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all this talk of pirates - Printable Version

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all this talk of pirates - DMSP3677 - 11-22-2007

hi lo,
DMSP here. I've been playing for a while and reading forums and hearing of them from a buddy(Olaf Gustefsen) The topic of pirates and pirating has sparked my interest,


If pirates are supposed to be looting and taxing ppl who have RP tags adn ships and stories, why is run or pay the only option? I've tried pirating on this server. It's tough. you really need to have a gunboat/battleship to hurt some of the bigger ships unless you are really really good, (i am not)
Furthermore, If running is your choice as it is with most of tehse people, when they die there should be somekind of tax, life is more important than whatever is in your cargo. i dont care if you did just happen to find 1000 giant nomad brains or whatever.

Could lives, or a bounty bullitin help?

say, I was a pirate you refused to pay, i chase you down your run for soo long i have to brreak off, shouldnt there be a forum or place to post, I want your hide, someone get him!!!
or what about a TAXMAN group, that factions can request a tax blockade in thier sector?

all this talk of pirates - trekster - 11-22-2007

have you check for bountys here:Discovery Roleplaying Employment

I know theres some in there

all this talk of pirates - galaktik - 11-22-2007

First u cant pirate in battleship, highest class of ship with you can pirate is Gunboat

Second pirating is not easy job u have to have patiance and kowledge of good pirating places(siting in one place with no traders is dumb)

Third is that u can call onlly pirates from same faction or friendly pirate faction to get help(u can call them trough comm channels)

Best if u know some pirates and hang with them to learn about pirating

all this talk of pirates - onca - 11-22-2007

Yeah the life of a pirate is a hard one.... Arrrrr.... I think the name of the game is to team up with a buddy. One carries a cruise disruptor and the other a Nova or some other BFG, and even transport shields drop quickly when pummelled by two VHF's.

As for the other thing, there's nothing to stop you posting bounties on traders who run away and generally p' you off. Or just having you own hit list, like Archelon of [Nayehiya] does.

Hope this helps......

all this talk of pirates - mjolnir - 11-22-2007

' Wrote:I've tried pirating on this server. It's tough. you really need to have a gunboat/battleship to hurt some of the bigger ships unless you are really really good, (i am not)

So first... you are not allowed to pirate in anything bigger than a GB. - read the rules

Second - get a Bomber with a supernova and a Train disruptor and suddenly you will hurt the bigger ships.

all this talk of pirates - Archelon - 11-22-2007

I've got my hunt list for just this purpose. Check the link below for Atalawohisdi's Hunt List. This is where I've posted my list of traders that don't like to pay, mouth off and such. Check it out. If you wanna add to my list, just post to that thread and I'll add the trader to it.

all this talk of pirates - DMSP3677 - 11-23-2007

' Wrote:So first... you are not allowed to pirate in anything bigger than a GB. - read the rules

Second - get a Bomber with a supernova and a Train disruptor and suddenly you will hurt the bigger ships.

first i talking about caps ship whoring... friend's lingo
i havent't personally used anything but my viper
second - ty for the tip

archelon we may talk further

all this talk of pirates - Archelon - 11-23-2007

Ok DMSP ... I'm curious what you would want to talk to me about.