - 08-28-2010

Weapons require only the faction tag and the ID.

RP cargo-

Usually I find these numbers adequate enough:

Gunboats/Gunships - 5-10 Crew
Cruisers/Destroyers - 10-20 Crew
Battlecruisers/Battleships/Dreadnoughts - 20-30
Carriers - 30-50 (Considering the RP cargo of fighters on board, I'd say this is enough)

Anyway, this is pretty much what I saw around in people's cargo holds.
And yes, it's pretty much by the looks of the ship. Or any pointers you can uncover from its infocard.
-Your BW Transport could do well with only 5 crew members.

Infocards- They're used, I got 3, I've had Rp encounters where people asked in PM to hold on while they read them :D

RP insults are pretty tricky. You can't really tell if the person you're RP'ing with will get offended by a certain insult until you use it. But when it gets repetitive, and it shows up in capital letters, it turns to be pretty obvious that the insults are not directed at the character anymore.

I guess that if you feel insulted it is better to just PM and tell them to stop if it gets repeated.

And about insulting your archenemy, its a lot easier to keep out of the dangerous lines when you know the faction's RP story. Mocking their language, earlier events in the past can be twisted and such, like calling the Corsairs food beggars and starved barbarians, me and the rest of the guys in the CR call Outcasts sniffers and oranges, due to their addiction to Cardimine, but these work best when you see that the other guy knows what he's doing.

My last RP-questions - Irra - 08-28-2010

Weapons - ID is enough.. but you can't get ID if you don't get rep high enough which means you will get IFF too.

Cargo - Well.. I pretty much think of it that scanners don't show these things.. like crew, and food, water that you use to survive.. cardamine in Outcast ships and so on.. but having some is always nice. I just don't like to rebuy them always when I go boom and I go boom a lot.

Infocards - I have them on all my chars

RP insults - I try to avoid them..

My last RP-questions - Crackpunch - 08-29-2010

' Wrote:Gunboats/Gunships - 5-10 Crew
Cruisers/Destroyers - 10-20 Crew
Battlecruisers/Battleships/Dreadnoughts - 20-30
Carriers - 30-50 (Considering the RP cargo of fighters on board, I'd say this is enough)

If you look at a recycler, you'll see that it's the size of a small house and could easily have a crew of 5. Since it's much smaller than a gunboat, I would think 10 would be about the minimum for a gunboat. For cruisers I would jump up to 50 at least, while battleships can have hundreds. Remember that fighter guns are roughly the same size as a person so you could use that as a guide when you can't see a person in a cockpit to refer to.

My last RP-questions - Coin - 08-29-2010

' Wrote:a)the tag and the ID

The commodity "Space ship crew" looks really authentical when you flying bigger ships.

About the info card:
Does anyone use it actually? I have two, but didn't encoutered anyone else who use it too.

RP insults:

just the tag and the id is fine.

space ship crew should not be in your cargo hold, they should be in your cockpit. if you are in the cargo hold, there's a chance that you can get jettisoned out into space if you have to eject cargo. I fly my BWT with only one crew in the hold (he's the deckhand that moves the cargo around so it can be jettisoned), and i have a few other things like 1 food ration, 1 water, 1 oxygen, 1 pineal amulet... the stuff that is in his pockets... occasionally i have a nomad in there, cos he keeps on getting infected. (damn those morphs)

/setinfo is nice, you can put a lot of information in there, and it saves you typing it out more than once

RP insults. go for comedy rather than something that would cause a vendetta. bear in mind that small children play this game, and their parents are very likely to slap you around with nova torpedos if you make them cry. as long as it's appropriate language to use in front of you grandparents, you'll be fine.