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La Tene Biographies - Printable Version

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La Tene Biographies - Linkus - 09-01-2010

[Image: tryout2.png]

A paradise for the philosopher.
A hub for the merchant.
A haven for the weary traveller.
A home for the people.

Welcome to the La Tene Biographical Information Network.

This is a compendium of all important persona within the La Tene nation.
The information listed here is subject to change without notice and is currently incomplete.


Central Information

Representative Mc Cormack
Page 1 Post 2


La Tene Biographies - Linkus - 09-01-2010

// Placeholder. Oh the beauty of free time, how you are ravaged so.

La Tene Biographies - AJBeast - 09-02-2010

Joshua Altman was born into a typical Molly family aboard Arranmore in 782 AS. Raised like many others with a gun in one hand and the oath to protect Dublin on the other, many thought him to be the black sheep in the family, lacking in reflexes and general flight skills crucial for a life as a Molly. This perhaps led to a different life philosophy than others his of his age and group.

'€œWhy should I sacrifice myself for this piece of rock? What would my sacrifice even accomplish?'€

These were the thoughts that haunted him ever since he was old enough to think for himself. He thought that war was pointless, that the Mollys were sitting on their gold reserves instead of making good use of them.

At age 18 he decided that a Molly life was not the sort he wanted and took off in the next freighter towards Trafalgar Base with just a handful of credits in his pocket (his parents having provided no support at all for his forsaking of the Molly people). There he worked his way up to bigger and bigger ships, establishing trade contacts inside Bretonia and the adjacent border worlds. For several years he lived a life of a Junker, eventually getting recognized as such within their communities despite lacking Junker blood.

Upon the fracture of the Molly Republic and the declaration of independence by several groups, La Tene in particular caught his attention. It seemed to want to remedy all that caused him to leave the Mollys all those years ago. He gathered all of his belongings and headed to Belfast.

Almost as soon as he moved to Newcastle he was '€œchosen by the people'€ and elected for a spot amongst the La Tene Council, his merchant talent and expertise likely to have caught the eye of a powerful local family. Within the Council he proved his worth with the reorganization of the local trade network, optimization of the exports, and incentives of trade partnerships with viable groups far abroad. His ingenuity and creative thinking soon earned him the spot of Vice-Chairman of the Council.

He still works directly on the transport wing of La Tene, trying to establish contacts for possible , future alliances and spreading his knowledge to the growing trading community.

La Tene Biographies - Chapaev - 09-23-2010

>>> Incoming Transmission <<<

Belfast Production Facility, Newcastle
From: Captain Juno O'Keefe
To: La Tene Headquarters

[Image: latenecaptains.gif]

According to my stepmother Galina a group of gypsies, beggars and wanderers found me on the main Belfast station Junkyard. They found me wrapped in newspaper full of greasy motor oil stains. The date on that newspaper became my date of birth. Therefore I was brought up in the spirit of poverty and brotherhood, but in the other hand I was left to find my own surviving skills. The community gave me a sense of pride and honor. As a boy I rambled around transport docks offering my help to mechanics and support staff. In return they gave me food or some used, second hand parts from their junkyard which I would repair, then adapted, and eventually sold them. After some time I became an expert for impossible repairs. Also I had a chance to meet ship's captains and some others.
After a while came my first ship. It was an almost completely destroyed rogue Pirate transport. I got it in exchange for repaired thruster, improved cargo scanner, and pair of improved transport turrets lvl 3. I couldn't believe that I had become the owner of such incredible ship. For days I thought what to do and how to get it back to being space-worthy.
Seven months of hard work have passed and ship was ready for its first flight. I was sure that I would not be able to pilot it as I lacked flying skills and practice. So I decided to wait. I wasn't sure what I was waiting for, but I hesitated it anyway. In the meantime I started to fit in shields, armor, improved drive, and in the end the weapons. Finally, my work came to an end. It was over; it looked mean and powerful in the shade of the hangar. Whenever I had some free time I'd spend it cleaning invisible dust, polishing already shiny metal. I turned that ship to my every day job and said nothing until finally I was left to sleep in the hangar.
Suddenly it occurred to me, why don't I simply find a captain? I had helped several of them many times before. Luckily a few of them were willing to respond, but how they responded quickly, so quickly they gave up. A captain's skills are unique and cannot be shared, they usually answered.
Days passed I sat in the hangar and stared into space, then at the wall and all over again. While my eyes accustomed to emptiness, I heard a strange repeating sound of metal grinding that aroused me from gazing to wall. At the ship's entrance was a man in wheelchair, face scarred as it is passed hundred battles, performed the same series of unusual movements by which he moved towards me.
Hasty he stopped, abruptly pushing metal bar in the wheel. From intensity inertia his body leaned forward.
"Your mamma sends me, she thinks you lost your direction" he said.
"Capt. Gallager of Mollies, La Tene clan" he proceeded, giving me a gnarled hand and weighing look, deep set cold and pierced.
"This ship that you repaired and upgraded used to be mine."- He said, grinning.-"... but now it belongs to you. I'll show you all you need to know but for the partnership."
A moment later a multitude of unknown bases, strange routes and navigation data appeared before my eyes.
The Journey began the next day, flying across Sirius under the La Tene flag.

[color=#000000]>>> Transmission Terminated <<<