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Ship controls. How do you think they do it? - Printable Version

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Ship controls. How do you think they do it? - Shagohad - 09-13-2010

I think it's all mental. I know that we of the Gallic Evil Society decided that all Gallic ships use holotainment bands to control our ships.

In Sirius, it might be the same. These ships do some complex maneuvers that joysticks can't handle. So perhaps it's just all mental?

Ship controls. How do you think they do it? - zhihao420 - 09-13-2010

I think it's a combination of both neural interfaces and manual where needed. Neural interface provides the means for the pilot to pull impossible stunts otherwise impossible with conventional systems, while manual controls - aided by computer systems handle the day to day maneuvres.

Ship controls. How do you think they do it? - SeaFalcon - 09-13-2010

The old junk space crafts would in my opinion be the same as we have helicopters now, Some switches, 2 joysticks and 2 pedals.

However I think is the most obvious control a 3d ship should have to move around.

and the aiming would go with automated computer systems that lock on a target and also by manual like helicopter pilots have in their helmet. Look somewhere and the gun points at it.

Anyway those holotainment thinks would be awesome but thinking like thinking go left move up... etc is rather hard to think if you ask me.

So navy vessels would have a lot of ECM, ECCM blah blah stuff that help the pilot manouver and evade but still the pilot needs to do the general flying with a joystick.

That would be obvious from my point of view.

Ship controls. How do you think they do it? - Primitive - 09-13-2010

All my ships have keyboard and mouse in cockpit, I'm telling you man :cool:

But on serious note...who knows..we can only imagine stupid stuff that are products of all sci-fi shows we ever watched, so you can imagine keyboard and mouse all it matters.

Ship controls. How do you think they do it? - SeaFalcon - 09-13-2010

' Wrote:All my ships have keyboard and mouse in cockpit, I'm telling you man :cool:

But on serious note...who knows..we can only imagine stupid stuff that are products of all sci-fi shows we ever watched, so you can imagine keyboard and mouse all it matters.

I don´t have a keyboard in my ship, I haz touch screen:P
[Image: 129157560669596150.gif]

Ship controls. How do you think they do it? - jakub963 - 09-13-2010

In my case(and my AI gb). Aigis control her ship with her gestures and her own movement on bridge(she dont know that she is an AI(she dont know that something like AI exists(she thinks that she is a ghost trapped on said gunboat))). Just yesterday she learned that she has/can control ship weapons which follow her line of sight. However she can control ship subsystems mentaly. Other characters use computer assisted manual control.

Ship controls. How do you think they do it? - Corsair - 09-14-2010

I think that the kind of maneuvers fighters use can be done via joystick, perhaps one in each hand for manipulating weapons, the other for guns.

Capital ships would be managed by a computer system overseen by a Navigations officer to trigger certain engines and thrusters to fire.

Ship controls. How do you think they do it? - Not Espi - 09-14-2010

keyboard and mouse.

theyre just simulators. thats why you can respawn.


on a more srs note, yeah - pedals, a pair of joysticks, some thrust controlling thingy and ... a chip in the head/helm

Ship controls. How do you think they do it? - LegendOfTheWolf - 09-14-2010

My view is that you use he hands, two joystick either side of you, and they control the ships 'fins'. A small console either side is used for automated systems, life support, shields, engines etc.

Ship controls. How do you think they do it? - SeaFalcon - 09-14-2010

' Wrote:My view is that you use he hands, two joystick either side of you, and they control the ships 'fins'. A small console either side is used for automated systems, life support, shields, engines etc.

Ships don't have fins to steer in space;)
Space is a vacuum so fins to create drag in the air flow ain't gonna do much

All ship would have engines mounted to all sides of a ship.
Nexus - The Jupiter incident is in my opinion the closest to realistic space maneuvering and I suppose it's done by joysticks in fighters and computers on a bridge. 1 special ship can be totally controlled by an sort of AI.