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To the Zoners of Freeport 1 - Printable Version

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To the Zoners of Freeport 1 - RockCrystal - 09-13-2010

Comm ID: Hector Kopff, aboard the Heron-class transport Watch+Champlain
Origin of Transmission: Freeport 1, Omega-3 system

And the uncaring Parliament hardened their hearts, and did edict that No Zoner vessel was to enter their space, under risk of war, and in their foolishness they did include the Third system of Omega, where a Zoner Freeport resides.

And the cry of fear went up from that Freeport, for they did depend on Zoner transports for many of their most basic needs.

Therefore we say, Fear not! The One has heard your pleas, and he has answered, in the form of we His Watchers. Until this crisis should pass, we shall provide you with whatever you should need to stave off the cold and the dark.

Behold, the first shipments have already arrived.

May The One bless you.

--Transmission Terminates--

To the Zoners of Freeport 1 - BAF Admiralty Board - 09-13-2010

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: 220px-Flag-bretonia.png]

[Comm ID: Mark Howe; New Whitehall]
[Target ID: Zoner Alliance]
[CC: Bretonian Armed Forces High Command; Albion Guard]
[Subject: Official Notification regarding Zoner Vessels in Bretonian Space.]

Encryption Detected: Access Blocked To: Captain Kashiwaba Tomoe

I love how mass panic begins when we simply state no zoner vessels allowed in Bretonian sovereignty, and the fact that you instantly assume we were going to starve your people. We had transports prepared to deliver the necessary supplies from Cambridge to your station.

Squirmy much?

Sir Mark Howe,
Queen Carina's Faithful Government

To the Zoners of Freeport 1 - Ortog - 09-13-2010

These aren't zoners vessels.

To the Zoners of Freeport 1 - RockCrystal - 09-13-2010

--Comm ID: Captain Peter Kristall, aboard the ZDFS-Kung.Fu.Panda
Message Origin: Freeport XV, Omicron-74 system.
Message reads:

Ya know, maybe we wouldn't be so 'squirmy' if we weren't being forced to rely on big government for basic supplies. And particularly your government. I for one simply can't believe you were prepared to pull transports off the evacuation of civilians from Planet Leeds to supply a neutral station, which is why I contacted the Watchers in the first place. (They're Junkers, by the way, in case they didn't make that plain.)

Then again, maybe you're the ones that should be squirmy. Asserting control over Omega-3 now, are you? Have you contacted the Rheinland government to begin evacuating the Daumann station there? I'm sure they'd be pleased by that. And by 'pleased', I mean 'livid'.

To the Zoners of Freeport 1 - moebus - 09-13-2010

To: Captain Peter Kristall
From: Dankien Moebus

Dear Captain Kristall,

Thank you for your help, people of Freeport 1 appreciate it.
I am sure this situation is temporary and that an issue will be find soon.
Moreover, as far I know food stock of Freeport 1 is quite high thanks to the biodom.
In fact, if you want to help in a more efficient way it would be better to bring fertilizers and consumer goods. H-Fuel would also be appreciated.

Thank you for your collaboration.

To the Zoners of Freeport 1 - Adamgooch - 09-13-2010

Greetings Mr. Hector Kopff,

You've done a fair service, Hector. Though I do not currently residence on Freeport 1, I recognize that you've provided these provisions in good spirit. It brings me much pleasure to see such helpful folks out in border-worlds.

In any case, I've only recently been informed about this quarrel between Bretonia and the Zoner Alliance; However, I would have never expected any Bretonian intervention within Omega-3. While I do not fear for the future of the Freeport quite yet, I appreciate your help. And so do my friends at Freeport 1.

It's been a long time since I've paid a visit, I'm hoping I will not arrive in disappointment when I do.

- Frank Zamboni