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TO: Kusari Naval Forces / Zoner's - Printable Version

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TO: Kusari Naval Forces / Zoner's - LegendOfTheWolf - 09-23-2010

****** Incoming Transmission *****
***** To: Kusari Naval Forces / Zoner's of Freeport 6 ******


I wish to inform you both of an event which accured, involving my new ship, and two Kusari Naval Forces Capital ships. My and my crew were nicely stationed outside Freeport 6, running checks on the new internal, when I was forced to call Red Alert, and our untested weapon systems came online. Our shields was raised, and awaited the attack from the capital ships.

Communication Logs
Proof of Location

Only god can tell me how the hell the captains of these ships became command of those ships. I would of thought a house military would have target practice in their own system. But coming into Tau-29, and attack a simple stationed cruiser, while next to a Zoner owned Freeport, this isn't how I'd thought my first day of command would be.

I want a god damn reason why the hell Naval captains have the right to endanger Zoner personnel on Freeports. Out differences should not be taken to the heights of a Freeport.

I await your explanation on this topic.

- Captain Amancio

TO: Kusari Naval Forces / Zoner's - West - 09-23-2010

[Image: comheader.png]
[Image: KagakagariTakaya.jpg]
>>>>Comm ID: Chujo Kagakagari Takaya
>>>>To: Captain Amancio
>>>>Subject: Unknown

Oh what we got here? someone reported about our ships in tau-29? eh isn't it our territory?
You are telling us mister Amancio, that our capital ships attacked your peacefully stationed near freeport outcast destroyer without reason?
Oh let me explain you, that this is our space... and if we see there any hostile capital ship, we will eliminate it. You understand me?
And now, if zoners will have some questions to us, we will speak with them, not with you. Sayonara.
Chujo Kagakagari Takaya Out.
[Image: comfooter1.png]

TO: Kusari Naval Forces / Zoner's - sadtranslation - 09-23-2010

:incoming transmission:
:opening channel:
:video feed enabled:
:login: Scout.Finch:
:password: encrypted:

:print: hello world:

I am not a Freeport 6 citizen, but I'm still recieving such news on the old Zoner Defence Force channels. To be honest, I never expected that I will thank Kusari for training good gunners. Anyway, thank you, captain Amancio, for destroying nerve cells of civilian personelle of Freeport that used to watch the incident. We always tried to fix out some regulations concerning capital ships stopping at our stations for resupply or other needs, but this is what we have in fact:

Freeports in Omega-3 and Tau-29 are located on the territory claimed by Bretonian and Kusari governments as their own and even since we prefer to run our stations as places independent from the influence of House governments, it is not always that easy and we're usually forced to agree by political means - with Kusari - or by capital fleet opening fire on our ships - with Bretonia.

Anyway, even since there may be some complaints to Kusarian government from Zoners of Freeport 6 voiced soon, your simple stationed Outcast cruiser on Kusari territory posed a certain amount of danger and in that case I can only agree with preventative measures applied by Kusari Naval Forces making sense even since opening large-calibre fire near the Freeport is an outrageous violation of rules we were trying to enforce in the past.

Bernard Finch out.

:terminating transmission:
:channel closed:

TO: Kusari Naval Forces / Zoner's - XTriton - 09-24-2010

----Incoming Transmission----
----Zoner signature detected ----
----Zoner ID verified----
----ID: Temporary Autonomous Zoner----
----Operator: Xavier Triton----

Greetings to Captain Amancio and the Kusari Naval Forces who are monitoring this channel,

First off I would like to address the Mr Amancio.
While it is true that whilst in our No-fire-zones, which are 5k in circumference around a Freeports docking ring, do protect you from outside trouble it does not mean that you can simply sit in them thinking you are immune to outside influence. Some time ago we adopted a no loitering policy to address issues like this, but due to the chaos that has befallen Zoners lately some of those procedures may have been lost. But I can say as A Temporary Autonomous Zoner who has been monitoring Freeport 6 for quite some time that loitering is very much frowned upon by the Zoners there. If you have business at a Freeport then I would suggest docking. You may remain docked for as long as you wish, but using the NFZ of the Freeport to sit around in your ship can cause issues with the right "ingredients" to the situation. This of course does not excuse the actions of the Kusari Naval vessels that attacked you. It was a brazen unprovoked attack that all but spit on Freeport 6's existence.

Now to the Kusari Naval Forces who started this.
Freeports have a No-Fire-Zone. Just because you claim the system around it does not give you the right to merely attack whomever you please. Zoners were there a long time before you even began your expansion interests in Tau-29 and we claim the space around Freeport 6 as our own.
We need our NFZs in order to keep neutral amongst the chaos of the border worlds and we don't need house militarists coming in and making life hard for us. If the people you wish to shoot have actually done something to you besides simply being who they are affiliated to, and you want justice, then talk to the TAZ who oversee Freeport 6. It is against our policies for anyone to use the Freeport as a security blanket. It is merely there to keep the peace across many different Sirian groups that frequent the Freeports.
*Sigh* I don't want any bad blood here, but we have been under quite a bit of strain lately. So forgive me if I sound somewhat stern.
If you are directly under the command of the KNF then lets see if we can fix this.

[Image: XTritonSigniture.png]
Xavier Triton
The Trident of Eris, Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin

---Ending Transmission---

TO: Kusari Naval Forces / Zoner's - Jien Kogen - 09-24-2010

[Image: comheader.png]

Konnichiwa Xavier-san,

One of my aids put your last transmission in front of me a moment ago, and I felt the need to clarify some things for you, new to your position, as I am told you are. Tau 29 is Kusari space, and no one else's. Those patrols outside Freeport 6, those are not Zoner patrols, those are the brave men and women of the Kusari Naval Forces who protect your Freeport, and the entrance to Baffin. As to your claims to the development of Tau 29, I think you should probably get your facts straight. The development of Tau-29 began with its discovery by Kusari government explorers in 300 A.S. The next large step in Tau-29's development was the building of the Jumpgate from Kyushu to the system, by the Kusari government none the less. After that, the building of the tradelanes and Shinkaku and Nago station in 602-603 A.S. What we now know as Freeport 6 was a small depot DSE used in building the lanes and bases in the system from 500-605 A.S., it was not until all the development work was done in the system, that DSE left the depot. Sometime later, around 750 A.S. the Zoners moved in, some 450 years after Kusari discovered and began development on the system. For the whole of its existence, Tau-29 has been a Kusari system, and the Zoner have no claim of sovereignty there.

Finally, I will point you to the Kusari governments official statements regarding Tau-29 from 813 A.S. Take note of the underlined parts specifically. This should clear the legal status of Tau-29.
Quote: Therefore, Kusari Foreign Ministry accuses Bretonia of preparing aggression and deliberately false accusations against Kusari people. Since now on, mighty forces of Kusari Navy will enter Tau-29 to defend Kyushu and other Kusari systems from potential aggression of Bretonia. Tau-29 is now under Kusari military jurisdiction, and Bretonian military and police ships that will try to enter the system will be shot on sight. For the sake of peace in the Tau sector, Kusari government will soon move its forces into Tau-23 system, which is currently plagued by Outcast pirates and Bretonian intruders known as BMM.

Now, the Kusari have always had the utmost respect for our new neighbors in Baffin, and we tend to let them handle things around the Freeport, but that is by no means a ceding of Kusari sovereignty in the area or the system. When threats to Kusari are found, they will be dealt with as Kusari sees fit, whether in your no fire zone or outside. While we do prefer to allow Zoners to handle the area around the Freeport, it is at the discretion of the ranking KNF officer on scene to decide whether a threat is significant enough, and immediate enough to take action. In this case, the officers in question felt that an Outcast capital ship posed both a significant and an immediate threat to Kusari security. I am inclined to agree.

Xavier-san, while we in Kusari understand your desire for neutrality, we have a higher responsibility in Tau-29. We must be concerned with the flow of vital commercial traffic as well as the safety of the crews of the many ships that pass through the system everyday. All of those pale in comparison to the safety of the Kusari civilians living on Nago and Shinkaku stations. Both of those bases, some 30k from your Freeport, Nago, being just down the lane, only a few seconds away. The safety of those living on these stations is the highest concern of the Kusari government, and to be perfectly frank, much more important to us than offending the Zoners. I hope you can understand that point at least. The Kusari government does not seek friction with the Zoners, but we will not allow the idea of friction with the Zoners to stop our brave warriors from protecting the citizens and interests of Kusari in these times of heightened threats.


[Image: commclose.jpg]

TO: Kusari Naval Forces / Zoner's - XTriton - 09-24-2010

----Incoming Transmission----
----Zoner signature detected ----
----Zoner ID verified----
----ID: Temporary Autonomous Zoner----
----Operator: Xavier Triton----

Emperor Kogan,

I am both honored and humbled that you have addressed this communication in such haste. I was not expecting the heavenly sovereign himself to take such an interest.
Thank you for clarifying the history behind the system. I have to say I was completely unaware of how far the roots were spread in Kusari's pioneering days. I hope you can forgive my bluntness in this communication as we have been under a lot of strain lately all across Sirius. To keep the balance for those not crying for war is both challenging and never ending. Many houses are expanding and claiming sovereignty over systems these days that I cant seem to keep up. Not that I contest that. Merely an observation.
It seems that my predecessors unwittingly took residence at Freeport 6 without knowing of Kusari's true claim.
I respect your words and am willing to accept them. All I ask is for the mercy of your troops in engaging targets so close to our Freeport. Firefights so close to our bases endanger many innocent lives. If it were as simple as barring docking to the ones you seek to protect Kusari against then it would be a simple matter. But unfortunately we are everywhere, and the smallest action against anyone can have consequences that span the sector.

*sigh* I don't want to leave Freeport 6 open to firefights as it is...But I am at a loss as to what can be done at this juncture. All I can ever hope to ask from Kusari is for mercy.

[Image: XTritonSigniture.png]
Xavier Triton
The Trident of Eris, Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin

---Ending Transmission---