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Trade routes for Interspace? - Printable Version

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Trade routes for Interspace? - bobeza - 09-02-2010

I am having a hard time making my own trade route. Are there any nice trade routes for Interspace?

Trade routes for Interspace? - .:Pandemonium:. - 09-02-2010

Try out some of these official routes - maybe something will fit for you:

Trade routes for Interspace? - bobeza - 09-02-2010

Thank you!

Trade routes for Interspace? - Vexykin - 09-02-2010

I can advice very safe Route only in 1 system:P

Buy MOX from trenton, sell to Baltimore Shipyard.

Then buy engine components from Baltimore and sell 'em to Rochester...

With 4000+ cargo it's very profitable!!

Trade routes for Interspace? - Crackpunch - 09-03-2010

' Wrote:I can advice very safe Route only in 1 system:P

Buy MOX from trenton, sell to Baltimore Shipyard.

Then buy engine components from Baltimore and sell 'em to Rochester...

With 4000+ cargo it's very profitable!!

How much does it make in profits per hour?

Trade routes for Interspace? - Lyderies - 09-03-2010

' Wrote:How much does it make in profits per hour?

just worked it out...

5000 cargo-25mil-28mil per hour

Trade routes for Interspace? - AeternusDoleo - 09-03-2010

With, or without pirate tax? Internal trade in NY? Are you nuts?

Trade routes for Interspace? - Lyderies - 09-03-2010

' Wrote:With, or without pirate tax? Internal trade in NY? Are you nuts?

Without, no im not nuts, im serious


Its prob more around 23-25mil per hour

Trade routes for Interspace? - Talesin - 09-03-2010


Trenton --> Baltimore = 190(x Cargohold) Profit with MOX
Baltimore --> Rochester = 287(x Cargohold) Profit with Engine Components

Uhm... unfortunately there's nothing that gives more than 30 Profit when going the way back - exept if you go back to Detroit Munitions, then you would make like another 115 Profit.

So that route doesn't seem very profitable.

Better would be
Norfolk --> Baltimore 114(x Cargohold) Profit with Engine Components
Baltimore --> Norfolk 108(x Cargohold) Profit with Quantum Multiplexors

Since you don't need to cruise in between, just a single Lane and in addition there shouldn't be much Pirates between those two Navy Outposts.
