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To: Gateway Shipping - Printable Version

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To: Gateway Shipping - Skullz - 09-23-2010

Incoming transmission-
target ID confirmed-

Dear Sir/Madame

I am asking if you are interested in hiring our Companies Services for protection of your ships. We offer a challenging rate for our work. And as we are both Privatised Bretionian companies I feel if we can work together well in the long run, we can show privatisation works extremely well together.

Please contact me if you wish to discuss plans for escort services.

Imperator Davis Williams
Owner of Venator Private Security

To: Gateway Shipping - Slainte - 09-23-2010

Gateway Comm System: Open
From: Calum McDonald, CEO Gateway Interstellar
To: Imperator Davis Williams
Subject: Escort services

Thankyou for your comm message. Gateway's pilots are always on the lookout for good escort and scout services and we would be pleased to use VPS ships in such a roll. Indeed, a few of our pilots have already used VPS in the past and have all spoken highly of you.
Please send me a list of your current rates and i will most certainly put this before the Board of Directors in the next meeting.

Yours aye

Calum McDonald

Gateway Comm System: Closed

To: Gateway Shipping - Skullz - 09-23-2010

Incoming transmission-
Target ID confirmed-

Mr McDonald

I am glad to see your interest.

The current proposed rate will be 15%.

As an example for a profit margin for one of your trading vessels is 10 Million credits per run. the payment to the escort(s) will be 1.5 Million sirius standard credits. We would also be very much interested in your bounty board if you have one. If not I would like to recommend you to use our own bounty board service.

Yours Faithfully

I D Williams
Imperator Davis Williams
Owner of Venator Private Security

To: Gateway Shipping - Chase - 09-24-2010

From: Gateway Captain Walter Godwin - Director of Trade Operations
Subject: Contract
Encryption Level: Medium

Good day lads.

I've been asked to finalize this transaction, so here is what we've come up with.

Agreement between Gateway Interstellar and Venator Private Security for escort and scouting services.
  1. Gateway Interstellar will employ the services of Venator Private Security for escort and scout duties at the agreed rate of 15% of the value of the trade run.
  2. Gateway Interstellar pilots will be in full command of the escort on duty in relation to routes taken, engagement orders, and particular in-flight details. Our highest priority is to ensure the cargo arrives safely and swiftly, unnecessary risks will not fall on or be initiated by the escorter but rather the trade captain. Of course this is not always possible as events can sometimes happen too fast for negotiations to occur, but as a general rule this is to be applied.
  3. Gateway Interstellar will pay a bonus rate if a particular action leads to the safe delivery of the cargo. This is at the discretion of the contracting trade captain or of the board of directors upon review of company trade reports.
  4. This contract is not a limitation of Gateway Interstellar's escort retinue, but simply an agreed upon payment and conduct contract with Venator Private Security; not limiting Gateway Interstellar's use of other security services.
If there need to be any alterations to this contract please specify.

Walter Godwin out.

Message End

To: Gateway Shipping - Skullz - 09-25-2010

Incoming Transmission-
Target Comm confirmed-

Dear Gateway.

After much thought, I cannot find anything wrong with the agreement. Nor anything to add to it.

Thus it is signed and a copy has been sent back to you of the two copies you have sent me.

May we both thrive together.

I D Williams

Imperator Davis Williams