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Revision of class turrets and revision of some turrets. - Printable Version

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Revision of class turrets and revision of some turrets. - Alexandr - 09-01-2010

Idea is simple. Give warships ability to use not only one class of turrets but three at once.
Zephyr - IMG Carrier (hardpoints: 14 Battleship Turrets )
Now with all three classes:
Zephyr - IMG Carrier (hardpoints: 8 Battleship Turrets,4 Cruiser Turrets,2 Gunboat Turrets )
Storta - Outcast Destroyer (hardpoints:12 Cruiser Turrets )
Now with all three classes:
Storta - Outcast Destroyer (hardpoints:8 Cruiser Turrets,2 Battleship Turrets,2 Gunboat Turrets )

What for?
First question that you may ask, for what all this things, if we already have sweet and nice Battleship, Cruiser, etc.
It is normal.
Answer:To make a variety of setups, much more then we have now and as a result to make battleactions a bit more interesting.

Let we have standart situation: 1 Battleship vs 1 Battleship.Jinkusu vs Zephyr(unluckly,but for example let it be)
Standart weapon of most battle ships:Primary Turrets,Mortar's,Solaris Battleship Turrets.
No matter what will do Zephyr it with 90%~95% will be blown up.

But if Zephyr will have 4 Cruiser Missle turrets he can start Longrange battle,were his agility and size give him andvance, in such battle for Zephyr maintain distance is most important,and Junkutsu must approach to use his Mortar's/Primary Turrets.
In such battle chance are 50/50%, and all depend of not who are more Primary Turrets/Armor/Energy core,but who will realize his advance.
What if Jinkutsu will be armed with Cruiser Missles ?It break all conception of longrange battle.
Zephyr can avoid some missles,as I sad his advantages are agility and little size with compair with Jinkusu.

Not it willnt becouse all ship have limmited energy core.Cruiser even standart mortar cant fire.And dont expect if you have cruiser with 2x10 lvl Cerberus you can fire without stoping for energy recharge.

What about balance of small/big ships?
To be honest i dont thinks it make big difference in battle fighter/gunboat.Main weapon of such battle for Gunboat its Agility(BH gunship) and razors/pulse.If use Cruiser Razors on Bottlenoze, you must know,you have only 1 shoot and boom near empty energy level.

What about Gunboats?
Gunboats will stay practical the same,only 1-2 Cruiser Turrets(2 for heavy Gunboats like Hathor).Of course you can forgot about Light Mortars on gunboat( Limmeted power core...) but you can mount most of Cruiser turrets and fire for short time.
For example:Fireing 2 Cruiser Cerberus using Hathor core about for 10 seconds with out stoping or about 25 seconds fireing 2 Basic Cruiser Turrets.

And what we have in Final?
Great choice how your ship can be armed.

P.S. Somebody calculate Energy efficiency of battleship pulse weapon?It make me hurt.
Only Calculation,no emotion:
Energy efficiency (shild damage per second/energy usage per second):
Pulse weapon (10lvl):~0,084
Basic Battleship turret(10lvl):~0,19
Speed of both 800m/s.
Range 3k basic turret and 4,2k pulse weapon,but from such distance even in Jinkutsu you probably willnt hit,
5 seconds for reaction.Enough to avoid hit,especial with perfect(0.50) refire rate of this pulse weapon.

P.P.S All this is peace of junk!
Yes,may be,but is my peace of junk!

Revision of class turrets and revision of some turrets. - Jinx - 09-01-2010

a few reasons why we won t do that:

- capital warships already receive a revision in terms of turrets and weapons next version

- weapons are balanced towards their class powerplants - cross-mounting weapons results in balance problems.

to explain that a little more:

- a supernova uses around 70% of a bomber power - and takes around 12 seconds to replenish enough power to refire. - but in terms of absolute powerneed ( as opposed to the relative powerneed ) its need is quite miniscule. that example can be applied to practicly every cross-class weapon. light mortars use up a specific amount of relative power of a small to large cruiser plant - and cause some trouble on battlecruisers already, cause these can refire them quicker than intended - so such weapons are either too good for the battlecruisers - or too bad for the small cruisers.

either way - the turret splitting has already been done for the most part. so any discussion about another revision really needs to wait till we gathered some experience with the concept we applied for 4.86

Revision of class turrets and revision of some turrets. - Alexandr - 09-01-2010

I disagree,about Mortars.
Light,Standart,Heavy no matter Energy efficiency of them the same.
Quikly recharge?Its depend of power core,why battle cruiser cant use 2 standart Mortars,or for energy level and recharge better light?
Useing Mortar's make empty power core very fast,time weapon recharging didnt make differents.

Revision of class turrets and revision of some turrets. - jxie93 - 09-01-2010

You're not understanding it right.

What Jinx is saying is that weapons of all classes are balanced in terms of efficiency. It'd upset this balance if different classes can be cross mounted.

For example, a SNAC does 132,000 hull damage per 29,740 units of energy. Which means that for every unit of energy, it outputs 132000/29740 = 4.44 points of hull damage.

Now compare this with the battleship Mortar, it does 365,000 hull damage per 2,450,000 units of energy. If we perform the same calculation as before, it outputs 365000/2450000 = 0.15 points of hull damage per 1 unit of energy.

This is a massive difference and the entire mod will have to be rebalanced in terms of weapons if it allowed multi-class cross mounting. It'd be unfair that a battleship can chainfire 3 SNACs (3 x 132000 = 396000), which does roughly the same damage as a single Mortar at the cost of 3 x 29740 = 89220 units of energy, while a Mortar requires about 27 times more the energy.

Revision of class turrets and revision of some turrets. - sovereign - 09-01-2010

' Wrote:You're not understanding it right.

What Jinx is saying is that weapons of all classes are balanced in terms of efficiency. It'd upset this balance if different classes can be cross mounted.

For example, a SNAC does 132,000 hull damage per 29,740 units of energy. Which means that for every unit of energy, it outputs 132000/29740 = 4.44 points of hull damage.

Now compare this with the battleship Mortar, it does 365,000 hull damage per 2,450,000 units of energy. If we perform the same calculation as before, it outputs 365000/2450000 = 0.15 points of hull damage per 1 unit of energy.

This is a massive difference and the entire mod will have to be rebalanced in terms of weapons if it allowed multi-class cross mounting. It'd be unfair that a battleship can chainfire 3 SNACs (3 x 132000 = 396000), which does roughly the same damage as a single Mortar at the cost of 3 x 29740 = 89220 units of energy, while a Mortar requires about 27 times more the energy.


@Original poster:

As Jinx said, we're already splitting turret classes for caps anyway.

Also, you vastly underestimate cruiser missiles on battleship plants... especially when explosions properly hurt shields. Suppose I mounted 10 Kusari cruiser missiles on a Kusari battleship. I can fire all of those at the same time, and nail someone from almost 7k away. (By the time the missiles go that far, dodging them is almost impossible even with a fighter due to their speed.) In case you aren't familiar with how that all plays out, you can blow up a cap VIII cruiser with a single volley, from about 6-7k, and it basically can't miss (not unless they turn tail and spam CMs like they're about to die- which they are). That is not balance. There's nothing wrong with unfavorable matchups, but free kills where the opponent's skill is meaningless? No thank you.

Revision of class turrets and revision of some turrets. - Coin - 09-01-2010

' Wrote:free kills where the opponent's skill is meaningless? No thank you.
