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Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - Printable Version

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Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - aerelm - 09-15-2010


I need a little "Artwork" for one of my Chars, which doesn't essentially need to be in Sig Size, but will get a small bonus if it is. I'm not adding any requirements, but just a little info about the Char. So be creative.
Gullveig, is a Rheinlander who's been flying around as a Merc for around a year now. His current identity is fake, so, pretty much all the records available about him are about his activities during this period of Time. He is flying a Nyx, Equipped with Tizonas and Hogosha Drakes, and mainly flies around Bretonia and Omegas. His main employer are the Corsairs, but he's often seen flying around with Gaians and members of [NLH].
I believe this is enough to give you a general image of this Character... So making the little graphic work won't be hard. But Note that in the end, I might take more than one of the graphic works made, or None at all. Also, it would be nice if you use a render of the Ship, But if you want to include this, Please use a custom render, Not the one from Wiki.
Also: Apart from the Sig, If you suggest a Pic for the Char himself, You'll get 25mils if I decide to use it.
Happy Photoshopping:P

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - Bain.J - 09-15-2010

Im searching for a picture for the char now xD .... but , would you like him to be a RL person , or a anime character etc...

and ill have a shot at the siigy when i get home

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - aerelm - 09-15-2010

I don't really like most of the Anime Chars, but well... Some of them look cool, so Why not:P
Although it's best if the Char pic is Artwork type, Not anime nor an RL person.

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - Bain.J - 09-15-2010

xD..... ull find a proper one later ;p

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - squeek - 09-15-2010

' Wrote:So...

I need a little "Artwork" for one of my Chars, which doesn't essentially need to be in Sig Size, but will get a small bonus if it is. I'm not adding any requirements, but just a little info about the Char. So be creative.
Gullveig, is a Rheinlander who's been flying around as a Merc for around a year now. His current identity is fake, so, pretty much all the records available about him are about his activities during this period of Time. He is flying a Nyx, Equipped with Tizonas and Hogosha Drakes, and mainly flies around Bretonia and Omegas. His main employer are the Corsairs, but he's often seen flying around with Gaians and members of [NLH].
I believe this is enough to give you a general image of this Character... So making the little graphic work won't be hard. But Note that in the end, I might take more than one of the graphic works made, or None at all. Also, it would be nice if you use a render of the Ship, But if you want to include this, Please use a custom render, Not the one from Wiki.
Also: Apart from the Sig, If you suggest a Pic for the Char himself, You'll get 25mils if I decide to use it.
Happy Photoshopping:P

I can do traditional pencil work for busts if you are interested. Just give me a description.

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - Jimothy - 09-15-2010

A little while ago, I was thinking of making a Rhienland character, but in the end didn't because I don't overly like the roleplay in Rhienland (On either side of the law) and I was thinking of using the Medic from TF2 as the pic for him if/when I made any transmission stuff or signatures for him. However, seeing as I'm no longer going to make that character, my suggestion to you, for your guy's character, is to use the Medic from Team Fortress 2. It's not RL, or anime, and I know you said artwork, but meh, he sorta fits the bill...
Here's a couple of images specifically of the face, I guess they could work:
[Image: 2219786517_44efcf3189.jpg]

[Image: TF2_Medic_Avatar_by_Tonnica.jpg]
(OK< This is a drawing of him, but it could still work...)

Meh, OK, maybe not, but was worth suggesting I guess...

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - aerelm - 09-15-2010

Well, Thanks for the suggestion Spirit, but I'd rather use some more 'Serious' stuff as the Char Pic >.>
Also, MD, I like what you're offering... But only if you can make something up yourself. I'm not giving you any descriptions.:P
And, Bain.J, I'd rather use something more 'Rheinlandish';)

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - Jimothy - 09-15-2010

Alrightey, that's no problem, just thought it was worth mentioning...

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - Bain.J - 09-17-2010

mines under construction:)

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - Crusader4 - 09-17-2010

' Wrote:mines under construction:)

[color=#CC6600]Ok then, take this...
Just kidding, i don't have an idea for this one yet.