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Should there be? - Printable Version

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Should there be? - Lyderies - 08-31-2010

I'm a little at a lost, Kusari is doing an assualt of the system Leed's, wouldn't Bretonia have all there ship's here? Instead of Kusari space? also how could a bretonian ship/fleet get into kusari space?

Don't flame, im just curiose about the rp of it, how they would get past all the battleships and patrols?

So should they be in kyushu/new tokyo?

or the tau's adn there own space?

Should there be? - Akura - 08-31-2010

You talking about the QCP?

QCP should be the only Bretonian ships in Kusari.

Should there be? - Lyderies - 08-31-2010

' Wrote:You talking about the QCP?
QCP should be the only Bretonian ships in Kusari.


Should there be? - Recovery - 08-31-2010

What's the QCP? Also, the battle is happening in Leeds and the Taus, Bretonians should be there.

Should there be? - Lyderies - 08-31-2010

' Wrote:What's the QCP? Also, the battle is happening in Leeds and the Taus, Bretonians should be there.

so its bad rp for bretonian ships to be in kusari space?

Should there be? - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 08-31-2010

' Wrote:You talking about the QCP?
QCP should be the only Bretonian ships in Kusari.

I think that he's talking about that Bretonian Container Transport that I saw with Sasuke.Ogawa today in New Tokyo on our Hanta Iseijin characters...

We continued to say.."Halt/Stop/Cut your engines/bla bla bla" and then we decided that he should die.

' Wrote:QCP?

Queen Carina's Privateers.

Should there be? - Bobthemanofsteel - 08-31-2010

Nothing is 'Bad RP'.

But Bret ships in Kusari that AREN'T Privateers is a little out of place.

Should there be? - Akura - 08-31-2010

' Wrote:But Bret ships in Kusari that AREN'T Privateers is a little out of place.


Bretonia is on the defensive, any ships other than the QCP found in the Taus or Kusari would most likely be court-martialled.

Should there be? - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 08-31-2010

' Wrote:so its bad rp for bretonian ships to be in kusari space?

Are you the Container Transport? If yes know this..

I would have torn your ship to a size of a Bretonian Penny by SNACing your floating hull even after your ship was disabled.

Even so...// RP as an AI: Bretonians are good only to wipe myself up with.

@Akura: And no..I can't sleep XD

Should there be? - Bobthemanofsteel - 08-31-2010

' Wrote:Yeah...
Bretonia is on the defensive, any ships other than the QCP found in the Taus or Kusari would most likely be court-martialled.

With the exception of Harris.
Assuming it isn't anything bigger than a GB.