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No SRP ? No problem - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 08-31-2010

change redcell from 'not allowed without SRP' to ' not allowed without controlling faction premession as well as your IDs controlling faction premession'

Basicly, the offical faction(s) for your ID as well as the offical faction(s) for the tech you want to use have to ALL agree to it. Admins can overrite such deals, but must pubicly post reasoning.

That or just allow factions to set their own tech chart colors.

Indiepirat/FL/Merc/vigilantie and any faction w/o an offical faction IDs 'controlling faction' would be Admins, but not require the review a SRP does.

No SRP ? No problem - Jimothy - 08-31-2010

Or, we just all stick to basic RP, with no more 'special' cases. There are still plenty enough RP oppourtunities to explore within the confines of the tech chart / normal RP rules, without the need for special permissions.

And I'm not one for giving player factions controll over something like that, I dont even think they should be allow to decide red-celled tech, it should just stay red, and no SRP given for it either.

That's my opinion...

No SRP ? No problem - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 08-31-2010

The problem is that currently a lot of it doesnt make sense.

You have cells were one side can ask for the otehrs tech, but the other can not.

For example virtualy all non-gallic navy/police AND pirates are white to Zoners, they can ask. But Zoners are red to virtualy all of them in return.

The Junkers also have about the same issue, execpt they're white to most unlawfuls on the chart, admitedly it's cause they're semi unlawful at times but at the same time that makes a law abiding Junker unable to request items if it fits their roleplay.

The other way would be to make it were if an ID isnt red is dead hostile to another ID/faction, make it a white cell.

No SRP ? No problem - Elven - 08-31-2010

Well, that's very unlikely because tech exchange completely ruins balance of things.

Even more, I don't understand why'd Xeno use foreign technology if they're idealistic fighters?

No SRP ? No problem - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 08-31-2010

It opens the gate for possible OP layouts without admin premission.

Not really good.

No SRP ? No problem - Jinx - 08-31-2010

with all people being reasonable, level headed people - this works well. - however, distant - and also recent history shows that players are most and foremost players - and the "character" comes second if ever.

many decisions ( especially on the forum RP ) are made on a player basis, with the character ( its knowledge, its basis of decision making processes and its motives totally neglected ) only being a name, a mindless puppet.

so - if players "role"played - kept to the role, made decisions based on the role, swallowed down ooc likings or dislikes - this could happen. - but as it stands - there is little to no controlling mechanism applied to your concept. - what if faction X dislikes player J? - even if its a totally and utterly unreasonable dislike ( like so many people dislike this forum char "karlotta" even if they never deal with him - but its always nice to join the bullys - they will find ANY reason to deny something, no matter what quality is applied to the roleplay... they will deny it cause they can, and cause they believe that it makes them look all fancy and cool )

and another problem with players ( humans ) is - they hate to revise decisions. - many a players realize that they made a false decision in time ( cause they made the decision based on situational emotions - without thinking at all - or without thinking about the long term consequences or any consequences at all )

yet - they are ashamed of apologizing and admitting to be wrong... instead they will even more insist on being right. ( a phenomenon thats quite persistent ) - until they activly ruin not only their own but also others gameplay tremendously. - people hate to give in - they believe it makes them look weak, when in fact, it would have made them look competent..... but once a certain point is passed, it just becomes comical.

with that said - you cannot trust players without a certain control mechanism. - and if you say that admins are that control mechanism.... the same workload is applied to them as before, cause instead of considering every SRP request on their own, they ll have to review all decisions anyway - only its not them being addressed but others... and instead of a formula - they will probably receive 50 pages of logfile with players getting more and more angry.

No SRP ? No problem - tansytansey - 08-31-2010

Pretty much what Jinx said. People are biased towards other people, and they wouldn't have a chance in hell getting equipment from some of the people around here who like to hold grudges.

Official factions only represent their faction any way, they don't own it, or the tech. (cept for factions like Phooms and SCRA I suppose)

You've already got to have a pretty damn good reason to pry a white celled ship from the LR, let alone a red celled ship :P

No SRP ? No problem - n00bl3t - 08-31-2010

SRP's need to be re-activated for ships which can only be purchased via SRP.

That, or ID's need changing.

No SRP ? No problem - Gaz83 - 08-31-2010

' Wrote:Pretty much what Jinx said. People are biased towards other people, and they wouldn't have a chance in hell getting equipment from some of the people around here who like to hold grudges.

Official factions only represent their faction any way, they don't own it, or the tech. (cept for factions like Phooms and SCRA I suppose)

Yeah, also what Jinx said.

' Wrote:Official factions only represent their faction any way, they don't own it, or the tech. (cept for factions like Phooms and SCRA I suppose)

Also this.
But official factions seem to act like they think do though.

No SRP ? No problem - Politus - 08-31-2010

' Wrote:SRP's need to be re-activated for ships which can only be purchased via SRP.

That, or ID's need changing.
There was a roleplay forum I was a part of that had a problem much like this. The admins had a system for special requests; Specifically, player-designed technology (guns, spaceships, etc.) to implement into the game's lore and universe, as it was a forum-based RP.

They didn't have enough admins/mods to handle the workload, so their response to the issue was to completely delete/ignore the workload. This pissed people off.

We have the same issue here. If the workload of running things cannot be handled by the collective administration, then the solution is not to cut vital pieces of the roleplay infrastructure out, it is to increase the amount of workers to accommodate the workload and manage effectively. That way, discontent can be handled more effectively.

Since players will act like players first, as Jinx said, the responsibility falls upon the Administration to make sure that the workload is handled. If the Administration is unable to handle the workload because the workload-per-admin is too much -and I am not blaming the Admins for this, it's a natural occurrence that comes with more players- then the obvious solution is to add more Admins to accommodate the workload, or a moderator team which specifically works on a particular chunk of the workload, thus allowing the administration to focus their efforts elsewhere.

The current tech chart system is a perfectly reasonable one, but it relies upon the assumption that any anomalies requiring special can be handled by the administration.

Thoughts, responses? Anyone want to flame me for suggesting an expansion of the ruling bureaucracy?