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Bombergun range only 300m ? - Printable Version

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Bombergun range only 300m ? - nxclass - 09-14-2010


i set up a RM Bomber ( Bergelmir ) in Braunschweig with 3 Bomber EMP Cannon's from the same station.
When i use them on a tradelane - i can only hit it when the range is <300m. The WIKI still tell me a range of 770 m.

thanks for the help

Bombergun range only 300m ? - Canadianguy - 09-14-2010

I would suggest you try on a very large structure (like a friend's capital ship) before coming here since I think bomber guns have spray, to make them less useful against Fighters/Bombers.

That might be the reason why you couldnt hit the TL from far away.

Bombergun range only 300m ? - AeternusDoleo - 09-14-2010

Were you moving at the time, drifting in engine kill or moving away from the lane on engine power? There's not an actual "range" for guns, but there is a combination of the "shot" lifetime and travel speed. Shot lifetime is constant, but travel speed is relative to your target.

Also: When aiming for the center of a tradelane node, you will not hit it unless you're shooting from an exact side. Reason for this is that the lane center is empty space. Aim a little off center to shoot one of it's side parts.

Bombergun range only 300m ? - nxclass - 09-14-2010

i run a other test - in front of planet hamburg i target one of the 8 Tradelane parts of one of the tradelanes (hope this is clear now ) - at full stop - i could hit the tradelane only under 350m.


after a test with a other player ( 'Grant' - thanks) - i can tell - the full 700m works on other players

Bombergun range only 300m ? - AeternusDoleo - 09-14-2010

That indicates you are actually simply missing the structure. To check this: Hava a player sit by the side of the lane and check if the bolts are stopping short of the lane or zipping past it. My guess is the latter.

Bombergun range only 300m ? - AeternusDoleo - 12-22-2010

After learning how hitboxes work, I think I know the problem now.

The game calculates distance to an object by drawing a sphere wide enough to cover the points furthest from it's center. For the trade lanes this means the top and bottom section. Since these are rather large structures, that means that the distance when measured from the front is not calculated correctly. This is just how the FL client works - can't be helped sadly.

To verify this: Go directly above or below the tradelane and shoot it. You should be able to hit it from the bomber turret maximum range. And if not, then the tradelane hitbox is bad.

Bombergun range only 300m ? - kikatsu - 12-22-2010

I have actually noticed this, the impossibility to hit trade lanes at certain distances (with any weapons) and I find it rather annoying. I did not know it was from the hitbox mechanics...but is this intentional or a glitch in the game mechanics?

Bombergun range only 300m ? - AeternusDoleo - 12-22-2010

If you're using torpedos or missiles, then it's a given: The center of the model where those home into is empty. Same silliness occurs when NPCs try to shoot the lane, they just shoot straight through the center. Looks hilarious to see some Liberty Rogue NPCs blast away with their lasers, hitting... absolutely no part of a structure that's about 100 times larger then their own fighter...:D

It's basically working as designed, but could be fixed/enhanced with a model update to the tradelane node (adding a small component in the absolute center of the lane to hit). This however isn't on the todo list for 4.86.

Bombergun range only 300m ? - Loken - 12-23-2010

You will notice, as you move away from the tradelane the distance only starts to raise after you are already quite far from the lane itself. The number is inaccurate and you were most likely out of range. Try it on a ship.