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Connection Issues - Printable Version

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Connection Issues - Ninjai - 09-11-2010

ok here goes, I cant get the server list up, I have followed the help topic on installing to desk top, The system i play the game on is win XP X64 os, which dose not run IPv6. I do play on a lan and dissabled IPv6 on my lap top which is vista os. re booted everything, tryed again to no avail. my firewall was closed off so it wasnt an issue as i have to do so when playing a few other games and my anti V is nod 32. i've trolled through the help tutorial so many times I think I could probly recite the majority of the context within the forum as the text is now probly imprinted on the back of my eyes. If anyone has any ideas what to do next i'd appreciate any help possible at this moment of time and save my sanity. if you have skype feel free to add/call me (in my profile) as it would probly be much easyer as i'm not that much of a tech wizard to some extents.

Connection Issues - Mere_Mortal - 09-15-2010

At the command prompt (CMD), enter the following...
regsvr32 dpnet
Failing that, read the following...
After going through the check-list, try the above command again.