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Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - Printable Version

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Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - SeaFalcon - 09-16-2010

Yeah it's about the guns.

I sometimes play on an old machine so I put my graphics down to get better FPS.

The thing is that Blackwidows are very very dark when you have effects at 100%

when you turn down to 49% they will become invisible since they are made black.

So I would like to ask if they can be given a little basic inner color. Red or something.;)


I also was wondering if Mortar projectiles can be made bigger when your on low effects.

because they will look like an normal code gun sized projectile. or missile?


Another question... can code guns be given colors when your in low effects mode?

Because they are all the same only different lengths.

Just a basic that suites the normal basic color on high-end effects.


And Hellfluries look yellow instead of light blue in low-end mode.


- I know the blackwidow is an easy fix.
- Not sure about the mortars.
- Codes I ain't sure about to. since they have special looks.
- The hellfluries I think can be changed to lightblue.

Thanks in forward;)


Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - Zeela - 09-16-2010


dont want to be harsh or anything, but you really dont have to play freelancer on iphone;)


Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - SeaFalcon - 09-16-2010

' Wrote:Hello,

dont want to be harsh or anything, but you really dont have to play freelancer on iphone;)


I sometimes need every FPS for proper aim;)
especially in events.
And since events have a lot of guns...

Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - DarthCloakedGuy - 09-16-2010

' Wrote:Hello,

dont want to be harsh or anything, but you really dont have to play freelancer on iphone;)

Some of us use ordinary computers, not tricked out beast machines.

Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - Banris - 09-16-2010

' Wrote:SeaFalcon

I have the exact same issue when playing on a laptop and bring the details down for FPS reasons. Thanks for bringing attention to it.

The mortar looks like a moving white dust spec or something!

Isn't the SNAC silly looking as well?

Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - Alex. - 09-16-2010

Isn't the whole point of lowering your performance settings to get rid of those effects so you don't get FPS lag on slow computers?

Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - Banris - 09-16-2010

To a point. However it doesn't look like the mod was tested on low detail settings as some of the weapons don't have any animation/sprite at all and look like little specs. Maybe that was intentional?

Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - Boss - 09-16-2010

Yes, it is all an Admin plot to force people to upgrade their computers.

Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - SeaFalcon - 09-16-2010

To put it simple.

Guns on low effects have 2 layers of color that do not move
Guns on high effects have 2+ to maybe even 12 layers of different colors and some are also moving.

Check the Buckshots and krakens on low and high and you see what I mean.

Anyway the widows bug me the most ^^

Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - yurineova - 09-16-2010

It seems its a effect issue, correct?

All effects are client side, so in theory (and with permission) you can simply edit the inis to suit your needs. I remember once I made all the codies (through about 3 hours of editing) have a single green-ish ball effect that I believe the JADE has.

That said, The issue can be corrected to each players needs by themselves aslong as they have permission from the devs and admins to do so. I'd turn it into a business with ships skins and all, but for 2 reasons, I wont;

1: Too lazy.
2: Lost all my tools. 1/2 of which, cant be replaced because they were from the old Lancers Reactor.

A General rule of thumb, however, is you only mod how the thing looks. No changing models, no changing stats. Also, the appearance cannot affect gameplay for either better or worst (IE, a gun that fires "invisible" bullets or a gun that shoots uber large projectiles).

in any case, hope this helps.