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Commander Sebastien LaHoue to the Zoners and the GMG. - Printable Version

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Commander Sebastien LaHoue to the Zoners and the GMG. - Pinko - 09-19-2010

[Image: duplessis.jpg]
From: Commander Sebastien LaHoue of the Freeport 18
To: Zoners, GMG Guildmasters
Encryption: HIGH

We have hid for long enough. Now, it is also our time to strike back. Myself, Sebastien LaHoue, former Order captain for several years, have a special experience with warships. I know the Freeport 18 can be refitted into one, it has the potential to it. I know that my fellows need my support, and cowarding in the Deeper Sigmas will not help my brethens in any way. It is why I request the help of Zoner Engineers to refit the Freeport 18 so it can also be part of the fight! I also suggest to change the name of the vessel into Freedom-1, what do you think?

To the GMG, I know that I already asked you a lot, but I would ask you if it would be possible to host the civilian population of the Freeport 18 until the end of this conflict. I will pay your price if you request one, and I will assist you as well in any way possible, should you need it. The GMG has always been there for me when I needed it, and I will be there for it.

>>>End of transmission<<<

Commander Sebastien LaHoue to the Zoners and the GMG. - BlueSpawn - 09-19-2010

..:: Incomming Transmission ::..
Comms ID: Yevan Pushking
Source: Freeport 9

Dear Commander Sebastien LaHoue,
if you send your ship to fight in Theta, it will be reduced to rubble before you'll be able to say "Eris save the Freeport."

Send us a few chaps who know how to pilot bombers and fighters. Capital ships drop like flies around here.


Commander Sebastien LaHoue to the Zoners and the GMG. - Pinko - 09-19-2010

[Image: duplessis.jpg]
From: Commander Sebastien LaHoue of the Freedom-1
To: Zoners, GMG Guildmasters

It is why I haved founded and financed the Zoner Security Staff, a group of specialized fighters which will escort the Freedom-1 in it's skirmishes against the Corsairs. I made sure that all of my pilots are well-trained and well-equipped. Now, all I would need are people to refit the Freedom-1 so it may actually transport these pilots and support them.

>>>End of transmission<<<

Commander Sebastien LaHoue to the Zoners and the GMG. - Sturmwind - 09-20-2010


Source: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta.
Comm ID: Vasili Yurovits Kiryakov, Zoner Security Squadron.


[Image: Vasili.png]

Vasili here.

Just so that you know, comrade LaHoue is not talking in the air.

Me and comrade Stephan Wechsler were insulted by a Black Sail while we were patrolling Freeport 9 and the coward ran to his lair. We agreed to pursue and take him down before he came back with more of his flesh-eater buddies.

Our pursuit of him evolved into the first larger-scale ZSS engagement, as the visual data will detail.

[color=#FFFFFF][font=Century Gothic][size=small]

[Image: ZSS1.png]

[Image: ZSS2.png]

[Image: ZSS3.png]

[Image: ZSS4.png]


That's an Imperator, a pair of Titans, a Praetorian and a Gladiator less, with the cost of a dent on the hulls of our two Eagles. These Sairs sure won't be threatening our Freeport again in a while.

With the support of comrade LaHoue and his crew, not only will we have a powerful warship at our hands, but mobile headquarters that will help us relocate along with our supplies easier than operating out of Freeport 9. Thus, we would be able to provide security for other Zoner assets, whenever it may be needed.

Vasili out.