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Docking fines - Printable Version

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Docking fines - Crackpunch - 08-29-2010

So I play a fair bit on my Order character where I fine people for docking on our bases without permission. Now this is all well and good because the ID says you can fine people within Minor, but what about other factions such as junkers who can't? Can they fine people for docking with their bases without permission?

Docking fines - Lobster - 08-29-2010

they can RP it out and fine people.

Just because it isnt on the ID does not prevent you from RPing it

Docking fines - Crackpunch - 08-29-2010

' Wrote:they can RP it out and fine people.

Just because it isnt on the ID does not prevent you from RPing it

I was just thinking people might think of it as piracy.

Docking fines - Lobster - 08-29-2010

Its called Roleplay.

This is not doihavetherightIDlancer

Docking fines - Lyderies - 08-29-2010

But you still can get on trouble with it

I thnk they should change that,

but if a junker does fine a player say at roschester, then yes they might get sanctioed for it, but if it was role-played as say... they need to pay to dock or seen as an agresor then sure why not get money form them? i just condraicted myself:D

Docking fines - Crusader4 - 08-29-2010

' Wrote:So I play a fair bit on my Order character where I fine people for docking on our bases without permission. Now this is all well and good because the ID says you can fine people within Minor, but what about other factions such as junkers who can't? Can they fine people for docking with their bases without permission?

Technically, it plausible, but i don't think that anyone will pay :mellow:

Docking fines - ArmsAndLegs Guy - 08-29-2010

' Wrote:So I play a fair bit on my Order character where I fine people for docking on our bases without permission. Now this is all well and good because the ID says you can fine people within Minor, but what about other factions such as junkers who can't? Can they fine people for docking with their bases without permission?

Actually you can't fine people for docking on your bases without permission.
Read the Order ID :
Quote:"Can demand contraband from, and fine, any ship within Alaska, Omicron 100, Omicron Minor carrying human organs, artifacts, cardamine."

And the Order Guard ID :
Quote:"Can demand contraband from, and fine, any ship within their ZoI carrying or using slaves, human organs, artifacts, cardamine, allied pilots, nomad brains or nomad technology"

So unless the ships were doing that when you fined them, you open yourself up for a violation report.

On the other hand, if you as an Order ID character tells someone not to dock at your base, in-RP with a reason that fits your Order lore, then they shouldn't. After all in-rp, you as an Order character have direct contact with the Order docking center, and can ask them to not open the docking bays.

If people then go ahead and dock, dispite the adeaquate RP taking place beforehand, telling them not to dock, they are behaving in an OORP fashion.

But as for fining them for doing so, you really can't do that unless they are doing any of the above mentioned as well. And then it is for those things you can fine them, not for docking.

A & L Guy