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A Dublin Wide Broadcast From Arrenmore Base - Printable Version

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A Dublin Wide Broadcast From Arrenmore Base - qwertypp7 - 09-02-2010

---Incoming Transmission---

Comm ID: Nick O'Flannigan, Molly Separatists
Subject: Minin' licences

Top'o'th'mornin' Dublin!

Now... I tink' most o' ye' miners will have noticed a wee change in our policy towards ye' as of late. We've stopped demandin' credits feh' ye' life an' now we're chargin' credits feh' minin' licences an' ye' can keep ye' life feh' all we care, provided ye' don't feck wit' the Mollys.

So I'm here teh' set out wha' exactly the system is so ye' don't get confused an' try sometin' stupid...

If ye' transfer the one million credits when we advertise it over the system comms, tha' buys ye' a couple o' hours minin' under Molly protection at half the normal price. A good deal if ye' ask me.

If ye' choose not teh' transfer the one million while the deals on offer an' we find ye' minin' still, then it'll be 2 million credits feh' the same package. If ye' choose not teh' pay tha', well then we'll be havin' ye' gold off ye' an' minin' will become quite difficult feh' ye'. If ye' a mouthy fecker or ye' decide teh' use ye' guns instead o' ye' voice then ye'll find yeself' floatin' in a pod...

An' tha' brings me onteh' the all day licence. Feh' a measly 4 million credits, ye' can get a good twelve hours o' minin' under Molly protection. Tha's payable when advertised or if we find ye'.

We'll be keepin' tabs on whos payed an' who ain't but it helps us if ye' take guncams as proof o' payment so if some uppity fecker tries teh' tax ye' twice, ye' can prove it teh' us an' we can sort em' out.

An' any o' ye' got a problem wit' this new system... Well, ye' can shove it up ye' arse cos' its better an' what we used teh' be doin' feh' all involved.

O'Flannigan out.

---End Transmission---

A Dublin Wide Broadcast From Arrenmore Base - AeternusDoleo - 09-02-2010

*return transmission from IMG miner Carsten Miller, near the IMG Hood*

Erynel 'ere o' th' IMG moiner Carsten Miller. Nae got a problem with this, nae at all, heh. Be jes' wonderin' if ye lads 'ave a more... err... Permanent loicense available. Ye know. The koind that doesnae expire. Nae want problems with ye, 's far 's oi be cn'cerned ye'r a boon ta me.

Moight even add a bonus e'ery now and then ifn' ye lads stay near when oi be in tha field. Jes t' keep th' unseelies away 'n all. Heh.

Anyways. Lemme know.

Oh. Last thin'. Fer th' love of th' gods... cut back on supplyin' Zed with ungodly amounts o' yer whiskey! Half of Java be pasted on th'stuff.

*comms close*

A Dublin Wide Broadcast From Arrenmore Base - kersch_wasser - 09-02-2010


Comm id: -ERROR-

Location: battleship essex

Name: Angel

Message: petty petty pirates...your no better than the bretonian government...fighting over the same boring thing,,,gold...

and you "mollys" are about as weak as your name sounds...there ae trillions of credits in gold that is mined in the dublin system and sold in liberty...and you pathetic mollys stop what,10?20 loads of gold ore from leaving dublin?

that out of the thousands upon thousands of shipments that go out successfully..if you actually want to have more than a broomstick to command your imaginary empire..i suggest you seek help from the corsairs...they have more forces than you mollys,a thousand times over...and they have done your job a hell of alot better than you have..


A Dublin Wide Broadcast From Arrenmore Base - qwertypp7 - 09-02-2010

---Incoming Transmission---

Comm ID: Nick O'Flannigan, Molly Separatists
Subject: Minin' licences

Hmmm... Haven't rightly taught' about permanent licences...

I'll have a chat wit' the other lads in the Pub an' we'll get back teh' ye'.

As feh' Zed, aye I seen im' drink an' he puts most Mollys teh' shame. It'd be a pity teh' stop sellin' im' whiskey though... Don't know what eed' do witout' it teh' be honest... Not teh' mention tha' hes the single biggest customer teh' the Molly whiskey industry.

As feh' ye' 'Angel' ye' uppity little fecker, ye' can rest assured tha' ye' no longer eligible teh' buy a minin' licence. In fact, ye' can consider yeself' an' enemy o' the Mollys an' we'll be sure teh' pay ye' a visit once ye've left tha' wee battleship.

Probably a good ting' ye' got a mouth on ye' actually cos' the boys was gettin' bored wit' nothin' teh' blow up...

O'Flannigan out.

---End Transmission---

A Dublin Wide Broadcast From Arrenmore Base - Vexykin - 09-02-2010


[color=#FFFFFF]Comm ID:
Bretonia Mining and Metals
Name: Brad Rowlins
Location: Battleship Essex, Dublin system
Target: Mollies

This sound reasonable...i could even pay bonuses if protection is good enough

Thank you Mollies for making things reasonable!

Brad out


A Dublin Wide Broadcast From Arrenmore Base - kersch_wasser - 09-03-2010


Comm id: -ERROR-

Location: Battleship Essex

Name: Angel


Just another drunk space hick...atleast the xenos know how to speak sirian common instead of the kind of jibberish an animal on cardamine would speak....

Thats all you mollys are...Animals...And ill have you know that im not the one that does the mining,one of my associates does the mining...I however fly a very different craft,i own two craft infact,the second one is docked at java station...

as for you, Nick Kollektor zhil`e nedyeĭstvitelʹnyĭ...I can personalyl assure you that if we meet...Those bretonian battleships spreading your blood onto those gold rocks in space...will eb the least of your worrys


A Dublin Wide Broadcast From Arrenmore Base - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 09-03-2010

[Image: suepost.png]

An for fecks sake, summin tell all yon gits in de armed forces bout de bloody treaty!


A Dublin Wide Broadcast From Arrenmore Base - Wafellini - 09-03-2010

[color=#FF0000]Connection established == Location <static> == ID - Pirate - Vlad Nemirof & Viktor Kamaz

Ahoy there

I would like to add to all of you miners out there that me and my friend here will remain so drunk that nothing will defend you from my small taxes. For your own good - pay up and let's become friends. If you refuse well I have some freelancers who will gladly take your gold and sell it in Rheinland for you. So boys just keep calm and cool like we are and it shall be fine.

As for you Mollys friends , the only thing I am able to help you with is getting rid of competition : Corsairs , other pirates or anyone who is threating miners to get cash pay me... and don't try to tell me that you will remove me from Dublin cause it is your turf...Rogues go that way and it doesn't work...

Well Viktor is calling me for another bottle ... I am getting sober because of all this talking.
Take care boys and see you soon in Dublin space.

Disconnecting -- transmission ended --

A Dublin Wide Broadcast From Arrenmore Base - Hone - 09-04-2010

*Incoming Transmission*

Eh oh ey-up there, so's I just seen this, an it seems good, but Some squaddie says as it still aint legal:


so wadda we do?

Aye, also; Can indys like me collect this? And if the miner says; "i already paid a molly" am I sposed to let im go? If so, how can ah be sure ees tellin the truth? An what if the guy ee paid aint round no more?

A Dublin Wide Broadcast From Arrenmore Base - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 09-04-2010

' Wrote:*Incoming Transmission*

Eh oh ey-up there, so's I just seen this, an it seems good, but Some squaddie says as it still aint legal:


so wadda we do?

Aye, also; Can indys like me collect this? And if the miner says; "i already paid a molly" am I sposed to let im go? If so, how can ah be sure ees tellin the truth? An what if the guy ee paid aint round no more?

[Image: suepost.png]

Das wot 'ah 'arghest swarm be for laddie, wen dem feckers say dot it be illegal.