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Pirate: - Azurren - 08-31-2010

This is a joke?!! They admit to being a Pirate (And give their faction) yet they think they can just move through house space as long as they don't hurt a fly.

Now, generic pirates / out of house pirates (Liberty Rogues in Rheinland for example).. Perhaps. But a Liberty Rogue in Liberty saying "You can't attack me LSF / LN / Police, I've done nothing wrong!"

From a RP standpoint the more RP between the two before engaging the better. But a lot of pirates seem to be under the assumption that unless you can prove that they have just pirated / killed someone you can't touch them..

But if it is true, that the rules protect them.. :rtfm:
Then that just defeats RP all together.

Pirate: - Azurren - 08-31-2010

' Wrote:If you know they are wrong, why do you post this?
Because almost every Pirate I have met while upholding the Law have spewed the same nonsense. Tbh I was starting to believe it..

I just wanted to confirm that is is complete Horseradish and.. To be honest.. Wondered just how many pirates are spewing this.

Pirate: - Agmen of Eladesor - 08-31-2010

When I RP as an LPI officer, and I run across a pirate in Liberty, I try to RP with them that they have outstanding warrants on them. On my bounty hunter, someone who has a bounty on them in Liberty space is, naturally, not an issue.

But yeah, I know what you're talking about. People want to act as pirates without having any of the consequences of being a pirate. Fortunately, all you have to do is RP that they are under arrest for something - whether it's a broken tail light or improper registration on their vehicle. Be creative and see what happens - tell them that under some section of Sirius code that their windows have too much tint on them and you need to search their vehicle (which is a legitimate traffic stop in most of the U.S.) and then take it from there.

If they don't want to RP back and start leaving, then you can RP that they're running from a legitimate stop and pew them with no issues. Don't get into the rut of going - you're a pirate, now die. (Of course, you're also in Liberty, which is ... Liberty, so there's not much help for that.)

Pirate: - Slartibartfast - 08-31-2010

Differentiate between RP and ooRP. If someone says that inRP, then there's nothing wrong with it. Lots of my pirates are professional liars, so they'll say anything to get out of sticky situation.:P

But if he takes that to ooRP, you can just choose to ignore it. At least that's what I do. And then shoot them usually. *shrugs*

Pirate: - AeternusDoleo - 08-31-2010

I always assume, if a player has a pirate ID, they are a known pirate and a known threat to all organized lawful forces (especially independant pirates). Pirate ID only though, the smuggler ID I treat just like a trader one.

Don't like it? Tough really, comes with the territory of being a pirate. As a pirate you're the straight enemy of all lawful (police) forces. Who can go so far as to exact fines, confiscate cargo, demand your departure from their territory, or, in the worst case, outright hostilities ('though that should usually be reserved for cases where the pirate tries to be a smartass, or has been witnessed to have caused the demise of other lawfuls).

Pirate: - jxie93 - 08-31-2010

Just because they're doing nothing illegal at the moment doesn't mean that they can't be suspected. You can assume they're about to commit a crime and ask what exactly they're doing. If the pirates lie or slip up then you can always RP to place them under arrest for various offences other than acts of piracy or violence.

Pirate: - Avalanche - 08-31-2010

I've have just joined the LPI and I can say that when I meet a pirate that looks suspicious, just either question their motives and react to what they say accordingly. If they are 'just passing' then leave them, firing on them will do no good to either of you. You may die and look like a fool or they may die in which case you have wasted time killing a pirate thats just travelling while in the next house system there is a pirate demanding money from traders that does need to be killed.

Pirate: - Wolfspirit - 08-31-2010

In Omegas if my WRF char meet with a pirate I just remember him the actions against military/civilians, and tell him whatever he do not do nothing at that moment he must pay for his earlier crimes. Usually the pirates accept it, as reason.

Pirate: - Blaze - 08-31-2010

You wont know that a guy is a pirate unless he tells you.. Since IDs dont exist in RP.. So in RP if a guy says that he is a pirate then you have 2 options
1. That he is a pirate
2. That he is an imposter who is a normal guy and acting as a pirate..

For the first option to be true you need to catch him red handed unless you do that you cant prove anything and you have to stick with option 2... That is the problem

Pirate: - Elven - 08-31-2010

Actually laws of Liberty have section about forbidden ships.
Pirate Transport, Pirate train, Rogue / Molly designs and Z-line are banned in Liberty, so don't bother and shoot them.