Discovery Gaming Community
Admin Notice: Player banned forever - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Player banned forever - Cannon - 09-15-2010

Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd/Kashiwaba Tomoe has been sanctioned for breaking the following rules
Quote:3. Flaming, abusing, and insulting other members in any form, with or without a reason, is not allowed.
4. Intentional offtopic is not allowed.
Despite repeated warnings, fines, sanctions and temporary bans you have failed to learn to not troll. As a result you are now permanently banned from the forums and server.

Admin link:

Admin Notice: Player banned forever - exlibrismortis - 09-21-2010

Hi, I'm posting here because my ship was banned along with HFM. We traded ships for a day so he could fly an Aquilon and I could try out his Juggy. The ships is actually mine and he just flew it for a day.

The ships name is ZDFS-Canaria.Unyielding. If it could be unbanned, then that would help out. Thank you.

Admin Notice: Player banned forever - Cannon - 09-21-2010

Ok. Done.

Admin Notice: Player banned forever - exlibrismortis - 09-21-2010

Much appreciated!:)

RE: Admin Notice: Player banned forever - EisenSeele - 03-21-2025
