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greetings Sirius - Hawkins - 09-16-2010

Greetings sirius pilotes!

I am Mr. Hawkins, currently also called "Mad Eye" (don`t ask me why, I am NOT crazy... or betterI hope so...oh wait!:$)
The introduction of my self here comes a bit late I am sorry for that delay. Means: I am out there in space since already a couple of days. (//more an ingame communicator, not so much forum communicator)

Currently I am working as Freelancer, trying to keep as political neutral as possible, although I already begin to fail in that case...**** happends, hehe. To now I already earned some good credits by (boring) trading and had some (exciting) exploration vacations. Possible that i will work as hireable transport security pilot in the near future but that isn`t fixxed. My biggest passion right now is to fly fighter class ships but due to the fact, that pirating gunboads get more and more overwelming in some regions...I am safing on an own one right now.
There is not much to explain about my personality, I´m not good in explaining myself hehe. simply fiend it out when you meat me in space I´d say!:crazy:

So here I am, I say hello! to all friendly and unfriendly pilotes, see you out there somewhere in S:cool:Sirius!

greetings Sirius - Denelo - 09-16-2010

Welcome to Discovery!

Good to see we have an RPer. Read and follow the rules, don't annoy the cat, and everything'll go well.

For the record, smilies are considered out of character. That is to say, we don't use smilies in roleplaying chat.


greetings Sirius - Recovery - 09-16-2010

*ignore's Denelo's copyright violation*
Welcome to disco, mind the cat.

greetings Sirius - Geeky - 09-16-2010

Welcome to disco!

Just dont try getting a Gaian ID'd Valor with outcast guns ok? :P

Hope to see you in space soon! :yahoo:

greetings Sirius - Khellus - 09-17-2010

Nice to meet another pilot who makes a living doing things out there on their own. Well, I am no longer alone, I have returned to the Mandalorians.

Be wary out there, The best fight is one that never happened. Keep that in mind.

A lot of these pilots flying nowadays all find joy in finding every reason to unload plasma, lasers, pulse and every other which what on eachother.

Fly safe, Fight only when needed to survive or protect another. And you'll be just fine.

-Balmung Azurius.

greetings Sirius - Hawkins - 09-17-2010

First OORP: Yes, roleplaying is fun, if you like it and know how to do it. For simple pew pew there are other servers or games, hehe. Best example was three days ago, when I was in Dresden and faced a, to me, deep red (hehe) Red Hessian. We both had equal shipclass, I think his equip was better though. I had some hessians in my cargo (looted after selfdefence one can say...). He emediatly asked me to drop the hessians. Instead of simple "yarr, die pirate! pew pew ect. pp", I decided to roleplay another way. This was more or less like "Common, I won`t sell them, promised, but they need some minutes in my cargohold to think about what they did wrong, hehe."
He also decided to roleplay the smooth way and offered civilians to me as "prisoner exchange". And yes, we did so, without any shot, and left each other in peace. One can say, somehow I safed civilians from a maybe bad future, corerect? ;) I don`t know why exactly, but also he send me 500 k "to let the exchange be fair". This indeed was a nice RP, hehe.

And now Rp:

Thank you for the nice welcome, pilotes!
I will fly the independend way for a long time I think, Sirius is to big and has to much to offer to minimize the own view on a small region only. To all pilotes that meat or face me in the future: Aslong we can stay cool, there will not be a troubble, not depending on any faction (Expect the Nomads, there will be no mercy as I lost a close relative on freeport 7!). Simply don`t provoce me, don`t ransom me when I fly a fighter (I will get away anyways, I swear hrhr) and don`t call me bastard (or ransom me AND call me bastard hrhrhr) expect it`s friendly. My stupid and crazy second face then might overcome me, hehe. If u gain my friendship, you will get a loyal friend aswell, beyond any politics or other borders.

So fly safe ans see you out there!*winks*

greetings Sirius - Domjan - 09-18-2010

Why hello there, seems this one will turn out to be another fine RPer.

greetings Sirius - Hawkins - 09-20-2010

Just a little ooRP Update:
Because I with the originally Hawkins fly a gunboat, which I don`t want to sell right now or even anymore,
I decided to create two additional characters, which in RP will represent Mr. Hawkins aswell.
As soon I get enough credits for all three chars and have the final idea about the shipnames I will rename all three chars to:

Right now this ain`t the fact, so all this three characters represent my Freelancer Mr.Hawkins:
-Mad_Eye_Hawkins (Gunboat)
-Mr.Hawkins (Fighterclass)
-Hawkins (Freighter/transporter)

Basicly Mr.Hawkins homebase will, what else should it be, Gateway Station in Coronado.

See you out in space, Hawkins

greetings Sirius - coffee - 09-20-2010

Welcome to disco :laugh:
Come and visit the Taus & Omegas, we always have miners there looking for escorts

greetings Sirius - Vexykin - 09-20-2010

Welcome to Discovery:)