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renders ( please do not respond in that thread ) - Printable Version

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renders ( please do not respond in that thread ) - Jinx - 09-10-2010

Zoner Juggernaut "Nephilim class" included
[Image: jinkusu_mk4.png]

Gaian Gunship 2nd generation rejected in that shape by the community
[Image: gaiangunship.png]

BHG Battlecruiser - rejected by the community
[Image: BHGbattlecruiser.png]

Shire - rejected by the community
[Image: shire.png]

Barge 2nd generation, mobile processing facility included
[Image: barge.png]

Bundschuh fighter - design study
[Image: bundschuh.png]

Liberty Navy 2nd generation assault cruiser included
[Image: LABC.png]

Orca - rejected by the BHG faction
[Image: Orca.png]

Osprey Zoner - pending rejected
[Image: osprey.png]

IMG - rejected
[Image: ravenstalon.png]

Olympus luxory yacht (actually available, just no salepoint)
[Image: yacht.png]

Zoner Juggernaut "Hades class" - design study
[Image: juggernaut3.png]

Marauder, civilian design
[Image: bulldog.png]

Zoner Juggernaut "Leviathan class"
[Image: Leviathan.png]

LSF "spyglass 2nd generation"
[Image: LSFspyglassmk2.png]

renders (please do not reply in that thread) - Jinx - 09-24-2010

Vidar 1st generation cruiser - rejected
[Image: vidarrevision.png]

GMG planetary/atmospheric freighter - design study
[Image: gmgfreightermk2.png]

1st generation GMG freighter - rejected
[Image: GMGfinal.png]

GMG medical frigate - rejected
[Image: medi1.png]

Mako - rejected
[Image: BHGmk3.png]

Zoner armored Whale 2nd generation - rejected
[Image: whale_mk3.png]

Tigershark - community rejected
[Image: tigersharkcol.png]

CTE civilian gunship - community rejected
[Image: civgs3.png]

OSC mobile headquarters - rejected
[Image: OSCHQ.png]

GMG freighter 3rd generation
[Image: gmgfreighter.png]

LSF dreadnought - design study
[Image: LSFDreadnought.png]

LSF shade, VHF - design study
[Image: LSFshade.png]

Outcast custom fighter - design study
[Image: Outcastfighter.png]

Bretonian ship - community rejected
[Image: bret_BC.png]

Bretonian - community rejected
[Image: skinnedBBC3.png]

renders - Jinx - 10-13-2010

GMG Bomber 2nd generation - community rejected
[Image: GMGbombermk2.png]

GMG Bomber 2nd generation short range variation - community rejected
[Image: GMGbomber-nowing.png]

Zoner Fearless 3rd generation - design study
[Image: zonerfearlessmk3.png]

IMG racer - design study
[Image: civilian_generic.png]

Chamaelion Gaian HF 1st generation
[Image: gaianVHF.png]

GMS mining shuttle - design study
[Image: GMSshowcase.png]

civilian shuttle - community rejected
[Image: Mafic.png]

Civilian mining line - rejected
[Image: Mining_line.png]

LSF stealth fighter - rejected
[Image: Ghost.png]

Superlight "Dragonfly" - design study
[Image: dragonfly.png]

Superheavy GMS train - pending
[Image: GMSHTStallion.png]

IMG racing ship - design study
[Image: GMSVHF.png]

BHG core Sentinel - community rejected
[Image: bhg_custom_build.png]

GMG SHF - rejected
[Image: gmgsVHF.png]

Zoner Borderworld Transport 2nd generation
[Image: zonerwhale.png]

renders - Jinx - 11-14-2010

GMG light fighter - rejected
[Image: gmgverylight.png]

Dacite "heavy miner"
[Image: Dacite.png]

Zoner Fearless 4th generation - concept study
[Image: PredatorFearlessmk3.png]

Zoner Bomber - pending as non playable
[Image: GMGSHF.png]
Large fighter with a single superheavy launchtube, prototype status, deployed on Aquillon combat carriers

LNS "New Orleans" heavy carrier - rejected
[Image: libertycarrier.png]

Zoner Aquillon 2nd generation
[Image: Aquillonmk22.png]

Junker long range repair ship - community rejected
[Image: repairshipedgeworld.png]

Conference 3rd generation
[Image: Conferencemk4_guard.png]

armored train generic - rejected
[Image: generic_train.png]

Kaichou version 3 - community rejected
[Image: kaichourevisited.png]

Hogosha Guncarrier - rejected
[Image: Hogosha%20GB%202_zpsba221e59.png]
[Image: Hogosha%20GB%201_zps06c1d7df.png]

Blossom 2nd Generation - concept study
[Image: Blossommk2.png]

Spatial deep space explorer
[Image: spatialmk3.png]

Hathor 3rd generation - community rejected / used for a different purpose
[Image: Hathor3rdgeneration.png]

Mafic 2nd generation - concept study
[Image: Mafic_new.png]

Mastodon 2nd generation
[Image: mastodonmk3.png]

renders - Jinx - 12-05-2010

Zoner Conferende 1st generation - re-used (sadly)
[Image: conference_old.png]

Hathor 1st generation - re-introduced due to official faction pressure (against better knowledge)
[Image: Hathor_old.png]

Nephilim mk3 - concept study
[Image: Nephilimmk3.png]
fixed the skin bugs

X-Shuttle / space pickup - rejected
[Image: x_shuttle.png]
it has 2 hardpoints for custom containers!!! - but its only half the size of a vanilla container... so no dice

Civilian Courier - concept study
[Image: courier.png]

BHG Battleship revision - rejected
[Image: BHGBB.png]

BHG Battlecruiser - rejected
[Image: BHGBC.png]

BHG line revision - rejected
[Image: BHGfleet1.png]
[Image: BHGfleet2.png]

Sea Serpent revision - rejected
[Image: bhglf.png]

Resheph 2nd generation - rejected
[Image: spyglass_wreck_zpsd13b4789.png]

Junker armored transport (weaponized) - concept study
[Image: ATbasedGB_zps626fac80.png]

Borderworld SHF - concept study
[Image: BWbasedGB_zpsf8a58e1b.png]

Stinger mk2 - concept study
[Image: Stinger_zpse22b8aac.png]

Gaian Racing ship - skinning and concept study
[Image: gaianracer_zpsce7c8ac4.png]

Rheinland Container Transport Concept - community rejected
[Image: modifiedctrans_zps1b33425d.png]

ALG Hazard Train - concept study
[Image: ALGhazardctrans_zps52e65a05.png]

Rheinland Container Transport
[Image: heavyRHCT_zps9df8eb77.png]

Blossom 2nd generation
[Image: Blossom3rdgeneration_zpsc32b0712.png]

renders - Jinx - 02-28-2011

Mamoru - rejected
[Image: FAbomberM_zpsb9fb90f9.png]

[Image: Stinger_zpsa3a3de7a.png]

Osprey revision - concept study
[Image: Ospreymk2_zps72bd4a13.png]

Transport medium - concept study
[Image: corsairmediumtransport_zpsb1bbd2ee.png]

Freighter large with vanilla pod design - concept study
[Image: Dragonfly_zps3e6446fb.png]

Zoner medium transport - community rejected
[Image: zoner_diplomat_zps28c8f5f7.png]

Generic VHF - rejected
[Image: Wasapu_zps15439714.png]

Crow - design study
[Image: Crow_zps9567bf8b.png]

new Osprey revision ( due to balance problems with the current one )
[Image: osprey_revision_zps323e96a4.png]

Fighter revision
[Image: Virage_mk2_zps578d43a9.png]

Civilian freighter to replace the current placeholder
[Image: civilianshuttle_zpscd36c358.png]

Civilian gunboat to replace the current placeholder - concept study
[Image: civiliangunboat_zps9c4d190a.png]

Kusari Container Transport
[Image: kusCT_zps4c86bda8.png]

BHG Destroyer - rejected
[Image: BHGdestroyerNEW_zps749944da.png]

BHG Battlecruiser - rejected
[Image: BHGbattlecruiserNEW_zps22d130d7.png]

BHG Battleship - rejected
[Image: BHGbattleshipNEW_zps363184d8.png]

renders - Jinx - 03-08-2011

Zoner Q-ship medium - rejected by the community
[Image: deep_sleep_liner_by_sjrarj-d73tybs.png]

Zoner Q-ship large - rejected by the dev team
[Image: bliner_by_sjrarj-d73xmil.png]

Zoner Q-ship large - rejected by the community
[Image: nephilim_by_sjrarj-d75se24.png]

Zoner Q-ship small - rejected by the community
[Image: assault_transport_by_sjrarj-d75ssqh.png]

Zoner VHF - rejected by the dev team
[Image: xfighter_by_sjrarj-d7dr0jf.png]

Zoner VHF - rejected by the dev team
[Image: osprey2_by_sjrarj-d7dr0fq.png]

Tigershark - rejected by the dev team
[Image: light_stealth_by_sjrarj-d7i4q5z.png]

renders - Jinx - 05-20-2011

some concept stuff

BHG revision - rejected by the official BHG faction
[align=center][Image: BHGdestroyerNEW_zps749944da.png]
[Image: BHGBCR_zps2aecae78.png]
[Image: bhg_battleship_by_sjrarj-d7sgzrt.png]

Factionized armored train - concept study
[Image: jiva_train_by_sjrarj-d7mckiz.png]

Factionized SRP fearless - concept study
[Image: jiva_fearless_by_sjrarj-d7ndw9i.png]

Havok mk IV - concept study - bad shape for disco ( flat )
[Image: civ_hb_by_sjrarj-d7oc7ec.png]

FA Bomber revision mostly for balancing and mesh refinement
[Image: fa_bomber_by_sjrarj-d7p0xsb.png]

civilian courier gunship rejected by the dev team
[Image: gunshipc_by_sjrarj-d7s1vtm.png]

AI dreadnought class not for disco
[Image: aidn_by_sjrarj-d7swkpv.png]

small explorer not for disco
[Image: explorer_by_sjrarj-d7udqdp.png]

Orchid inferior to the current model
[Image: orchid_by_sjrarj-d7ue35v.png]

medium armoured transport not for disco
[Image: medium_armoured_transport_by_sjrarj-d7ukpyf.png]

Kusari Explorer Revision not for disco
[Image: kusari_explorer_by_sjrarj-d7v3opt.png]

Low poly Test light bomber not for disco
[Image: sawyer_cat_bomber_by_sjrarj-d7v8oe1.png]
just to check out how the Sawyer Cat Pin-up looks like on it...

untextured ( yea, too much work to texture it at that time... ) concept of a Mobile Junker Scrap Refinery
[Image: junker_heavy_barge_by_sjrarj-d7wzf2a.png]
extreme polycount, so of course no disco model

Osrey, cause ppl hate the current one
[Image: fighter_revision_shf_by_sjrarj-d7x4kl2.png]

GMG Whale concept - not submitted
[Image: gmg_fuel_tanker_by_sjrarj-d7x8b8d.png]

Civilian medium liner - not submitted
[Image: civilian_liner_by_sjrarj-d7xp8oi.png]

Custom Aquillon - non carrier/assault battleship version - also fancier not submitted
[Image: srp_aquillon_by_sjrarj-d7xu3cy.png]

Custom Dragon Yacht
[Image: dragon_yacht_by_sjrarj-d7y0sat.png]

Order Geb version
[Image: srp_geb_bridge_by_sjrarj-d7yes1w.png]

rediculously enormous Zoner Liner
[Image: large_zoner_liner_by_sjrarj-d7yvqad.png]

a yacht, like a Democritus mk2
[Image: yacht_by_sjrarj-d7x9mbg.png]

Corsair Train update, Dev rejected
[Image: corsair_train_by_sjrarj-d7z4ym1.png]

Customized Corvo - special request
[Image: refined_liner_by_sjrarj-d7zilju.png]

Condor (formerly Hathor, reskinned darkly)
[Image: condor_by_sjrarj-d7zpwou.png]

renders - Jinx - 09-07-2011

some "ingame"
pictures of ships that might have been - or will be

not submitted for disco
[Image: 02Spatial_zps49f29044.png]
meant to be a small, autonomous explorer craft for the freelancing spacefarer, cheap, sturdy - but not pretty

[Image: 03FAbomber_zps35f99044.png]
the refinement of the FA bomber, heavier and bigger than the predecessor

rejected by the official BHG faction
[Image: 04bhgde_zpsb8a934d1.png]
BHG destroyer

rejected by the official BHG faction
[Image: 06bhgbc_zpse3f2f1c0.png]
BHG battlecruiser

rejected by the official BHG faction
[Image: 05bhgbb_zps114e9ca2.png]
BHG battleship

not submitted for disco
[Image: 01KuEx_zps94b855ef.png]
Kusari Explorer, the more sophisticated way to travel long distances - a fast courier type ship with a lot of firepower

denied by the community
[Image: 07ZonerAquillon_zps341824c5.png]
the large Zoner Q-ship - capable of sustained flight, cavernous cargobays, docking bays and bristling with point defense weaponry

rejected by the community
[Image: 08ZonerNepihilim_zpsd97ea8e3.png]
massive Zoner Q-ship or rather generation/colony ship. these ships take off into the unknown - rarely to be seen again. heavy weapons, thick armor protect those brave souls that venture into the unknown

not for public usage
[Image: srpyacht_zps53373995.png]
the new generation of sleek leisure yachts for the billionaire with taste

a customized Corvo leaves the shipyards
[Image: control_quickview3_zps754f40f0.png]
not even a multi trillionaire can afford that ... ( but Zoners can! )

renders - Jinx - 10-06-2011

AI propulsion effect

[Image: congress_shipbreaker_by_sjrarj-d8odamg.png]
Junker Train tug / shipbreaker

GMG gunboat concept

Link to
Civilian Gunship concept

Link to
Ageira Heavy Bomber

Link to
LSF Stealth Interdictor

Link to
Order Recon Destroyer

Link to
Farmers Alliance Light Bomber

Link to
BHG Destroyer

Link to
BHG Battleship

Link to
Zoner Revision Expedition Fleet

Link to
Coalition Light Fighter

Link to
Coalition Heavy Fighter

Link to
Coalition Superheavy Bomber

Link to
Modified Zoner Light Attack Cruiser

Link to
[JIVA] Orbital Headquarters/Directorate Leisure Yacht

Link to
GMG Whale[/align]