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Question? - Printable Version

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Question? - AG. L.T.Smash - 11-22-2007

Ok, I know most of the recognised factions on the server now but is there anything to stop me naming a ship with an NPC faction DSE or IMG?

I've noticed a few chars floating about with tags such as these, KNF for instance..are they recognised though, not sure on that one tbh.

anyway, it would just be part of the name of the vessel and an indication of who it is allied to/working for.

useful replies only please, getting sick of the flamers now.

Question? - Juan_Arquero - 11-22-2007

' Wrote:Ok, I know most of the recognised factions on the server now but is there anything to stop me naming a ship with an NPC faction DSE or IMG?

I've noticed a few chars floating about with tags such as these, KNF for instance..are they recognised though, not sure on that one tbh.

anyway, it would just be part of the name of the vessel and an indication of who it is allied to/working for.
useful replies only please, getting sick of the flamers now.
Look at the Discovery Factions Quick Reference Guide as that lists the official factions and which tags they use. Notice that [KNF] is an official player faction. I'm sure that they would get very annoyed with an independent player who was using their tag without joining their player faction.

Question? - Jwnantze - 11-22-2007

if its not listed I dont see a problem with such a prefix or sufix

Question? - Jinx - 11-22-2007

there is basicly nothing to stop you name your char [KNF] <name> for example. that is, becuase freelancer doesn t have a faction approve system like other professional massive online games. ( some online games restict the use of "[, ], {, }, (, ), =, etc. so they are a clear sign of approved factions, freelancer doesn t do that... i think mostly cause it was meant to be a LAN/singleplayer game rather than a massivly online game )

however, it ll clash with the real KNF if they see someone that is not part of their faction immitate them. and will probably be dealt with by admins ( or --- by the faciton itself ).

so, technicly, nothing stops you - but its not very smart to do it without being part of a faction. its detrimental to the community to copy a well known faction. most of all, cause the only reason i can see in doing so is to damage the factions reputation ( hm, that sounds worse than i had intended it to sound )

if you wish to be recognized as part of a NPC faction without immitating existing NPC factions, you can allways use other letters like =KNF= or <KNF>. just not to mess up with the player faction. and i would still recommend to get feedback from them asap.

about factions, there is nothing to stop a bunch of people to get the same name extention. so you can basicly easily get 20 people to share the same "flag" or "tag" in their name. doesn t make you a faction in forum terms, but ingame, it ll appear like it. ( check out the DIC faction and discussion about it )

anyway, if you like to copy a npc faction without joining the ranks of the directly related playerfaction i would:
- talk to the playerfactions first - their leaders or spokesmen
- discuss your case and work out a "tag" that is close enough yet cannot be disturbed with their tag

basicly - imagine that YOU are the playerfaction and someone comes up and tags himself identical or very similar. imagine that person has never spoke to you and you don t know if his actions will be negative or postive. you d most probably want that person to wear something different, too, especially when that person appears to hurt your factions reputation, cause the community/players think that he is part of your faction.

Question? - yurineova - 11-22-2007

Check the gfaction statsu to see if the tag you want is used, and if it isnt, then feel free to use it. If it is used, thyen find another way to put it. IE instead of [RM], do {RM} or (RM) or just plain RM.

IO'll post the faction tags shortly

Question? - yurineova - 11-22-2007

All current registered tags:

[Phantom] - Phantoms
[AW] - Asgard Warriors
[The_Angles] - Discovery's The Angels
[RM] - Rheinland Military
[IND] - Independents
[HF] - Hellfire Legion
[TAZ] - Temporary Autonomous Zoners
Bs| - Black Squadron
RAXX (XX being a certain code, such as B for Bomber) - Sirius Revolutionary Collation Army (SCRA)
[TBH] - The Brotherhood
{JM} --OR {JC} - The Junkers
[N] - Nayehiya
(NovaPG) - Nova Powergen
[101st] - 101st Outcast Guard
{Bushido} - Bushido
RepEx - RepEx
.:UOG:. - Union of Gold
=BSG= - Battle Star Galactica
Corsair-XXXXX_Benitez - Benitez
[QCP] - Queen Carina's Privateers
[M] - Mandalorians
[NLH] - Nature's Last Hope
SSO| - Shadow Stalker's Organization
[RoS] - Reapers of Sirius
DW - Darkwing
[KNF] - Kusari Naval Force
=LSF= - Liberty Security Force
[\JG/] - Jupiter Guild
[LDDGD] - (I couldnt find what LDDGD stands for...)
UKMG - (Again, cant find what it stands for, but I assume United Kingdom Mining Guild)
[SA] - Southern Alliance
[RHA] - Red Hessian Army
[BLS] - Blue Lotus Syndicate
[QCO] - Queen Carina's Own
[W] - Worker's Front
{SU} - Slaver's Union
-{BD}- - Black Dragon Society
[SF] - Sirius Federation

And thats it.

Question? - UKMG-Tsunami - 11-23-2007

The UKMG is the United Kingdom Mining Guild. They RP under IMG.

(Don't confuse them as being Bretonia Mining and Metals because they're UK, they're actually IMG)

Question? - AG. L.T.Smash - 11-23-2007

just a point of clarification, I wasn't suggested that i used KNF, I was just questioning if they were a recognised faction.

I'm thinking more along the lines of the npc factions such as DSE, IMG, Bowex etc.

From what you are saying it looks like i'm ok to do that.


Question? - Juan_Arquero - 11-24-2007

' Wrote:just a point of clarification, I wasn't suggested that i used KNF, I was just questioning if they were a recognised faction.

I'm thinking more along the lines of the npc factions such as DSE, IMG, Bowex etc.

From what you are saying it looks like i'm ok to do that.

Seeing KNF can be confusing since it is an NPC faction and a player faction using the [KNF] tag.

Since most (if not all) player factions here use the convention of [tag]_playername, you might want to use the convention of playername_[NPC tag] to indicate that you're not part of a player faction.