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Joseph Thompson's story - Printable Version

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Joseph Thompson's story - Feldspar - 08-29-2010

Log #1 Part #1
***In this log I'll record my search for my lost father, but first I'll tell you about myself. I am Joseph Thompson. I was born in liberty, on planet Denver Colorado. At age 4 I moved to Bretonia, living in a middle class establishment on Leeds where I spent my childhood. At age 14 I moved to Cambridge after receiving an inheritance from deceased family, who's house on Cambridge was entitled to my mother. The life on Cambridge lasted only a few short years before I was forced to fend for myself.
To be honest I've never known my father. He left me nothing but my last name, Thompson, and his fighter, an old sabre. Even the mere thought of my father had mysteriously eluded me for much of my life, my mother refused to mention the slightest thing about him, and to even think that I had a father was an almost alien concept. I was 18 years old when my mother was involved in a horrific shipwreck that left her in a coma for three months, when she awoke he had departed from sanity almost entirely. I was notified by my mother's attorney that since she no longer could be responsible for her possessions I was to be the ultimate owner of the family estate.
When I was forced into mountains of paper work and legal consultation accompanied by the emotional pain and strife of losing all that held meaning to me, I was shown my mother's will. She was not yet dead, but her attorney thought it best to show me the will. I was astonished to find that there was a ship entitled to me, the sabre my father had left behind was completely unknown to me, as my mother took great care and effort to keep it from me.
I knew how to fly, well enough at least. I could fly the families civilian shuttle, and I made several deliveries with a camara for extra cash before, but the sabre was real military equipment. It gave me an instant feeling of power and pride to see it for the first time and think too myself that it was mine. Fully loaded with purple goddess chain guns, it had not left the rented out hanger it had crouched in for many years.
When I climbed into the cockpit of my new found ship for the first time I picked up an old flight helmet perched upon the head rest of the seat. It then accrued to me why my mother went to such lengths to hide it. It was my father's ship. I hadn't ever questioned the existence of my father until then, it started feelings of anger and sorrow, both at my mother for obscuring the truth, and my father for abandoning me. I spent a portion of the family coffers to hire a staff to look after my incapacitated mother, and the family estate, then I took to the stars.***
Log #1 Part #2
***I flew across Sirius, alone, with nothing to accompany me but my confusion and anger. I didn't have much money that I brought with me. only enough to sustain myself for awhile. after three years of flying my cash reserves had run thin, I found it hard to pay for food and fuel. I had grown used to the rough life of a traveler, accustomed to the violence humanity is capable of. On several occasions I was forced into combat, I always found either a lucky opportunity to flee the violence, once or twice I did engage in open combat and became victorious.
Using my new found skills as a pilot I offered escort to a few independent merchants to help replenish my cash. Years later I found myself a skilled freelancer, escorting traders, and shooting pirates out of the sky. I could not support myself, and was capable of defending myself against malicious pilots.
Having met all my needs, at age 24 I couldn't stop thinking about my father. My ship's original IFF identified the ship as a possession of Mr.Thompson who I assumed to be my father. I couldn't bring myself to change it, though conveniently Mr.Thompson was a title I could use myself, my ship had almost become my father. After spending time contemplating my next move I decided to search for my missing father. as hopeless as it seemed, I felt confident he could be found despite my logical reasoning.***

Joseph Thompson's story - Feldspar - 08-29-2010

Log #2 Part #1
***My search started in Magellan on freeport 4. I had heard in the bar of a Dublin miner by the surname Thompson. After flying to Dublin, to investigate I landed on the Hood. only to find the Thompson I was looking for passed through after briefly examining the residential roster.
[Image: Bs_hood.jpg]

I moved on, exploring the area around Bretonia, moving up to the taus. I visited Freeport 10 and asked around in the bar, when I heard a disturbing rumor of the possibility my father could have been shipped to Malta to work as a slave. I set out to the nearby Omicron Alpha, and was promptly greeted by ships of the outcasts' 101st. After asking one of them about my father, and that I wish to land on Malta, he reluctantly agreed to give me permission to land. He cautioned not to stay too long of I could start feeling the effects of cardimine and become addicted myself. It was a disturbing adventure. There were many slaves by the name of Thompson, but I found no evidence of any of them being my father. I felt much pity for the slaves, but I knew I could not overstay my welcome and left Malta.
on my way back from alpha I was flying to tau 23 going through the tau 37 system, when I encountered two Gallic Brigands. I decided to ask one of the Brigand, namely Jacob.Le'Freud. I was not expecting it at all but he claimed to have known the whereabouts of my father, telling me he was taken captive by the Gallic Royal Navy. He told me the only way to find him was to silently make my way to the Champagne system and meet a man named Earl.II'De'France.***
[Image: chatrecord01.jpg]
Log #2 Part #2
***After exploring Gallia, I was unable to contact Earl.II'De'France.
[Image: marne.jpg]
I decided to put that off until a later date, so I moved on and went back to the taus. There I met a Kusarian named Mariko Kietan, who was flying a salvaged Rheinland bomber. I asked her about my father and if she heard anything, but naturally she knew nothing. Instead she offered employment, as an escort, and she would also help in the search of my father. I accepted this offer, and we moved through Sirius.
First we went from tau 23, down to Dublin where I met a few Mollys one of them named Hayley.Skye. Revisiting the Rumor that my father was a miner in Dublin, I asked if Hayley knew anything. It turned inconclusive, but the Mollys were still friendly enough. We then moved to omega 49 making a stop on planet Gran Canaria.
[Image: Grancanaria.jpg]
After leaving Gran Canaria, we set our course to omega 47, where we met a TAZ trade ship. I asked the pilot if he knew anything, though he seemed quite intoxicated. He knew nothing but promised to let me know if he found anything. Mariko and I continued through the omegas, going from omega 47 to 41. In Omega 41 we met several Corsair gunboat captains, Mariko claimed if it wasn't for my need of information she would have already dispatched them. None of the corsairs co operated when I asked them about my father, this surprised me, as the outcasts of all people showed more respect towards me and even aloud me access to Malta.***
Log #2 Part #3
***We made our way to Omicron theta, where we took a stop on Freeport 9. After asking the locals and getting no useful information, we moved on. the faraway system of Omicron delta was our next destination. We took a risky short cut through omicron gamma to get to a nomad infested system called Omicron kappa. The local residents, known as TCG, were flying large warships. Understandably since the constant threat of nomad raids, but the Captains of these ships were showing signs of advanced radiation poisoning, talking in almost illogical ways and using single letters in context, it was disturbing. Mariko and I left the semi delusional captains behind and moved on to omicron delta, were even less information turned up. We decided to turn around.
On our way back we went through the Zoners' Guard system, omicron 74, instead of omicron gamma. We took a moment to land back on Freeport 9 to get food and a quick rest.***

Joseph Thompson's story - Feldspar - 08-29-2010

Log #3 Part #1
***Mariko and I set off from Freeport 9 once again, with our sights set on house space. The edge worlds turned up little information about my father so I thought I might be able to hear more in populated areas. From Omicron Theta, we traveled to Sigma 17, then to Munich. Mariko told me of her colorful relationship with Rheinland, she used to pirate there (or at least not when I'm around) telling me that her ship was a gift from her mother, who came into possession of the ship through ties to the Red Hessians who captured the ship and pilot from the Rheinland military. we passed through the smuggler routes in Rheinland to the bering system, where we moved into Liberty space.
We arrived at planet Manhattan where I questioned several locals about my missing father. None of them knew anything but we did strike up interesting conversation with another Freelancer, Kyle.Cross with his Virage, and an eccentric TAZ pilot, named Concordia(I think), who flown a Sabre called the [TAZ]Devil.Unicorn. After a long and heated <strike>conversation</strike> ranting about proper behavior of women between Mariko, who was strongly opinionated about her ideals, and the TAZ Pilot. We were confronted by a belligerent LSF agent who was obviously trying to pick a fight with Mariko, I reminded everyone that Mariko employed me as a body guard, so he demanded we drop 'classified materials' (nomad remains we picked up from the omicrons) instead of direct confrontation.***
Log #3 Part #2
***We departed from Manhattan, finding no useful information. We set course for Kusari, one of the places I had not yet been. After awhile of travel we reach New Tokyo, not very crowded at all. We took a turn to Kyushu and flew to the Nansei Research Complex.

[Image: Nansei.jpg]

There Mariko and I met with a trader, who claimed to have seen my father on the bar of New Tokyo. I was very exited about this bit of information, it seemed I was closer than ever (even though the informant claimed to be drunk during the encounter). I was refueling on Nansei, about to set out on my search when I met a familiar face. Kyle Cross. After speaking awhile, Kyle told us he had nothing good to do, and thought to assist me in my search as an act of kindness, he join our group and we set off to New Tokyo.
I was grateful to have Kyle accompany us. He told his story, an ex Liberty Navy Officer, who served a tour in Rheinland before retiring after being disgusted at the atrocities of warfare. He then became a freelancer.***