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Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - Printable Version

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Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - Fletcher - 09-01-2010

Hey folks, this is just an opinion poll to try and gauge how you people feel about the systems that are coming up in future versions, current and the general deployment of them.

I hear some people want new systems, some people want to improve current ones to improve their desirability for players to visit.

So, lets have a little look shall we?

Personally, I'd like to see improvements on current systems rather than expansions. We NEED to get people out of Liberty. I know there is great RP there, I've had amazing times in there. But other people and systems need some love too.

I'd like to have a scenery system because sometimes, its nice to just stargaze and marvel at the wonders you people can create.

So, opinions? And feel free to post because as always, I'm curious.:)

Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - Jimothy - 09-01-2010

I personally feel there are far to many systems (And Houses *grr at Galia*), meaning the RP encounters are far to distant and far between. With fewer systems, there would be greater likelihood of meeting people, so more chance for RP...
And part 2... more and more house systems, because it's the lesser of all the evils... empty systems are alright I guess, but if it's there, RP dictates it would be used by someone of other. And the hosues are far more likely to colonise a system than say, the OC...

Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - Dab - 09-01-2010

Current development path;

Upgrade current systems, massive NPC updates, as well as adding new systems WHEN NEEDED. Adding extra systems for the sake of extra systems isn't currently on the agenda. We've got enough that need fixing and updating that new ones are added only when necessary.

Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - Ceoran - 09-01-2010

New systems really only if there's a very good reason for it or we will one day have more systems than players;)

Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - Jimothy - 09-01-2010

' Wrote:New systems really only if there's a very good reason for it or we will one day have more systems than players;)
When server population is low, this is already true, and even with current systems, there's probably only an average of 1-2 people per system (OK, 20 in NY, 10 in Dublin... and 1 everywhere else)...

Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - GhostFace - 09-01-2010

Though I like new systems, I rather have a densely populated system than 5 low pop ones with no interest in them.

As for what kind, as long as their is a big purpose for them, I'm for it.

Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - Zelot - 09-01-2010

' Wrote:Current development path;

Upgrade current systems, massive NPC updates, as well as adding new systems WHEN NEEDED. Adding extra systems for the sake of extra systems isn't currently on the agenda. We've got enough that need fixing and updating that new ones are added only when necessary.


Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - Jimothy - 09-01-2010

What zelot quoted, only when needed, and tbh, the extra house (And the fact it brought a ton more systems with it) WAS NOT NEEDED...
Anyhoo... yeah, by all means bring in new systems if they've got a good use... like expanding the order a tiny bit or some such...

Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - sovereign - 09-01-2010

What Zelot quoted.

As for what we'll improve... activity follows two things, money and activity. New York is active because it is active. Delta is active because it is active. Gallia was inactive because it was inactive, but now it is active because there is money. Dublin was inactive because it was inactive, but is now active because there is money. Etc ad infinitum.

A system needs to be either A) a place people go through while making money or B) an RP/PvP madhouse to be active. Delta is the battleground joining the Nomads, Order, Zoners, Core, and Corsairs. New York joins everything. Everyone trading in Liberty has to go through the Cali pipe. So, either we resign a system to whateverland, or we make it a place people want to be- either a trading/mining zone, or a giant conflict ball. If we don't try hard enough, you get Bremen, which has only ever had anyone in it for A) repping or B) planned events to make Bremen not suck so much.

Keeping these lessons in mind, hopefully we'll make existing systems better. Hopefully.

Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - Jimothy - 09-01-2010

' Wrote:What Zelot quoted.

As for what we'll improve... activity follows two things, money and activity. New York is active because it is active. Delta is active because it is active. Gallia was inactive because it was inactive, but now it is active because there is money. Dublin was inactive because it was inactive, but is now active because there is money. Etc ad infinitum.

A system needs to be either A) a place people go through while making money or B) an RP/PvP madhouse to be active. Delta is the battleground joining the Nomads, Order, Zoners, Core, and Corsairs. New York joins everything. Everyone trading in Liberty has to go through the Cali pipe. So, either we resign a system to whateverland, or we make it a place people want to be- either a trading/mining zone, or a giant conflict ball. If we don't try hard enough, you get Bremen, which has only ever had anyone in it for A) repping or B) planned events to make Bremen not suck so much.

Keeping these lessons in mind, hopefully we'll make existing systems better. Hopefully.
Nice plan, just please don't add any more till the current ones have reasons to visit...