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Prison Lining Event- Kusari - Lyderies - 08-29-2010


I thought a little bit of a round in Kusari would be a bit fun,

I came up with and idea that could offer a little spike for the Kusari Player Pop

Here it is...

Im going to full a Prison liner up with 75% Blood Dragons and 25% GC's
This will be stationed in Hokaido when the time is right and the interest in this is full
From Hokkaido it will make its way to Shikoku to Fuchu Prison, along this trip GC's and BD'd can post many blockades, traps, ambushes as they want to get the prison liner either 1 bar of health or to blow it up so they may re-catcher there brothers and sisters, the KNF and KSP and any other Kusarian factions who want to protect the prison liner must get this as it opens a much needed break to crinimal activity as it not only has normal crinimals but some very high ranking crinimal master minds, may be able to roleplay them as VIP's?

Any idea's?
Any one interested at all?

Prison Lining Event- Kusari - Lyderies - 08-29-2010


Prison Lining Event- Kusari - Disparagess - 08-29-2010

You're thinking an event, right?

Talked to Kusarian faction leaders about it?

I'd be happy to join any Kusarian event, so long as I can attend (though I'm in a weird timezone)

Prison Lining Event- Kusari - Lyderies - 08-29-2010

' Wrote:You're thinking an event, right?

Talked to Kusarian faction leaders about it?

I'd be happy to join any Kusarian event, so long as I can attend (though I'm in a weird timezone)

Yeah kinda, anyone who has a kusari navy or police or pirate id is welcome, i reakon it would be fun, indies or official faction

Prison Lining Event- Kusari - Elven - 08-29-2010

Yes, Blood Dragons would be interested in that.
I guess [GC] would be, as well. Not sure about Kiretsu (despite their RP of 'special squadron' would be in place).

I guess Aoi Isejin would be interested in such kind of event as well, but personally I prefer to stay away from their RP.

Prison Lining Event- Kusari - West - 08-29-2010

As member of KNF I must tell you that we already had such kind of event not a long time ago. Now we have another ideas for events, but lacking in coordination.

About your event... first fill up your liner) its damn hard(boring), we have one and we know that. Then and only then talk about event, and not simply oh you can trap me, they can join me. Give full idea and then we will talk about it.

Prison Lining Event- Kusari - Lyderies - 08-29-2010

' Wrote:Yes, Blood Dragons would be interested in that.
I guess [GC] would be, as well. Not sure about Kiretsu (despite their RP of 'special squadron' would be in place).

I guess Aoi Isejin would be interested in such kind of event as well, but personally I prefer to stay away from their RP.

Well anyones welcome, the more the better, prob try adn get like 10 a side or more, make it really interesting

Prison Lining Event- Kusari - Lyderies - 08-29-2010

' Wrote:As member of KNF I must tell you that we already have such kind of event not a long time ago. Now we have another ideas for events, but lacking in coordination.

About your event... first fill up your liner) its damn hard(boring), we have one and we know that. Then and only then talk about event, and not simply oh you can trap me, they can join me. Give full idea and then we will talk about it.

Okay il sort iy out then make an event post for it to disscuss in yeah, il close this post then?

Prison Lining Event- Kusari - Disparagess - 08-29-2010

If you want.

Contact some of the Kusarian faction leaders.
Friday's the ]bd[ leader, Arognaut is the [GC], Dab's Kiretsu...
Zukeenee or someone is KSP and Lotek is KNF (and Casero is second in command?)

Prison Lining Event- Kusari - Elven - 08-29-2010

Talk to Zoey Sakura, Milan and... Jansen? I'm not sure who's responsible for [GC].:P

Remember Aoi Isejin and Nomads are interested in human cargo.