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Hanta-Iseijin Transfer Request Channel - Printable Version

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Hanta-Iseijin Transfer Request Channel - Akura - 09-17-2010

Minimum Character Requirements to view this transmission:
(Indies and Official faction members)

Kusari Naval Forces Rank - Kaigun Daii - Lieutenant
Kusari State Police Rank - Junsa-buchō - Sergeant
Kempeitai Rank - Kaigun Daii - Lieutenant

Clearance from Captain Sienna Michiba of the Hanta-Iseijin
(Ask through communications prior to posting here)


You are now viewing: Hanta-Iseijin Transfer Request Channel
Channel Contents:

[Image: Poster3.jpg]

--< New Channel Message >--

[color=#FFCC00]Comm ID: Captain Sienna Michiba
Heaven's Gate, Administration Complex
Subject: Transfer Requests
Encryption: Maximum

[Image: AmyComms.png]
Captain Michiba

"If you're reading this transmission, you obviously have security clearance and qualify to transfer to the 113th Hanta-Iseijin Recon and Assault Division. This process is designed to assess the abilities and potential those who could possibly contribute towards Kusari's ongoing war with the Alien Threat.

The Hanta-Iseijin base out of the Kusari Naval Forces facility known as Heaven's Gate, formally Takagi's Arch and a fortress to the infected two decades ago. Working in this area of space has it's own threats, and the 113th often enter conflict with the unlawful forces who tend to patrol here, as well as Order Terrorists, Slomon K'Hara Drones and Infected Personel.

The Infected pilots usually fly ships from their former lives, ranging from Dragons to Gas Miners to Kusari Naval vessels. This means it's not always an apparent threat until it's too late.
Pilots of the Hanta-Iseijin must be ever vigilant, and thanks to our advanced research into Nomad Energy signatures, we are able to detect Nomad weaponary and growths, even if they are invisible to the naked eye.

The Hanta-Iseijin mainly patrol inside the Borders of Kusari, seeking out criminal elements and keeping innocents safe. Hanta-Iseijin ships are also found in the systems bordering Kusari, dealing with smugglers and potential alien threats.
Special operations deep into the Omicrons are often performed by well trained agents of the Iseijin, for the purposes of recon, and dealing with hostile groups such as the Order. "

Qualifying for the Hanta-Iseijin

To transfer to the Hanta-Iseijin, you must have reached the rank of Lieutenant (KNF/KPT), Sergeant (KSP) or have been personally sanctioned by myself if you do not belong to any of the current Kusari Forces.

Applicants must have some skill and training in flying and combat usage of fighter-class craft, knowledge and training in dealing with criminal threats is good bonus, and is viewed favourably during the selection process.

Those applying for the Hanta-Iseijin must be at least 50% Kusari in blood, and have valid Kusari Citizenship.

The Kusari Naval Forces Hanta-Isejjin Wing was created to serve and protect the Emperor's interests and defend Kusari from any Alien Threat. Enforcing the law and patroling Kusari space comes second.
  • "The Laws of Sirius". Mandatory read.
  • Routine patrols must be carried out in fighter or bomber class ships.
  • Each pilot must have a fully operational 'Chimaera - J17P - 95P Kusari Very Heavy Fighter' ready for deployment at all times.
  • 113th pilots are entitled to scan traders for contraband and demand illegal cargo in Kusari controlled systems.
  • Hostile vessels should be given the opportunity to leave Kusari Space and avoid combat if they have not already attacked friendly units.
    They should be escorted as necessary.
  • 113th pilots may engage vessels belonging to hostile factions if they refuse to leave Kusari space or they attack friendly units.
  • 113th pilots may engage freelancers listed as hostile (known criminals list) if they refuse to leave Kusari space or they attack friendly units.
  • 113th pilots should render assistance to allies or friendly units under attack within Kusari space, if not under orders that confilct this action.
  • 113th pilots are required to act with forethought, dignity and honour at all times.
- Any enemy of Kusari is our enemy.
- Any ally of Bretonia is our enemy.
- Any impediment to lawful trade in Kusari space will be dealt with harshly.
- Any hostile patrols found within Kusari space will be dealt with using deadly force.

Exceptions permitted.

Procedure of acceptance

If you're application is accepted, you will enter a propation period, where you will fly at least one patrol and submit one combat report. If you do not meet the requirements, you will return to your previous occupation and await a grace period of one month before re-applying for transfer.

Once you have passed this probation period, you will be initiated into the 113th Recon and Assault Division as a Kaigun Daii (Lieutenant), and a fully qualified pilot of the Hanta-Iseijin.

Please fill out the form presented below and include it in a transmission with any other details you choose to send.

Thank you and good luck pilot.

- [Image: Amysig.png]

--< Message Ends >--

[color=#FFFFFF]Application Form
(To be included in your transfer message)

[quote][color=#FFFF99][size=3][u]Important Details[/u][/size] - [i]*Answer as applicable[/i][list]
[*]Full Name:
[*]Current Rank*:
[*]Place of Birth:
[*]Previous Employment History:
[*]Law enforcement, Military and/or Para-military History/Experience*:
[size=3][u]Q&A[/u][/size] - [i]All questions below must be answered.[/i]

[i]What experiences do you have with fighter/bomber craft.[/i]
<Short Answer>

[i]Why are you interested in joining the Hanta-Iseijin?[/i]

[i]Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with Kusari law enforcement? If so, for what reasons?[/i]
<Yes - explain> / <No>

[i]Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful?[/i]

[size=3][u]//OOC Information[/u][/size][list]
[*]Ingame names*:
[*]Skype username (Required):
[*]Join Date on the server/forums:
*[size=1](name a few important ones or something)[/size]

[i]What are the Hanta-Iseijin?[/i]
<Short-Long Answer>

[i]What do the Hanta-Iseijin do? (Tasks, RP style, etc)[/i]
<Short Answer>

[i]Why do we do this?[/i]
<Short Answer>

[i]Tell me about your character.[/i]
<Long Answer>

[i]Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery? (If no, go read and try again)[/i]
<Yes> / <No>

[i]Have you really?[/i]
<Yes> / <No>

Then explain why the following rules are important:
[b]3.1:[/b] <Answer>
[b]3.3:[/b] <Answer>
[b]3.4:[/b] <Answer>
[b]5.2:[/b] <Answer>
[b]5.6 to 5.8:[/b] <Answer>

[i]Describe your experience of Kusari in 2-5 Lines.[/i]
<Short Answer> / <None>

[i]Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months?[/i]
<Yes> / <No>

[i]On a scale from 1-11 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?[/i]

[size=3][u]Terms and conditions[/u][/size]

[i]The Hanta-Iseijin reserves the right to expel a member from the faction if his or her conduct violates server rules, forum rules, faction rules or is being detrimental to the well being of the faction, its members and/or the community. The faction also requires applicants and faction members to respect the opinions of the various players of the community and the time they have invested in their characters, RP and other projects.[/i]
Do you comply with the above terms?: <Yes> / <No>

<div align="center]OORP Terms, Conditions and Tips.
  • Relax and think before you post, we're looking for able, willing pilots.

  • PvP skill and Roleplay experience are bonuses, not requirements.

  • Characters must meet the rank requirements at the top of the page to post here, even if you've just thought them up on the spot.

  • Civilians who wish to apply must first inquire via communications with Captain Michiba.

  • Characters who pass probation and go on to be infected cannot then leave the faction, infection is permanent.

  • All applicants will be considered, and you will be told as soon as possible if you qualify for probation or not.

  • Feel free to talk to me privately on Skype if you are unsure of anything or just want to talk.

  • Hanta-Iseijin pilots will be indoctrinated (or brainwashed) before earning their infection.

  • Misbehavior will result in your nice new Iseijin ships being forcively sold, deleted or bastilled.

  • All Hanta-Iseijin pilots must have a KNF Equipped Chimaera.

  • All Hanta-Iseijin ships must use only human technology, using the KNF row on the Tech Chart.

  • You must earn my trust to use Nomad Technology on a Non-Hanta, Wild Character.

  • Iseijin Pilots may use any ship class below Gunboat without asking.

  • Special Cases and Current Wilde/Nomads can talk to me privately on Skype.

See Also: Aoi Iseijin Wiki Page

Disclaimer: Characters that are Furries, Catgirls, Weeaboo Children, Imported, Drama Queens, Vengance-seeking-orphans and Superhumans need not apply. Because I don't like you.

Hanta-Iseijin Transfer Request Channel - Lobster - 09-17-2010

Quote:Important Details - *Answer as applicable
  • Full Name: Kobayashi Yuzuki
  • Current Rank*: Lieutenant
  • Age: 24
  • Gender: F
  • Place of Birth: Yokohama Shipyard
  • Skills: Bonsai, Concealed weaponry, Domestic upkeep
  • Previous Employment History:

    From ages 15-18, I Earned a meager flow of credits by practicing the art of Bonsai and selling the trees to friends and acquaintances.

    I joined the Kusari Naval Forces Reserve at age 18 on July the 24th to get off Yokohama Shipyard and serve the people of Kurasi as their protector.

  • Law enforcement, Military and/or Para-military History/Experience*:

    Early on, I knew I wanted to join the fighter corps, and thus trained accordingly.

    Six weeks after I signed up, I was assigned flight duty in the 186th combat wing of the Kusari Naval Forces Reserve. I have been flying ever scene.

    For more then five years I have had my lucky Chimera under my feet and every day I have learned something new.

    As the war with Bretonia started, I was assigned front line duty. It has been that way for a long time now. Save three short tourers of duty in the New Tokyo system, my unit has been continuously assigned the front lines. Personally I would not be suppressed if the High Command did that on perpous to use us reserves as cannon fodder. (Though I am an expendable pilot proud to serve her Nation none the less.)

    I must admit though, I have come to miss my home greatly.. and that is one of the reasons I am requesting this transfer; I wish to be closer to those I love. Yes the war with Bretonia is of utmost impotence, however one can only spend so long in Leeds before they miss everyone they left behind.

    Recently I have reached the rank of Lieutenant; A mere three days ago infact. I jumped at this opportunity to serve with what I see as an elite unit and to be closer to my dear Kusari.

Q&A - All questions below must be answered.

What experiences do you have with fighter/bomber craft.

I have flown in quite a few battles for the past six years. I would call my skill in a fighter nearing that of my best peers while my skill in a bomber, while sufficient to take on larger ships, is lacking when fighting other snubcraft.

Why are you interested in joining the Hanta-Iseijin?

You are one of the best units in Kusari are you not? You take the fight to those that would tear deep into the heart of Kusari if they had the chance. I wish to be a part of that fight as I have not seen my home for the last few months and dearly wish to protect it closely.

Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with Kusari law enforcement? If so, for what reasons?

I shoplifted a pack of gum when I was 14. As soon as I came home, my mother (who had been with me at the time) realized that I had obtained a pack of Sparkling Cinnamon without having any money to pay for it. She promptly took me back to the shop where we had been and made me apologize to the shopkeeper for doing such a dishonorable thing.

I regret that I had ever done such a thing which brought dishonor upon my family and believe that experience made me into what I am now: a just protector of our people.

Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful?

I have had some experience with concealed weaponry in my line of work as a naval officer.

While I mainly fly my fighter, sometimes duty calls one to patrol duty on the ground. Early on I took classes on concealed weapons and how to use them in case anything rough ever came up while visiting a station. So far I have yet to put this skill to use, however I can still remember my training as though it were yesterday.
//OOC Information
  • Ingame names:
    \CS\-Kudo.Katsumi (About 4 of these)
    Chester.Holt (Two of these)
    ICMG[SL07D]Namegoeshere (I have about 10 of them)
    [RM]Lt.Hans.Putzkammer (Again, about 5 of these)
    (I have about 35 accounts, so I am missing a lot.. but I guess those are the ones I just don't play as much)

  • Skype username (Required): Lobster.Lord
  • Join Date on the server/forums: July 4th, 2009 / December 7th 2009
  • Timezone/Country: USA (However I'm on all the time.)
What are the Hanta-Iseijin?

Covert op types. Wolves in sheeps' clothing. They are Kusari wild who have infiltrated to KNF to the point where, if they are smart, they will not be detected.

What do the Hanta-Iseijin do? (Tasks, RP style, etc)

I don't rightly know what they do yet, however the possibilities are very fun to think about and I'm sure you would fill me in.

As for what they don't do?

They don't shoot at KNF, traders, or anyone else that would make a normal KNF officer look suspicious. They live amongst the KNF undetected and so live their lives when around them.

Why do we do this?

I'm looking forward to finding out. My guess would be to spread more and more members under nomad control around in the KNF, possibly an eventual plan to take control of the entirety of the KNF High command as happened in Rehinland.

Tell me about your character.

Just thought her up right now to be honest. I usually don't plan my characters out from the start of things, ensted letting them work out who they are and what their past is in-game. I find it very fun to jump into the unknown and let them flourish.

You know, by reading what I typed in up in the inRP part of the app, what I know at this point. I will have fun seeing how she grows.

As for base characteristics, i usually pick three or four at the start of a character. For Yuzuki it is: Honor, Pride, Dignity, Loyalty.

Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery? (If no, go read and try again)


Have you really?


Then explain why the following rules are important:
Quote:3.1 Using coarse language, posting abusive, hateful, racist content in chat, public or private is prohibited under any circumstances. Any kind of flaming, threatening or insulting language directed at other members, factions or server administrators in chat, public or private, is prohibited on server and on forums. RP-related threats are allowed on the server.

Self explanatory I guess. No cussing or foul mouthing. Keep it clean for the kids right?

Quote:3.3 Out-of-character (OOC) chat must not be used in system or local chat. OOC communication in group or private chat between players will cease if one player requests it. Admins are free to communicate with any player at any time.

Out of character chat in a system-wide or local setting just destroys the RP atmosphere. I like working with my characters and others in a full on RP setting; They develop lives of their own that way.

Quote:3.4 Threatening other players with reports and sanctions, attempting to pose as an Admin and using an Admin's name without permission is not allowed.
Again, somewhat of a nobrainer. It destroys the RP atmosphere as well as puts the other players on edge... (not to mention its kinda a dick move)
Quote:5.2 All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. "Engaging" is not sufficient. An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Being hit with a CD is not considered an attack. If a player is attacked he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking.
ARR PEE. Its a Roleplaying server. It would be quite lame to just roll up to a hostile and shoot him. So much better to toy with them yes;)?
5.6 to 5.8:
Quote:5.6 Fleeing in combat counts as a PVP death. Fleeing is:

a) Docking with a jump gate, station or tradelane;
b) Moving more than 10km from the fight.

Vessels acting as escorts for trade ships are exempt from this rules for purposes of:

a) Catching up to their transport. I.E. breaking off an attack to rejoin their charge.
b) Re-entering a system which had previously been exited.

5.7 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) until four hours have passed from the time of his/her destruction.

If the player respawns in the same system, he/she must leave the system within 10 minutes of his destruction without attacking anyone, except in self-defense. Other players are not allowed to attack one who is leaving.

Transports/Freighters/Liners which have been killed in a PvP fight may return to the system in which they were destroyed but only for purposes of moving through the system or for trade within that system. They may only act in a purely defensive manner. This exemption applies only to players who are in the system for the purposes of trading and does not apply to mining, piracy or any other activity.

5.8 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not attack the enemy (player or players involved in the death) with any of the characters on his/her account(s) for 4 hours. Self-killing during a PvP fight is counted as a normal PvP death.

All rules of engagement and combat and fleeing and stuff.... While I don't really like to fleeing rules, I follow them to a tee, and the 4 hour death rule gives this game a purpose; otherwise everyone would just be blown up and unlock immediately, going about what they were doing before. Giving death a consequence gives you a reason to fight for your life.

Describe your experience of Kusari in 2-5 Lines.

Mainly unlawful caricatures in the \CS\ while it was still alive.

Trading through Kusari in the ICMG, and AFAing it up have been my lawful experiences.

My Ku dessie IKN-Sendai is stationed in Leeds.. so I don't really think of it as in the house of Kusari.

Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months?

Yes, once.

On a scale from 1-11 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?


Terms and conditions

The Hanta-Iseijin reserves the right to expel a member from the faction if his or her conduct violates server rules, forum rules, faction rules or is being detrimental to the well being of the faction, its members and/or the community. The faction also requires applicants and faction members to respect the opinions of the various players of the community and the time they have invested in their characters, RP and other projects.
Do you comply with the above terms?: Yes

Everything else you need to know is on the liberty forums, which will be linked when accepted.

Hanta-Iseijin Transfer Request Channel - Akura - 09-17-2010

--< New Message >--
[color=#FFCC00]Comm ID: Captain Sienna Michiba
Heaven's Gate, Administration Complex
Subject: Congratulations
Encryption: Maximum

[Image: AmyComms.png]
Captain Michiba

Congratulations Lieutenant Yuzuki, you've been accepted for probation. Your record is practically flawless, and you've room for great potential.

You will be relieved of all your current duties, and your superiors wil be informed. When you have the time, fly your ship up to Heaven's Gate, docking bay C3 will be cleared for you.

Good luck, and don't let me down.

[Image: Amysig.png]
[color=#FFCC00]--< Message Ends >--

//And that has to be one of the stupidest sanctions I've seen in a while.

Hanta-Iseijin Transfer Request Channel - Malenka - 09-18-2010

[font=agency FB]Incomming Transmission

[Image: kubotrans1-1.png]

Konnichiwa Michiba-san. I have taken my time to write an application and it's done.

Important Details - *Answer as applicable
  • Full Name: Kubo Tsatsui
  • Current Rank*: Senior Alliance Member (Ace)
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Male
  • Place of Birth: New Tokyo
  • Skills: Stonecarving, aikido (black belt), karate (brown belt)
  • Previous Employment History: Worked in a grocery store through Colleage, AFA pilot
  • Law enforcement, Military and/or Para-military History/Experience*: Helped the Naval Forces in raids against Bretonia
Q&A - All questions below must be answered.

What experiences do you have with fighter/bomber craft.
I have passed the basic and advanced training for both of these, and I have more experience with bombers.

Why are you interested in joining the Hanta-Iseijin?
I have met a few Iseijin in my life, and they have told me a lot about them. I wish the help Kusari on a higher level, as I have seen there is an alien threat.

Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with Kusari law enforcement? If so, for what reasons?
Yes, once, I was accused of piracy, but the KNF caught the real thief.

Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful?
Aikido, Karate, fighter and bomber expertise, ambition, loyal

//OOC Information
  • Ingame names*:[AFA]Kubo.Tsatsui
  • Skype username (Required):malenka.liman
  • Join Date on the server/forums: 30-April 09
  • Timezone/Country: Serbia / GMT+1 or GMT+2 nobody really knows
What are the Hanta-Iseijin?
They are nomad infected KNF, Blood dragon, KSP, KPT or other, officers. They are trappers, luring people, and then infecting/killing them. They are the Kusari wild.

What do the Hanta-Iseijin do? (Tasks, RP style, etc)
They act like normal humans, luring normal humans, and then they strike. One at a time.

Why do we do this?
Because it's more fun than just going around and shooting people. InRP you do it to get more people to join the Iseijin, so you have more influence in Kusari.

Tell me about your character.
I have been playing with this character for some time, so I have a history figured out.

He does not know the whereabouts of his parents, he always lived with his grandmother on New Tokyo. He trained to be a KNF officer, but he eventually joined the AFA. He fought in many fights against the BAF, but he didn't approve of piracy like the other Alliance members. He visits his grandmother often and is very protective of her. He would do anything for his homeland.

Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery? (If no, go read and try again)

Have you really?

Then explain why the following rules are important:
3.1: really self explanatory. Kids play on Discovery so we should keep it clean for them.

3.3: I hate OOC. It destroys the reason I came to discovery. I try to explain OOCers what Roleplay is, but sometimes they don't listen so I ragequit the game.

3.4: Threatening players with sanctions.. The idio-players..that would do that really deserve to be sanctioned. Playing as an admin? Everyone knows who are the current admins. There is a auto-broadcast on the server all the time.
5.2: ROLEPLAY! Of course. I hate when some guy just starts shooting at me, because I'm red on his scanners. It kinda bursts the RP bubble.

5.6 to 5.8: The rule I hate the most, but yet makes the most sense. You die, you die. You can't ressurect immediately and shoot someone again. The roleplay way for this is that: "It takes 4 hours for your ship to be repaired"

Describe your experience of Kusari in 2-5 Lines.

I have decent Kusari experience. I play on my AFA and on my KNF. I don't have a lot of RP kusari experience, because most of the players I encounter are powertraders, and they stay silent and just go up and down. I had a few Iseijin encounters and encounters with the BD and GC on my KNF.

Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months?

Once, 1 year ago. I can't find the thread, but if you like, we can discuss it in private.

On a scale from 1-11 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?

10. Seriously.

Terms and conditions

The Hanta-Iseijin reserves the right to expel a member from the faction if his or her conduct violates server rules, forum rules, faction rules or is being detrimental to the well being of the faction, its members and/or the community. The faction also requires applicants and faction members to respect the opinions of the various players of the community and the time they have invested in their characters, RP and other projects.
Do you comply with the above terms?: Yes.

Hanta-Iseijin Transfer Request Channel - Akura - 09-18-2010

--< New Message >--
[color=#FFCC00]Comm ID: Captain Sienna Michiba
Heaven's Gate, Administration Complex
Subject: Congratulations
Encryption: Maximum

[Image: AmyComms.png]
Captain Michiba

Mr Tsatsui, your record hangs over you a little, but that matters little to me.
You're experienced, and show promise for our Division.

Fly to Battleship Matsumoto in Hokkaido, pick up your newly assigned Chimaera, then fly up to Heaven's Gate, docking bay C3. We'll see exactly how much promise you show.

Good luck, and don't let me down.

[Image: Amysig.png]
[color=#FFCC00]--< Message Ends >--

Hanta-Iseijin Transfer Request Channel - Ayem - 09-18-2010

Communication Ident: Kenzou Tenma-Taii, Kusari Naval Forces
Sender Location: Kenzou Residence, Omotesandō prefectorate, Planet New Tokyo
Subject: Hanta-Iseijin Transfer Request

Quote:Important Details - *Answer as applicable
  • Full Name: Kenzou Tenma
  • Current Rank*: Taii
  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Male
  • Place of Birth: Omotesandō prefectorate, Planet New Tokyo
  • Skills: Budō, with particular expertise in kenjutsu.
  • Previous Employment History: Of no occupation until enlisted in the Kusari Naval Forces at the age of seventeen.
  • Law enforcement, Military and/or Para-military History/Experience*: Three tours of duty for the Kusari Naval Forces.
Q&A - All questions below must be answered.

What experiences do you have with fighter/bomber craft.
During my training and first tour of duty aboard the Battleship Myoko I was trained in the now obsolete Dragon and, with my promotion to Taii, received a Chimaera for operational duties. Once my tour was complete I was cycled to the Battleship Matsumoto in Hokkaido under the command of Mochizuki Tatsuya-Shosho.
During my tour aboard the Matsumoto I piloted a Chimaera specially designed for use in areas of extreme radiation, the modifications allowed for extended flights across the Kyofu but resulted in reduced agility. Within the clouds of Hokkaido I came into contact, and conflict, with the Golden Chrysanthemums, the Consortium and the Blood Dragons.
After a number of victories against these enemies of the Emperor, I was permitted use of the J50P-B3 Umibozu, a craft I shared with the honourable Fujiki Gennosuke-Taii, Leader of Patrol Rho. On the unforeseen and tragic death of Fujiki-Taii and the following defeats of Patrol Rho, the wing was disbanded and I became the sole user of this Umibozu.
For my third tour I was based out of the Battleship Nagumo in Kyushu. My primary theatre of operation was the Tau-29 system where I engaged in interdiction activities against the Slave and Cardamine smugglers using the Baffin pipeline. My orders were to escort the slave vessels to the Isehara Terraforming Outpost in Okinawa and while a minority consented to proceed to the station, the majority refused and I was forced to cripple or destroy their ships. This resulted in the loss of life of many thousands of humans over the course of my tour and after a psych analysis at the conclusion I was ordered to take leave.

Why are you interested in joining the Hanta-Iseijin?
In my time as a Kusari Naval Officer I have seen many enemies of the Emperor and fought, and killed. There have always been the Infected however, lurking behind the multitude who wish our great nation brought to its knees. As I understand the primary goal of the Hanta-Iseijin is addressing the issue of the Infected traitors, I offer my blade to the cause of their end. It is not out of bloodlust that I seek a position among the Hanta-Iseijin, but a desire to protect the people of Kusari.

Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with Kusari law enforcement? If so, for what reasons?
I have never committed an offense against the laws of Kusari, and struggle to uphold them with every waking breath.

Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful?
Under the tutelage of Hiragata Mosuma-Sensei, I was trained in tactics, strategy and negotiation. It was his belief that only an objective achieved without spilled blood could be considered a true victory. The conversion of enemy pilots provided a source of vital information and allowed for new strategic possibilities.
It was Mosuma-Sensei'€™s ideal also that we be as deadly outside the cockpit as we were within. To this end I have been trained extensively in shipboard and planet-side combat, though I have not yet experienced actual combat in these environments.

//OOC Information
  • Ingame names*: isf|Ayem.ibn.Sina (inactive but most memorable), Pato.Dooley[Molly], Mag.Folan[Molly], agent|Mesektet.Duat, Bucket, [ALG]Muldenkipper, Sarcophagus.Guard, Broken.Sarcophagus, Marilynne.Robinson, isf|Sehti.Vehk, isf|Susa.ibn.Sina, isf|Trained.Slave, Bowex}Edge, Kenzou.Tenma, Licht.von.Finsternis, Nymph|Nomad, Anakhmet.
  • Skype username (Required): degracasul
  • Join Date on the server/forums: 10-March-2008
  • Timezone/Country: UK; GMT+0 or +1
    *(name a few important ones or something)
What are the Hanta-Iseijin?
The Hanta-Iseijin are the vigilant defenders of Kusari against the insidious threat of the Aoi Iseijin, who are in fact so insidious they have created an arm of the Kusari Naval Forces to hunt themselves, thereby robbing Kusari of an effective defence.

What do the Hanta-Iseijin do? (Tasks, RP style, etc)
Undertake the duties of their cover; vis. Uphold the law, detain or destroy criminals, but primarily appear to pursue the Kusari Wilde. It is probable that they would falsely accuse and plant evidence on an obstacle to their increasing influence in order to remove that threat legally.

Why do we do this?
The long term goal of the Kusari Infected, as I understand it, is total control of Kusari government and infrastructure.

Tell me about your character.
Kenzou Tenma-Taii is the only son of an influential family on New Tokyo. His family has a history of service in both the Blood Dragons and the Kusari Naval Forces. Kenzou Tenma'€™s uncle is with the Blood Dragons, and fights the Kusari Infected. Kenzou is heavily influenced by Bushidō¬ and as such attempts to live up to its principle virtues; Respect, Honesty, Loyalty, Honour, Righteousness, Courage, Benevolence.
Kenzou'€™s story thread is here.
Kenzou appears in The Arch Storm here.

Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery? (If no, go read and try again)

Have you really?
I hope so.

Then explain why the following rules are important:
3.1: Whether you think a person deserves respect or not, there is no need for personal attacks against them or their character in a manner that is designed to do harm or otherwise bully. There are far more fun ways for both sides to spar verbally.
3.3: OOC chat represents a failure by the player to deal with the situation in a manner that their character would do so. In system chat it damages the sense of immersion, distracts and sometimes infuriates other roleplayers.
3.4: To threaten the use of powers a player does not hold is a bluff designed to intimidate another player, generally in order to force an action or point of view. It also represents a failure of roleplay when a player can see no other way out of a situation, or is too lazy to look for/follow another way out of a situation, or uses it as a means of revenge or restitution.
5.2: Without roleplay prior to an engagement there is no personal context, nothing beyond the vanilla faction reputation sheet, to liven up a battle. For that alone, I like this rule and think it important. The greater the connection to the fight, the more vividly a player experiences it.
5.6 to 5.8: Death in a roleplaying game with instant respawns is a tricky matter. These rules prevent an angry player pursuing revenge on a weakened adversary(s) and also increase the sense of immersion. When the same character has attacked you for the fifth time and died, and then you see him on the scanner the sixth time, you start to get very bored with them.

Describe your experience of Kusari in 2-5 Lines.
In 2-5 lines: It'€™s lovely. I'€™d take my children there for holidays and let them fly about safe in the knowledge that the authorities were effective and honourable. I adore the local fashions, the silk kimonos and the Kusari Naval uniform are a wonder to behold. I do wish the Hogosha weren'€™t quite so widespread, but otherwise... lovely!
Alright, here are the real 2-5 lines:
I have flown in Kusari and its outlying systems for most of my time on the server. As the Outcast family led by Ayem ibn Sina I raided the Taus and occasionally came into contact with lawful figures, but more often bumped into the Chrysanthemums for a chinwag and gift of Cardamine.
As the [ALG]Muldenkipper my primary trade route brought me through Kusari space hauling Plutonium for which I negotiated a contract on behalf of the ALG faction as can be seen here.
As Kenzou Tenma I have patrolled Kusari, pursued lawbreakers (in accordance with the Kusari laws of the time) and defended shippers. I also met with and engaged in conversation with the Gaian Ritsuka and the KNS Kataki. I'€™ve come into contact with ]bd[, the GC and a great many slavers under a great many names.

Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months?
Not in the last six months. Previous to this I was sanctioned on my Outcast tagged/ID'€™d Rheinland Pirate Cruiser for engaging in combat with a non-ID/tagged Outcast Destroyer after providing warnings about the need for an ID and registration of the vessel, which at the time was necessary. I however, was not part of the faction regulating the use of capital ships, and was punished for my act of aggression. Regrettably the sanction report seems to have fallen off the edge of the Sanction forum subsection. I suppose it was a while ago.

On a scale from 1-11 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?
Possibly a nine. Sometimes I forget and fly past people in silence.

Terms and conditions

The Hanta-Iseijin reserves the right to expel a member from the faction if his or her conduct violates server rules, forum rules, faction rules or is being detrimental to the well being of the faction, its members and/or the community. The faction also requires applicants and faction members to respect the opinions of the various players of the community and the time they have invested in their characters, RP and other projects.
Do you comply with the above terms?: Yes

Hanta-Iseijin Transfer Request Channel - Akura - 09-19-2010

--< New Message >--
[color=#FFCC00]Comm ID: Captain Sienna Michiba
Heaven's Gate, Administration Complex
Subject: Congratulations
Encryption: Maximum

[Image: AmyComms.png]
Captain Michiba

Taii-Kenzou, your extensive combat experience and practically flawless record do you well, you pass for probation. I assume you know where Heaven's Gate is, and how to reach it. Docking bay C3 is cleared for those on probation.

Good luck, and don't let me down.

[Image: Amysig.png]
[color=#FFCC00]--< Message Ends >--

Hanta-Iseijin Transfer Request Channel - Dejavu - 09-19-2010

Quote:Important Details - *Answer as applicable
  • Full Name: Tadao Saga
  • Current Rank*: Chusa
  • Age: 32
  • Gender: Male
  • Place of Birth: Planet Honshu
  • Skills: Espionage, Ju Jitsu, Cooking, Heavy Weapons.
  • Previous Employment History: Worked for the honourable State Police for a few months before wanting something a little more challenging.
  • Law enforcement, Military and/or Para-military History/Experience*: Stated above (KSP Service), many months as a Kusari Naval Forces warrior, achieved the rank of Chusa allowing me command of a destroyer.
Q&A - All questions below must be answered.

What experiences do you have with fighter/bomber craft.
Have many qualifications in bomber and fighter craft, train regularly with other officers.

Why are you interested in joining the Hanta-Iseijin?
I have heard rumours about the Iseijin and wish to see if I am skilled enough to join the ranks of the elite.

Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with Kusari law enforcement? If so, for what reasons?

Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful?
Well, I have been trained in the art of stealth and espionage, I have served on the frontlines and using this skill I have boarded hostile stations and gathered important information on Bretonia.
I am also trained in the ancient martial art of Ju Jitsu, it is very useful when in hand to hand combat.
Cooking is a hobby of mine that I like to bring into the eye of the Naval Forces from time to time, I have cooked for many high ranking officers.
I am recently qualified in Heavy Weapons, this is to aid in my skills whilst piloting a Naval Forces destroyer.

//OOC Information
  • Ingame names*:
    LPI-Oliver.Shaw[D] (And Variants)
    [RM]Hg.Albert.Keller (And variants)

  • Skype username (Required): namrewob1

  • Join Date on the server/forums: 15th November 2008/4th December 2008

  • Timezone/Country: GMT/England

    *(name a few important ones or something)
What are the Hanta-Iseijin?
The Hanta-Iseijin are the Wild of Kusari, they remain undetected within the Kusari Naval Forces gathering forces and biding time.

What do the Hanta-Iseijin do? (Tasks, RP style, etc)
You act like any KNF officer would, stopping traders, killing pirates and lawbreakers. All they are doing is gathering forces.

Why do we do this?
To take control of the Kusari Government and gain influence within Kusari.

Tell me about your character.

Biography of Tadao:
Quote:'€œI led a simple life living on a small island in the heart of the rice fields, as a child I used to run amongst the plants, water up to my chest, these were the most enjoyable times of my life. My father was an officer in the Naval Forces so I often went without seeing him for many months at a time, but when I did we used to go for short flights in his personal craft. We sped around Honshu, stations and lanes flying past looking like one large blur, I felt most at home when I was with my father in his Chimaera.
A week after our regular flight he was called up on an important mission, he left in the middle of the night and I did not get to say goodbye which really got to me, I sat at the door everyday for the next year.
My mother and I did not get any confirmation that he wasn'€™t coming home again but we both knew that he was gone, we finally held a warriors funeral five years after, we had both lost hope.
The death of my father drove me towards the Naval Forces, I had been flying the family transport but wanted to do something for Kusari, I swore that my father'€™s spirit would live on within me and my guns.'€

Other than this he is a well mannered gentleman who respects everyone but the Bretonians, he is a person who likes fairness in combat. Other traits: Loyal, diplomatic, friendly.

Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery? (If no, go read and try again)

Have you really?
Yes, of course.

Then explain why the following rules are important:
Quote:3.1 Using coarse language, posting abusive, hateful, racist content in chat, public or private is prohibited under any circumstances. Any kind of flaming, threatening or insulting language directed at other members, factions or server administrators in chat, public or private, is prohibited on server and on forums. RP-related threats are allowed on the server.

Using bad language and hateful language is disrespectful, we also have younger members here on Disco and it is best not to let them see this kind of language.
Quote:3.3 Out-of-character (OOC) chat must not be used in system or local chat. OOC communication in group or private chat between players will cease if one player requests it. Admins are free to communicate with any player at any time.
It's an RP server... so to stop other people having their RP experienced ruined it is frowned upon, "//" is only to be used in an emergency.

Quote:3.4 Threatening other players with reports and sanctions, attempting to pose as an Admin and using an Admin's name without permission is not allowed.
Using intimidation to get out of a tough RP situation as it were is not nice, it completely ruins the fun of the server.

Quote:5.2 All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. "Engaging" is not sufficient. An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Being hit with a CD is not considered an attack. If a player is attacked he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking.

Again, this ruins the fun of an RP server, if you attack someone without warning it is practically the same as hitting a random person on the street which is frowned upon.

5.6 to 5.8:
Quote:5.6 Fleeing in combat counts as a PVP death. Fleeing is:

a) Docking with a jump gate, station or tradelane;
b) Moving more than 10km from the fight.

Vessels acting as escorts for trade ships are exempt from this rules for purposes of:

a) Catching up to their transport. I.E. breaking off an attack to rejoin their charge.
b) Re-entering a system which had previously been exited.

5.7 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) until four hours have passed from the time of his/her destruction.

If the player respawns in the same system, he/she must leave the system within 10 minutes of his destruction without attacking anyone, except in self-defense. Other players are not allowed to attack one who is leaving.

Transports/Freighters/Liners which have been killed in a PvP fight may return to the system in which they were destroyed but only for purposes of moving through the system or for trade within that system. They may only act in a purely defensive manner. This exemption applies only to players who are in the system for the purposes of trading and does not apply to mining, piracy or any other activity.

5.8 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not attack the enemy (player or players involved in the death) with any of the characters on his/her account(s) for 4 hours. Self-killing during a PvP fight is counted as a normal PvP death.

Not a fan of the fleeing rules but they are the rules so they must be followed. The 4 hour rule makes the RP experience as "real" as possible without ruining the fun for other people. You wouldn't kill someone in RL and expect to see them flying around five minutes later.

Describe your experience of Kusari in 2-5 Lines.
Been part of the KNF for many months now and have been enjoying it thoroughly, it's a great house and I wish it to be more active.

Used to have an indie KSP which I used to fly around in. I also trade through Kusari on my IND and have great RP with the Dragons and other people.

Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months?
No, I have never been sanctioned.

On a scale from 1-11 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?
Eight maybe a nine.

Terms and conditions

The Hanta-Iseijin reserves the right to expel a member from the faction if his or her conduct violates server rules, forum rules, faction rules or is being detrimental to the well being of the faction, its members and/or the community. The faction also requires applicants and faction members to respect the opinions of the various players of the community and the time they have invested in their characters, RP and other projects.
Do you comply with the above terms?: Yes.

Hanta-Iseijin Transfer Request Channel - Vexykin - 09-20-2010

Quote:Important Details - *Answer as applicable
  • Full Name: Takeshi Yoshida
  • Current Rank*: Lieutenant
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Male
  • Place of Birth: Planet New Tokyo
  • Skills: Kung Fu, meditating, ship handling, welding
  • Previous Employment History: I was working in Interspace Commerce to load on and off cargo after i worked enough and made enough money i went to KNF academy, i served KNF for many months.
  • Law enforcement, Military and/or Para-military History/Experience*: I worked for Kusari Naval Forces for 4 months, caught many criminals and Smugglers.
Q&A - All questions below must be answered.

What experiences do you have with fighter/bomber craft.
I am skilled on flying both type of crafts i always prefer to use fighter. I am training regularly.

Why are you interested in joining the Hanta-Iseijin?
I just think that Kusari Naval Forces is not enough. More and more Infected ones were invading Kusari i want to put end of this and protect Kusari people.

Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with Kusari law enforcement? If so, for what reasons?

Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful?
I am a very good Fighter Pilot, i've been working as a Cargo loader.

//OOC Information
  • Ingame names*: Order|Cpl.James.Reese, Kruger|Deggendorf, Shadows|Julia.Blake, OCV-Paladin, LNS-Providence, Ka'lshi (Nomad Morph), [A]-Carlos.Monzon
  • Skype username (Required): mario-silver1
  • Join Date on the server/forums: 21-January 2010 is forum registratation but i joined server in November/December 2009
  • Timezone/Country: GMT +2 Estonia
    *(name a few important ones or something)
What are the Hanta-Iseijin?
They are nomad-infested Humans, working highly undercovered in Kusari.

What do the Hanta-Iseijin do? (Tasks, RP style, etc)
They gain trust from Kusari Lawful operations and act as they want to destroy Nomad threat in Kusari, they act same as Kusari Naval Forces they kill unlawfuls and fight piracy.

Why do we do this?
To take Over Kusari under they're control

Tell me about your character.
Quote:Takeshi was born on Planet New Tokyo, his mother is working in Interspace Commerce and his father is retired Kusari Naval Forces pilot. Takeshi wanted to step in Father's footsteps and when he were 17 he went to work for Interspace commerce as an Cargo Loader. Soon he earned enough money to join Academy of KNF. He served KNF for 3 hard months to achieve Lieutenant rank. After 4 months of serving KNF he experienced enough threats which are dangerous to Kusari. He heard about Elite group who are fighting against biggest threat against humanity and he felt that he would like to fight for humanity.
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery? (If no, go read and try again)

Have you really?

Then explain why the following rules are important:
3.1: Insulting and bad behaviour might be bad to our Community and this is definetly made for younger people who are playing in Discovery
3.3: Well, discovery 24/7 is Roleplay server that means you are not allowed to say things which are Out Of character, "//" in front of text marks the OORP chatter and it's only allowed to use when it's needed for example to correct mistake you made in-RP chatter
3.4: Attemting to pose as admin and threatening it's like you try to be over from person you threaten and this rule is made to prevent such things happen and it might confuse people
5.2: Without this rule i'd possibly quit discovery, Roleplay before combat must be fulfilled even the minimal requirements because this is Roleplay server after all
5.6 to 5.8: Also those rules are very important because this prevents quick-reattacks from players you killed or got killed from, it would ruin whole fun if you kill one person 20 times in 10 minutes, how could you re-set-up your ship in 5 minutes in-rp, you got killed, "your pod needs to be transferred to another base and possible injuries you received during the fight" and many other reasons

Describe your experience of Kusari in 2-5 Lines.
I've been only trading in Kusari, i never created a Character in Kusari because i didnt found anything intresting there. But Aoi RP seems to fit perfectly to start my Roleplay in Kusari

Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months?
Yes details are: here
Also one FR5 from Zoner Faction which was reversed, details are: Here

On a scale from 1-11 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?

Terms and conditions

The Hanta-Iseijin reserves the right to expel a member from the faction if his or her conduct violates server rules, forum rules, faction rules or is being detrimental to the well being of the faction, its members and/or the community. The faction also requires applicants and faction members to respect the opinions of the various players of the community and the time they have invested in their characters, RP and other projects.
Do you comply with the above terms?: Yes

Hanta-Iseijin Transfer Request Channel - NixOlympica - 09-20-2010

Quote:Important Details - *Answer as applicable
  • Full Name: Yuki Ayaka
  • Current Rank: So-Honbucho of Black Dragon Society
  • Age: 34
  • Gender: Female
  • Place of Birth: Planet New Tokyo
  • Skills: Iaido, haiku
  • Previous Employment History: First lady of BDS. Diplomatic meetings with high ranked politics and people with influence in Kusari.
  • Law enforcement, Military and/or Para-military History/Experience*:
    Helped Kusari Naval Forces in Leeds assault.
    Protecting Kusari borders.

Q&A - All questions below must be answered.

What experiences do you have with fighter/bomber craft.
Advanced combat training in Black Dragon Hogosha very heavy fighter

Why are you interested in joining the Hanta-Iseijin?
I wish to help those brave people in 113th division with their fight for clean, safe and better Kusari and rid our space of terrorists, criminals and mainly those abomination of infected personnels. I have earned enough of money in my work for Society and I always tried to do my best for our land. But sometimes diplomacy is not enough and men and women in arms are needed more. After all words are strings for weapons.

Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with Kusari law enforcement? If so, for what reasons?

Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful?
As I stated before I have met and worked with many people on various places in Kusari. Many of them still owe me and I could get their support for Hanta-Iseijin goal.

Also I always do my best to finish task I was given. No matter how much it could cost me.

//OOC Information
  • Ingame names*:

  • Skype username (Required): pilgrim666
  • Join Date on the server/forums: 20-May 08
  • Timezone/Country: Czech Republic (GMT +1, 2)
What are the Hanta-Iseijin?
They are soldiers and officers of KNF and KSP who were infected by Kusari wild. No they are working on getting influence and power in military and government structures while acting as a "regular people" doing jobs they are supposed to do. Their true nature remains hidden to achieve their goals and tasks.

What do the Hanta-Iseijin do? (Tasks, RP style, etc)
They act as member of KNF or KSP would. They uphold the law, fight the criminals, protect the traders. Generally they remain hidden.

Why do we do this?
Because you not strong enough to reveal themself and declare Kusari open war. Their power is not in numbers but in stealth and their goal is to get influence on Kusari strategical military and political places. To achieve this goal Iseijin must remain undetected and therefore act as KNF or KSP would.

Tell me about your character.
Yuki Ayako is daughter of rich man Fumio Ayaka who founded company manufacturing and selling personal weapons. When her father in age of 67 died because of heart attack, Yuki as the only heir become new CEO of her father's company and although, now her company, had already great profit she decided she will join underground Black Dragon Society to gain even more influence. Yuki achieved her goal and soon her company got government contract for supplying KSP officers with weapons. Due to her diplomatic skills she also become "first lady" of BDS and often contacts Kusari politicians and company owners in various Society matters. Yuki earned huge wealth and although, she funded Forces and donated large sums to charity she still feels she owes her land more help. That is reason why she contacted Captain Michiba.

Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery? (If no, go read and try again)

Have you really?

Then explain why the following rules are important:
3.1: Discovery is place for people to have fun. Nobody has fun when he is being threatened/flamed.
3.3: Out of character in system or local destroys roleplay atmosphere. There is no reason to do it when there is no emergency.
3.4: If you broke rule it is up to admin decision and if they think there is necessity of submitting report and it couldn't be handled by explaining, there is place for that. And that place is not server but forums. Not mentioning they are often wrong and most of things can be handled by explaining.
5.2: Again it's about RP atmosphere and fun. No one likes to be killed by "insane banzai" person shooting people around just for sake of getting blue messages/having fun from it.
5.6 to 5.8: Fleeing rule, 4 hour rule. When someone lost or decided to run (lost) he must accept that fact. Therefore he shouldn't be able to attack again since his ship would be destroyed = it would took weeks before he could attack again. And fleeing and re-engaging just wouldn't be fair. When someone won in hard fight because his enemy surrendered, he shouldn't be attacked again with resupplied and repaired vessel.

Describe your experience of Kusari in 2-5 Lines.
Experience from BDS, indy KNF and trading there. Kusari is one of the most interesting places for roleplay. It's space where culture and history mixes with technology and future. But it's also land suffering from war with Bretonia and fight with Red Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemums. It's place with huge RP potentional.

Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months?

On a scale from 1-11 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?
9, there is always place for improve

Terms and conditions

The Hanta-Iseijin reserves the right to expel a member from the faction if his or her conduct violates server rules, forum rules, faction rules or is being detrimental to the well being of the faction, its members and/or the community. The faction also requires applicants and faction members to respect the opinions of the various players of the community and the time they have invested in their characters, RP and other projects.
Do you comply with the above terms?: Yes