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LCD - globalplayer-svk - 11-21-2007

hello i have a question,i will buy a new lcd for me and i will buy one of this:

prices are only little different so not much important for me.but i dont know which from these is the best for me.(only for basic using,games,and sometimes movies)
as graphic card i use this one:

i will be very happy when someone help me with choice:)

LCD - McNeo - 11-21-2007

All of them have D-sub inputs which provide inferior image quality (in general) than those displays with DVI inputs.

D-sub is older analogue technology which can hold less data per second than DVI, which is digital, so DVI can provide a clearer display, in general.

Two of those screens I see have a 1680x1050, which is a good high resolution. I would recommend either of the ones that do have this resolution, as it is superior to the 1440x900 resolution supported by the 19" panels.

However, there is a problem. Your graphics card is the lowest tier in the 7-series range, and is not meant for gaming at all, only media work and rendering on a tight budget. With 1680x1050 resolutions, you wont be able to play newer games properly.

But, I would probably get the Asustek screen if I chose between that and the BenQ. Reason is because the Asus screen has a higher contrast ratio and it also has better viewing angles than the BenQ.

If I was buying out of those 4 you listed, I would get the Asus one.

Hope this helps!

LCD - sn!p3r - 11-21-2007

I play games fine on my 7100 gs and that resolution.

LCD - globalplayer-svk - 11-21-2007

i have pc first for browsing internet,from games i play only freelancer:)and my father paly FPS games but very easy type of the games(CoD2,medal of honour series,ubersoldier etc. adn that are older games so is no problem with grapghic) sometime iwatch movies but only sometime.i have tv near only thing why i will have new lcd is that i will replace the old CRT:)

LCD - Etaphreven - 11-21-2007

I don't know about you dude,but I've just bought an LCD Monitor Samsung 223BW , 21.6 inch wide TFT.

PS:Yeah,the page is in romanian so you probably won't understand anything:D

LCD - globalplayer-svk - 11-22-2007

thanks for help.but after reading all sites with lcd and personnal visit in some shops maybe i buy this one

i only hope that my graphic card will have no problem with him.max resolution of card is 2560x1600 and lcd has 1680x1050.

LCD - Lohingren - 11-22-2007

well it isn't so much the lowest form of 7 series mcneo i got a 512 7300LE which is a step down from his tis basically a budget decent'ish card for as you said media coverage not so much game's it does however run 3.0 shader's which is what is needed to play most modern games but you will A. need to have the rest of your computer beasted to make up for the lack of the graphical power of this card and B. need to run the new games on the lowest of the low which usually turns the game from next-gen into below normal-gen