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Roleplay - Akura - 09-02-2010

People often say things like,

"You RP wrong, you are cancer of Disco"


"You are a PvPwhore, you don't RP you filthy swine"

etc etc.

But let's think about this for a moment. RP, or 'Roleplaying' is playing a role. So if I log onto a Phantom and murder someone for no damn good reason, I'm playing my role correctly because that's what a Phantom should do.

If I'm on a Vigilante and I see a Criminal, I drop a few lines, tell him to GTFO and shoot him. He then bitches because I didn't talk enough, I didn't 'RP with him enough'.
Well no, that is complete bull, I RPed perfectly. I saw a Criminal on a Vigilante, and shot him when he refused to leave, that is me RPing fine, because I'm playing a role.

So next time you get pissed off because someone didn't RP to your standards. Try thinking about what you're saying before you say it and sound like a massive moron.

You are either OORP, and thus, not RPing. Or you're RPing wrong, and thus can be sanctioned for it. Or you're inRP and playing fine, regardless of what people say.

So think about it this way, if it violates any major rules, ID or Server, then it's RPing wrong, or OORP.
This one is important,

' Wrote:6.10 Player reputation and conduct must match player actions. For instance a player may not dock on a base belonging to the persons whom they are attacking or being attacked by.

So if you can't find them to be doing anything other than 'playing their role', then don't go on about them not RPing enough, or to your standards.

It's not about how much time you spend talking or not shooting people, or how many pages of story you have written up, it's about playing a role. Hence 'Roleplay Server'.


Roleplay - Slartibartfast - 09-02-2010


I always followed that philosophy... The problem is, most of the time you see "RP" written on these forums, it actually stands for "talking" not "role play" as is evident from most comments regarding that...

And not just comments, rules too. As rules state that you should "RP" before attacking. And that doesn't mean anything other than talking (of course in role play boundaries) before shooting.

Roleplay - teschy - 09-02-2010

There's also that thing called sportsmanship... go look into it.

Roleplay - Akura - 09-02-2010

' Wrote:There's also that thing called sportsmanship... go look into it.

That too.

It shouldn't take two battleships, three fighters, two cruisers and a gunboat to try and kill a Wild fighter passing through the system.

And drop it Teschy, It was an accident. If I knew who it was, I'd apolagise.

Roleplay - evildead - 09-02-2010

' Wrote:That too.

It shouldn't take two battleships, three fighters, two cruisers and a gunboat to try and kill a Wild fighter passing through the system.

I saw 1 BS , 2 Cruiser , 2 Gb , and 4 VHF to Kill a Poor Hessain

Roleplay - Swallow - 09-02-2010

Yup, i think everyone need to play their role and enjoy the game, i think if you playing phantom you are able to start shooting someone down with mad laugh.
But if you are playing pirate role you need to talk with your victims.
All depends on situation

Roleplay - AJBeast - 09-02-2010

I think most people when logging onto a "roleplay" server expect to see some amount of dialog before the action. It's all about the sort of experience that you are striving for. As such, in the minds of people there can be roles that whilst completely in-RP, are detrimental to the overall RP setting of the server.

Roleplay - Death.RunningVerminator - 09-02-2010

I thought this was established already.. But it's good to repeat these sorts of things.


Roleplay - Evan_ - 09-02-2010

' Wrote:(...)Discuss.

Signed. I always thought that the transport captain who shoots the pirate without a word at the moment it reaches turret range fulfills the RP requirement (while nullifying chances of survival, but that's another question :)).

What's that fair-play stuff everyone blabbers about?

Roleplay - Elven - 09-02-2010

' Wrote:Yup, i think everyone need to play their role and enjoy the game, i think if you playing phantom you are able to start shooting someone down with mad laugh.
But if you are playing pirate role you need to talk with your victims.
All depends on situation
Well, actually people forget pirates aren't some superb terrorists able to keep on fighting Navy for ages (even despite pirates're not interested in fighting Navy - they're pirates for reason - they need as much cash for pleasures as possibly, and they'll spend their time either for pleasures or piracy).