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Black Sails to the Indians - Printable Version

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Black Sails to the Indians - ... kur nubėgo? - 09-25-2010

Comm ID: Elder Rodrigo Alavera of The Black Sails.
Location: Cadiz, Omega - 5 system
Subject: a simple offer

Buenos dias so called amigos. It was quite a time then I was absent from my Sail and Corsair duties becouse of my growing family. See, I care about my home, my family and the income which sustains it. Si, the income you've been steeling. Steeling something what belonged to us for a long time. While we have few obsticals in our path (Mollies) we surely do not need one more. I do not know whos idea was to let you even dock on -OUR- base and repair at -OUR- expense but it was foolish as it is. Maybe people just made a deal too fast. Oh hold on, hold on.. You don't need to give me "but we pay for the repairs" crap for me. It's not about wealth. It's about time our people waists on likes of you. And we all have same 24 hours in a day. And surely all that time could be used for our own pilots fighting at hessian front, than helping some apatrids.

But, despite all of this nonsense, I still think you can be useful. If you want to maintain your stance with us as it is now, you will start paying a share of your profits for looting our belongs at dublin. What righteously belongs to my children and my hermanos.

Starting from next week, you are required to pay 17 500 000 credits per week to the Sails.Loot account.

This is not a discussion channel. Nor game spot for "who the hell am I and who the freak are you". Simply confirm this or not. We will act accordinatly. Also, empty threats does not worry me.

Signal lost

Black Sails to the Indians - Karver70 - 09-25-2010

[Image: 2wg5hc7.jpg]

Haug...What is this payment for friendship ?....hmmm since when does a person
pay to have a friend. We will charge you the same amout a week for our friendship.

There you go Sail now we are even.

Do not think you can intimidate us with your extortion we laugh at you.

And Indians never dock on your bases, since your absence it seems you are fed lies,
and propaganda.

So as you can see we wont pay you as you most likely wont pay us, so its a stale mate amigo.

So you can take this message back to your starving pirate group...

Indians take what is ours and we will not be bullied by lesser men.
You are of no use to us whatsoever, so wither and die for all we care.
If you want to bring ships of war to us, we will take the scalps of the Pilots.

Black Sails to the Indians - Prosecutor - 09-25-2010

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID:The.Mohican****
****Subject:a simple offer****
****To:Elder Rodrigo Alavera of The Black Sails****
****Displaying Message***

Haug Elder Rodrigo Alavera

The truth is as follows.
You have given us permission to land at Cadiz base,
and then no one has ever done this,no mention of payment.
Anyway, we never,but never used it right,
we've helped you many times and rescued your pilots.
But you very much tempt your happiness,
do not push very hard,can be returned to you.

****End Of Transmission****

Black Sails to the Indians - Primitive - 09-25-2010

***Incoming transmission***
Comm ID : Jack "The Apache" Ward
Location : Trafalgar station
Subject : Complicated offer

[Image: inglouriousbasterds1530.jpg]

Empty threats ye say ? Interestin'. Foolish ye say ? Foolish of yer own leader ? 'Ere is yer original transmission when we asked to be able to dock on yer bases *Original transmission*, which we never actually did, we just wanted to know if our enemies run in yer territory that we will be able to catch them and collect our scalps in peace.

We fight against BAF,Mollys and SCRA on almost daily schedule, and ye call us thieves, someone who steals from yer children aye ? If yer so desperate to lose yer allies ye could just say you blood thirsty, as I see your leader was not foolish as you think of him.

If our war machines weren't used so many times to help ye and yer hermanos I would understand this, but this way....this is unacceptable.

Ye my dad used to say :"In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king." So let me tell ye, we have two options 'ere, stay in good relations as we were, without some petty taxing for friendship, as we never landed on yer goramn base.

Or we can shoot each other blindly, as I 'ave one healthy eye still workin' enough to know how to place my SNAC.

I'm sure this message will make ye angry, as it would make any proud,strong corsair, but ye see I'm not a lil' kid also, respect is earned. I know ye people respect some nerves and some damn honor, it's all we got left, and if you want a spineless nation fer allies, ye can always choose zoners.

And ye, I'm a goramn bastard who asked fer yer friendship, I may also be the one who yell tell that ye will open war on me and me brothers. Some people say I'm no indian, just a mere savage. I tend to step up to that name if that is required of me.

***Transmission closed***

Black Sails to the Indians - ... kur nubėgo? - 09-25-2010

Comm ID: Elder Rodrigo Alavera of The Black Sails.
Location: Cadiz, Omega - 5 system
Subject: a simple offer

I take it as 'no'. Means you'll be treated as any other pirate who is found to be pirating in our hunting grounds. You've been noticed

Signal lost

Black Sails to the Indians - Karver70 - 09-25-2010

[Image: 2wg5hc7.jpg]

[Image: ASHAVE.png]

Black Sails to the Indians - The.Comanche - 09-25-2010

[Image: 123414214214.jpg]

"Some people make the claim that the land belongs to them. It is not what the Great Spirit told me.
He told me that the lands belong to Him, that no people owns the land; that I was not to forget to tell
this to the white people when I met them in council".

It seams that for all your trespasses and lies Great Spirit has rewarded
you with a gift of stupidity...
Great Spirit don't want us to fight anyone who is not right in the head...

Don't come looking for us.
If you do you I'll cure you from all your diseases.


Black Sails to the Indians - Not Espi - 09-26-2010

:: incoming transmission

So ... this idiotic debate we're having. This is the way you want to go? Threats? I see the times of the Apache are gone. I could just tell the Corsairs to actively hunt you until all of you are dead, but we're better than that. Here's what I have to say. Listen good and listen close. I will only say it once. We are Corsairs. You are not. And still, you pirate in our hunting grounds. We know this kind of conflict. It's called turf-wars. Corsairs and Outcasts were doing this for quite some time now, and I am warning you. Don't go there. You can't really go against us. If you want to, that's your call. However, don't start whining when you're looking into the barrel of a gun, with all your friends dead. The proposal is simple. You give us a share of your profit made in our FISHING POND, and we will leave you alone when we meet. We might even exchange some pleasantries. Concerning that, I might actually be the good guy here and start. So, I propose this as a gift to you, Indians - or whatever it is you call yourselves.

[Image: Blanket%20Photo%20One%20of%20a%20Kind.jpg]

Hope you like it.


~ Espi

:: transmission ends