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Radiation in New York - Printable Version

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Radiation in New York - Coin - 08-28-2010

Tuesday 10th april.... New Berlin High Command bunker, New Berlin System
*a fist slams onto a table* I tell you gentlemen that you are too gentle with these damn yankees! We must take the war to them! I want you to draw up a battleplan and start preparing for bloodshed!

Wednesday 11th april.... Ouray Base, Colorado system

So, he says that the Rogues have got a collection of gravitic mines, looted from a wreck in alaska? This could be serious trouble for us, we must go out and destroy those mines before they are used on us!

Thursday 12th april.... Wardroom, Battleship Newark, New York system

....and in closing, the patrols around the texas gate need to be reinforced, as we've noticed increased RM activity, as well as a recent step up in piracy from the Rogues

Friday, 13th april

New Berlin High Command bunker, New Berlin System:

"Docking control, tell the men they are cleared for departure, and wish them good luck"

Ouray Base, Colorado system:

"okay boys, we've just heard that the Rogues are moving the gravitic mines... lets high-tail it to buffalo and sort this mess out!

Wardroom, Battleship Newark, New York system:

"Sir! SIR! A massive fleet has just entered the texas system, but Planet houston reports no contact!"
"My god... they're heading for Manhatten! Sound general quarters and get this boat over to the jumphole. We're the only hope!"

Texas Jumphole, New York System:
"Attention Rheinland battlefleet, this is vice-marshall Schmidtt, our long range scanners indicate that the Newark has left Norfolk shipyard, and is heading for our position; move into the badlands observing radiation protocols and await further orders"

"Jason Green, you and your gravitic mines are a danger to the xenos, and you're gonna die today"
"Ha! Come catch me in the badlands, lets see if your puny ships can stand the radiation!"


20 years later....
"Now children, can anyone tell me what was special about Friday 13th of April, AS 780? Tommy?"
"thats when the xenos and the rogues and the liberty navy and the rheinland military fought in the badlands and made New York too radioactive to live in Miss"
"that's right Tommy, but dont worry, by the time you're grandchildren's grandchildren have some grandchildren, it'll be safe to live there again. probably."

//make New York too radioactive to survive longer than 10 minutes in. server population gets redistributed, and the bases and traderoutes that terminate/pass through there are not lost to the system, unlike when the system is lockdown'd

Radiation in New York - Stygian - 08-28-2010

No....just no

Sorry for the +1

Radiation in New York - Azurren - 08-28-2010

Hahaha! Nice one man!
A little bit of Roleplay and a joke to end with. Nice combination!

What.. He wasn't joking?

Radiation in New York - Avalanche - 08-28-2010

I don't see that happening...

Radiation in New York - Guest - 08-28-2010

At first I lol'd.

Then I went "What the hell? Who the heck thinks of a silly idea like that?"

Then I looked at the poster.

Then I was all like; Ah.

In all seriousness; the idea wouldn't work, really, nothing will drag people away from New York.

The traders are there. So the pirates go there. So the lawfuls are always there. And because the traders and pirates are always there, the escorts and hunters are always there. Simples.

Radiation in New York - Blaze - 08-28-2010

A radioactive new york? No thanks

A radioactive new york? No thanks

Radiation in New York - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 08-28-2010

Today is not april's 1st..

Go pew pew everyone in NY and they will be forced to play elsewhere for 4 hours. A perfect solution [Image: senis.gif]

Radiation in New York - jxie93 - 08-28-2010

People will just go to the next system closest to New York.

This doesn't work.

Radiation in New York - sovereign - 08-29-2010

Starfliers. Anyone got a counter-argument?

Radiation in New York - Coin - 08-29-2010

' Wrote:People will just go to the next system closest to New York.

thats the intention.... those with no real pressing RP reason to be in NY would move to connecticut, and pewlolpew until they got bored... if ny was as radioactive as om41, you still get plenty of action, but there isnt the desire to hang around.

for too long have the dev's given us nice shiny toys, and new systems (houses even) to play in, and we ignore their efforts and just lol in liberty.


oh, and of those who've <strike>+1 trolled</strike> posted already, how many of you hang out in NY for more than 1 hour at a time?