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inFamous 2 - schlurbi - 09-19-2010

Superheroes yeyeye.

Anyway. Some of you might know inFamous for the Play Station 3. For me, it was one of the best Games I've ever played, which weren't so many tho'. Anyway in the Game you go Superpowers (Hell Yeah!). Your Power is Electricity, you can shock your Opponents, let them fly through the Air and other Crap you want to do with them. Just fry them xD. And you can climb every House. You can go anywhere you want to, just not Water. It has a really interesting Story with a very, very surprising Ending. I don't want to tell you, you might be interested in playing it too. Another big Part of the Game is the Karma System, you can be good or evil, you decide. Whether you're bad or good you'll change. The Guy's Comments will, your Powers and how you look like. Even the whole Town changes.

Soo, next Year the Sequel will come out which I'll totally gonna buy. Already looking at the Graphics, wow. Looks really, really, really great. The Character's look changes, don't know why, but I prefer the newer one. You also get into a new Town and get different Opponents. Trailers show Ice Power, but it is unknown if you control Ice too or you have a cold Foe.



What do you Guys/Gals say?

inFamous 2 - Collateral - 09-19-2010

Played the first and it was amazing. Oh look he has tattoos now:)
Which path did you prefer, Good or Evil? :crazy:

inFamous 2 - schlurbi - 09-19-2010

I played Good first. Then I did another Run through the Game and went full evil. The black Lightnings are epic :laugh:

inFamous 2 - Akura - 09-19-2010

Too much good and evil differention.

I would like the ability to play it neutral.

inFamous 2 - Collateral - 09-19-2010

He has giant Electric Hair Straighteners now, sweeeet!
I got rid of my PS3 for Xbox, I regret every minute of it. Xbox and there cheeky subscription fees.

' Wrote:Too much good and evil differention.

I would like the ability to play it neutral.

Not sure if there any Zoners in this game.:)

inFamous 2 - schlurbi - 09-19-2010

' Wrote:Too much good and evil differention.

I would like the ability to play it neutral.
[Image: infamous-covercopy.png]

inFamous 2 - Collateral - 09-19-2010


inFamous 2 - Akura - 09-19-2010

I didn't say like a f***y pasifist, I mean play it without leaning either way.

Imagine a puppy strapped to a bomb.

I can either set it on fire and cackle as I blow it up, then post it to some children. Or I can rescue it and start a pet rescue home in my free time.

Can't I have the option to save it and then ignore it?

inFamous 2 - schlurbi - 09-19-2010

Ignoring it is also a bad Thing. Imagine a Guy being attacked by some Guys, because they want his Wallet. You can decide between saving him, robbing him or ignoring him. You save him, okay you receive a + Point. You rob him, you receive a - Point. Though if you'd ignore him you'd still receive a - Point, because you didn't save him.


inFamous 2 - Akura - 09-19-2010

Ignoring is basically like leaving out parts of the game.

Can't I save him and tell him to go f*** himself?