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To all the Rheinlanders - Printable Version

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To all the Rheinlanders - casero - 08-29-2010

Today we witnessed the capacity of our powerful fleet when it's leaded by its true Konig.
The libertonians that came to Hamburg today will think on it twice before doing it again.
Leaded by the king of Rheinland, the Military fleet composed of several cruisers and a couple of battleship, altogeter with fighters and bombers arrased the Liberty Navy. We destroyed three dreadnoughts, two carriers, and a couple of gunboats.
It's the confidence our troops have for the Konig Tito Vendetta what got us the victory, they followed everysingle order he gave, and they found succes by doing so.

It's time for a change in the Rheinland government, it's time to return to our roots, it's time to believe our true power rests in one man chosen by god. It's time for Rheinland to wake up, it's time for its people to unite, it's time for Tito to claim what's his birth right.

And for once people will hear about him.

Tito Vendetta, Konig of Rheinland.

To all the Rheinlanders - Wolfspirit - 08-31-2010

' Wrote:
Today we witnessed the capacity of our powerful fleet when it's leaded by its true Konig.
The libertonians that came to Hamburg today will think on it twice before doing it again.
Leaded by the king of Rheinland, the Military fleet composed of several cruisers and a couple of battleship, altogeter with fighters and bombers arrased the Liberty Navy. We destroyed three dreadnoughts, two carriers, and a couple of gunboats.
It's the confidence our troops have for the Konig Tito Vendetta what got us the victory, they followed everysingle order he gave, and they found succes by doing so.

It's time for a change in the Rheinland government, it's time to return to our roots, it's time to believe our true power rests in one man chosen by god. It's time for Rheinland to wake up, it's time for its people to unite, it's time for Tito to claim what's his birth right.

And for once people will hear about him.

Tito Vendetta, Konig of Rheinland.
I was there and as I remember we followed our superior commanders instructions, not you. I love if someone use "we" when he don't really did nothing. I fear you don't have troop or military or any useful power and seems like you gathered your information from talkshows when you call yourself as true konig. You can discuss with the so called Godkanzler who have real God's bless. We had an emperor *and I hope we will have again* not a konig and I am sure you know what is the difference - or not. Whatever you questioned our state, you made the worst propaganda, and I am sure you are not much than a liberty puppet, so I can grant you if I see you again, I and my pilots will shoot you. We will see God how will save your skin *ironic* my good konig *ironic*.

To all the Rheinlanders - Politus - 08-31-2010

*the following transmission seems to be coming from the center New Berlin's most populous urban center*

[Image: white-mask.jpg]

Konig, Kanzler. Pot, kettle; black. You get the picture.

Both are autocratic rulers, who would manipulate their followers. Both are in favor of this stupid war you fight, not just against Libertonians, but against your human brothers. If my understanding of scripture is correct, war is a crime against God, and if He exists, neither Konig nor Kanzler has His blessing. You're pawns of a corrupt regime, followers of a corrupt philosophy.

A. Human.

To all the Rheinlanders - Sturmwind - 08-31-2010

[Image: Arison.png]

[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]PRIORITY: [color=#FF0000]Low.
IDENTIFICATION: Kapitan Malcolm Arison, Volksfront.
SOURCE: Unknown, New Berlin System.


Another self-proclaimed tyrant claiming to have any authority over Rheinland or its people. The Volk does not need you, nor your Kanzler friend. We will show you how free Rheinlanders welcome your initiation.

At least you dare show yourself in space. The flaming wreckage of your ship will make a nice reminder to anyone attempting to render Rheinland under an autocratic regime.

Für eine freie Volksrepublik!

[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION TERMINATED ***

To all the Rheinlanders - kramer - 08-31-2010


SOURCE: The Ring


Meine Damen und Herren,
Daumann is proud to announce the construction of the throne of the new Koenig.
A first construction schematic has been released to the public today:
[Image: thronep.jpg]

Axel Schweiss
Daumann PR office



To all the Rheinlanders - casero - 08-31-2010

A little reminder, anyone opposing Konig Vendetta, will perish.

Tito is the one chosen by god, not your Kanzler, we have the proofs for it, we have the strength to do it, and also...

It might be a coincidence, but right after Tito ordered who to attack, the Military forces attacked it, maybe your "superior officer" was giving the same orders, maybe... not.

To all the Rheinlanders - Corsair - 09-01-2010

Cool. More internal fracturing. Makes pillaging convoys easier.

To all the Rheinlanders - Wolfspirit - 09-01-2010

' Wrote:
A little reminder, anyone opposing Konig Vendetta, will perish.

Tito is the one chosen by god, not your Kanzler, we have the proofs for it, we have the strength to do it, and also...

It might be a coincidence, but right after Tito ordered who to attack, the Military forces attacked it, maybe your "superior officer" was giving the same orders, maybe... not.
So you are the chosen one? Good. Just show yourself once more and you will face with your Creator. Tito not ordered to military neither anyone except himself.

To all the Rheinlanders - Edmund.BlackAdder - 09-06-2010

***Incoming Transmission***
**ID: Labelle, Lalita**
*Source: Pacifica Base*

"Hohoo, why you're so modest, Konig of Rhineland?
If you're a pretender of the throne, ya call yaself EMPEROR of Rhineland, not a simple king. A li'l bit more hubris, that the "nobles" recognize that you're a more competent man to act for their interests than the Gottkanzler.
We don't need him, and we don't need you or any other self-appointed leader of the Rhineland, if she or he acts only in the interests of the so-called nobles or high society. The working class will overthrow any system that isn't based on the interests of the people.
My best wishes for a long and painful death for you and any oppressor of the people
Lalita Labelle out"

***Transmission Terminated***