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Transmission to Omicron Supply Industries - Printable Version

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Transmission to Omicron Supply Industries - qwertypp7 - 09-17-2010

[Image: rwm6qg.png]
Comm ID: -ERROR- Data encrypted
Subject: Food shipments to crete
Location: -ERROR- Locational beacon could not be located


As you may well be aware from a Sirius wide broadcast that appeared recently, there are forces massing to oppose potential Corsair expansion in the Omicron systems.
Should a peaceful solution not be reached at the currently ongoing Zoner security summit, then it is with much regret that I must inform you that the vessels belonging to your corporation that have recently resumed food shipments to Omicron Gamma may well come under threat from those people resisting Corsair expansion. Interdiction of food supplies will inevitably become a primary tactic in any conflict with the Corsair empire and we cannot guarantee that your ships will stay out of the firing line.

Obiously it is quite contradictory to attack Zoners in the interests of helping Zoners so I am contacting you to warn you of our intent and how we will deal with OSI transports shipping food to Crete.
We do not wish any harm to the Zoners of the OSI and so instead of destroying your vessels as we will do with Corsair food shipments, we will instead ask any OSI vessels caught transporting food to Crete to redirect to the nearest Zoner installation and turn the food over to the authorities there, where it will then be redistributed to the victims of the Corsair attacks on freeport 1, 9 and 15.
Violence will only be used as a last resort in self defence but since your company uses Whales for much of its shipping, we do not expect that to happen often.

[Image: 35bd02f.png]

Transmission to Omicron Supply Industries - qwertypp7 - 09-18-2010

---Signal Retransmits---

Transmission to Omicron Supply Industries - Stygian - 09-19-2010

[Image: OSI-Header.png]

--Comm ID: Gabriel Caudill--
--Location: Freeport 14, Yukon--
--Encryption: MAXIMUM--

I'll just be frank. I am a bit insulted by this. No...make that very insulted. You honestly think we are going to support those attacking people I consider personal friends? The whole reason the deal was made was to protect my pilots. Why would I send them straight into a warzone anyways?

there is a brief pause in the transmission

I do apologize for the outburst. The recent loss of so many friends coupled with the hostile tones in the message set me off. Just to sum it up. We aren't stupid.

Good day

Gabriel Caudill

Transmission to Omicron Supply Industries - qwertypp7 - 09-19-2010

[Image: rwm6qg.png]
Comm ID: -ERROR- Data encrypted
Subject: Food shipments to crete
Location: -ERROR- Locational beacon could not be located

Ah so our intelligence was wrong then. My apologies then if you have indeed stopped your shipments to Crete.

Safe flying.
[Image: 35bd02f.png]