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Rule 6.10 - Printable Version

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Rule 6.10 - BrotherBear - 09-30-2010

Can someone tell me, how are you supposed to know if someone is hostile to you if they have Freelancer IFF?

I was attacked by a freelancer who was green to me today. How do I know if that person is green to me as well? Or Red? This person tried to claim me as a bounty as well.

If anyone can clear this up, I'd appreciate it.

Rule 6.10 - Dab - 09-30-2010

The colors you see have nothing to do with the colors they see. Nor is it relevant really. The point is that, if someone is claiming a bounty on you, they must be hostile to the NPC faction your tag belongs to. Example; If you're a Liberty Navy-tagged/ID'd ship, they must be hostile to Liberty Navy NPCs. What color they appear to you has nothing to do with it, that's only representative of your own reputation sheet.

Rule 6.10 - BrotherBear - 09-30-2010

So how is anyone gonna be caught out on rule 6.10? You can't tell if the person trying to claim you is hostile or not.

Personally, I think that if one person is hostile to you, you should be hostile to them. Would make things easier. :/

Rule 6.10 - DarthCloakedGuy - 09-30-2010

Dude, Freelancer IFF is and always will be the universal exploit tag. Nothing you or I can do about it. Do what I do-- you see Freelancer IFF, assume it's hostile and run.

Rule 6.10 - Elven - 09-30-2010

Don't complain about FL IFF, or we'll fly with neutral IFFs.:P

Rule 6.10 - Baltar - 10-01-2010

' Wrote:Dude, Freelancer IFF is and always will be the universal exploit tag. Nothing you or I can do about it. Do what I do-- you see Freelancer IFF, assume it's hostile and run.

True on both sides. I personally think we can be rid of the FL ID and IFF. We already have a Neutral ID and IFF ... so the FL ID and IFF are redundant. I've seen Bounty Hunter ID'd players with FL IFF's.

The FL IFF is neither good nor bad. When I see an FL IFF ... my first response is to scan for the ID. The ID is primarily what the rules are based on. Lots of traders, minders, good guys and bad guys use the FL IFF. Its used to hide your true identity (regardless of your goodness or badness).

Rule 6.10 - ryeguy146 - 10-01-2010

It's a bloody IFF! White does not equate to 'neutral.' Green does not always equate to 'friend.' And finally, 'red' doesn't mean that you should shoot it.

Role play. Get an idea about the character you're dealing with. Base your decisions on /showinfo and the ID, or even ship/kit choice. But role play is what it comes down to.

Sure sometimes those mercenaries aren't so interested in role playing and rush to the pew pew. Deal with it. The world will go on, and the sun will come up again tomorrow.

Rule 6.10 - Stygian - 10-01-2010

' Wrote:So how is anyone gonna be caught out on rule 6.10? You can't tell if the person trying to claim you is hostile or not.

Personally, I think that if one person is hostile to you, you should be hostile to them. Would make things easier. :/

You just have to pay attention to the NPCs to see if they are shooting them. Not that it makes any difference in Liberty, but it can in other systems. You can also tell if they come near a base your faction owns.

Oh, and since I'm positive that my freelancer is the one you are talking about. I can assure you that she is red as red can be to anything Outcast/Rogue/Hacker related.

Rule 6.10 - Syrus - 10-01-2010

' Wrote:Role play. Get an idea about the character you're dealing with. Base your decisions on /showinfo and the ID, or even ship/kit choice. But role play is what it comes down to.
You always go to love the freelancer Pirates..."20 MIO OR DAI! NAO!"
Really enjoyable, that kind of RP.
Most enjoyable, when they start shooting while you are typing.

And about the rule...If you take a bounty, you will need to proof you are hostile to the enemy faction. If someone makes a deal with you ingame that you help him and he pays you, I think if the enemy isn't hostile to you, it's enough if you fire a CD at the NPCs.

Rule 6.10 - aerelm - 10-01-2010

There is this simple Rule that solves all your problems: "See a Merc? Don't take your finger off the trigger."