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Civilian ships, Tech chart and house war rules - Scar - 09-12-2010

Greetings, i need some explain.
Obiousvly there are a two big war

Kusari – Bretonia
Liberty – Rheinland

And this influence a lot of non military faction, but there is a limit.

I flew a Beemoth with Interspace ID in liberty, and the autories force me to leave liberty space.
I flew a Liberty train with Interspace ID in rheinland, and the autories forced me to leave the space.
I flew a Big Dragon with a Zoner ID in bretonia, and the baf force me to leave the space.

I guess you got the point, and im seriously pissed cause it makes no sense at all.
Why they force a neutral or friendly faction guy, to leave the house space because he fly an enemy manufactured ship ?

Think about an ipotetical war between japan and america: a private delivery company in America uses Nissan trucks. A policeman stop one of their truck and order him to leave the country, and if the driver refuse the ultimatum, the policeman shot and kill him.

I can understand at limit this law for military fighter or gumboat, even is friendly faction.
But there are no reason and no rule about force an unarmed civilian ship with a friendly corporation to leave a space only because was built by the enemy.

Okay, next time i will refuse to leave and try to explain. Result?
They blew me.

“you dumbass, use a civilian ship”
Okay, this is a solution, the only solution but i dont like civilian ship they look so anonymus.
Even in the tec chart, it says that there are SIX civilian class vehicle, SIX:

Civilian Bretonian
Civilian Gallic
Civilian Kusari
Civilian Liberty
Civilian Rheinland
Civilian Sirius-wide outside gallia

Can you all explain me this ? And what is a Civilian house ship ?

Thanks in advance, and sorry for my poor english.


Civilian ships, Tech chart and house war rules - Nicholas Jurgen - 09-13-2010

Well, the last time I checked it is not good practice to use a ship of the enemy to conduct your business. You are supporting the enemy when you purchase THEIR ships. It is not the ship, but the fact you are supporting them. Also, how do they not know if you are a spy? They do not. Even though you are under a friendly flag.

Civilian ships, Tech chart and house war rules - Jayce - 09-13-2010

Civilian ships are those that say "Civilian" in the name. Civilian house ships are house Freighters and Transports. Example: Rheinland - Humpback, Behemoth. Liberty - Rhino, Mastodon. Et cetera.


Civilian ships, Tech chart and house war rules - Primitive - 09-13-2010

1. Get heron or something
2. So you buy your ship from Kusari, which means you had to give them money/something for it, and you expect bretonia to love you...

And If I can roam around liberty night and day in Ptrans.... don't get caught:)

Civilian ships, Tech chart and house war rules - aerelm - 09-13-2010

First, if you check the Tech Chart, you'll see Interspace Commerce, which is Classed as "Liberty Corporation" -Cannot- use Rheinland Civilian (Say, Behemoth) because Rheinland Civilian is Red to Liberty Corps.

Also, because of the War, All Ships from the Hostile House are Banned from the Host house's Space. No matter who flies it and Why, Behemoth is a "Shoot down on Sight" in Liberty, and same goes for Big Dragon in Bretonia, or Mastodon in Rheinland. It is part of the House Laws, so if you call yourself a "Friendly or Neutral Trader", You should respect their Laws... If you don't means you're Hostile.

Then, if you check the first line of Tech Chart which explains what color means what, you'll also see a small notice which says "Civilian House Tech here indicates freighters and transports." So, although Guardian's infocard says "Liberty Very Heavy Fighter" or the Kusari Gunboat is just named "Kusari" Gunboat, it doesn't mean you should threat it as House Civilian, and same goes for House Guns and Turrets. (The only exception is the 'Tiger Shark', which is a Rheinland Civilian Light Fighter)

So, You'll have to either get a Open Market Civilian Ship, or Stay out of Hostile Territories if you prefer House Civilian Shiups.

P.S: Keep in mind that Pirate Line Cargo Ships (Bactrian, P-Trans and P-Train) are banned from houses like Liberty, So if you're flying one, You Can't dock on any of their bases, as it would be violation of Rule 6.10:
     "6.10 Player reputation and conduct must match player actions. For instance a player may not dock on a base belonging to the persons whom they are attacking or being attacked by."

Civilian ships, Tech chart and house war rules - sovereign - 09-13-2010

A person in a [house_x] ship might be a spy for [house_x]. You gave the example of someone in a Nissan being stopped by American police, which is particularly appropriate because of what happened the last time the United States went to war with Japan.

You might think this type of behavior to be unfair... and you would be right. Remember, however, that in Freelancer, things are not run as they would in an ideal world. "What is necessary" supersedes "what is just" almost everywhere- the entire existence of the Maquis and similar factions is an application of it.

Yes, it's unfair. Yes, it's roleplay. If you want to change it, lobby the houses with one of your characters; who knows, you might succeed.