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Liberty Navy fleet - Printable Version

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Liberty Navy fleet - Matthews - 10-04-2010

[Image: mathewdragon1.png]

Greetings all

First of all I want to say thank you to all Navy captains who read this.

We started a new group, the LN-. It's a group for fighters and bombers of the secondary fleet of the Navy and a new part of the organization of the fleet (like LNS). It helps us to identify you better and request your assist really much easier.

All pilots of fighters and bombers of the Navy secondary fleet, please register yourself here.


Ship Name: LN-Mathew.Dragon
Ship: Guardian

It's not with [ ] (so not primary-fleet) and we asked Jack Malrone about this
and he said we are allowed to start this.

Thank you for reading and registration.

[Image: mathewdragon2.png]

Liberty Navy fleet - Matthews - 10-04-2010

[Image: mathewdragon1.png]

Here is the list of the registred ships:

[color=#FFFFFF]- LN-Kimberly.Hanson
- LN-Robert.Paris
- LN-Adam.Kincade
- LN-George.Deacon
- LN-=lucky=-
- LN-Alexa
- LN-James.O'Brien
- LN-McQueen
- LN-Halibut
- LN-Lt.Michael.Rivers
- LN-David
- LN-Timothy.Hawk[VHF]


- LN-Nathan.Range
- LN-Thomas.Lee
- LN-Guardian
- LN-Morgan.Clayton
- LN-Chuck.Norris
- LN-John.Crowley
- LN-Airwisk
- LN-Aerolite
- LN-FoxMcCloud
- LN-Danniel
- LN-Vector
- LN-Heatgold12
- LN-Ian.Holmes
- LN-David.Mike
- LN-Enrus.Tolkan
- LN-Robert.Woodard
- LN-Gordon.Freeman
- LN-Steven.Eversman
- LN-Ghost
- LN-Zoe.Saldana
- LN-Scout
- LN-KnowYourEnemy

[color=#FFFFFF]- LN-Enrus.Tolkan.

[color=#FFFFFF]- LN-Markus.Maxwell
- LN-Jack.Hammer
- LN-Timothy.Hawk


- LN-Sam.Ellis
- LN-Lance.Colbert
- LN-Jason_Char
- LN-Yojimbo
- LN-Dean_Benson
- LN-McQueen-
- LN-Enrus.Tolkan`
- LN-John.Preston
- LN-Robert,Woodard
- LN-Davy.Crockett
- LN-Fatboy
- LN-Timothy.Hawk[BMB]
- LN-Lazurite.Blue

[Image: mathewdragon2.png]

Liberty Navy fleet - Pryce - 10-05-2010

COMM ID Lieutenant Kimberly Hanson :Secondary Fleet
TARGET ID: Captain Mathew Dragon. CC:Primary Fleet Command, All Liberty Navy Mobile Assets
SUBJECT: Registry Protocol

[Image: Kimhansoncomm1.png]
Hello Captain,
Nice to see someone willing to step up for some organization. Submitting my craft, in addition to pilots having completed the specialized E1101 fleet training, and thus suited to a versatile range of mission profiles. Watch out, vessel classes and deployments are subject to change as pilots are rotated to new assignments. See you in space!

Transponder: LN-Kimberly.Hanson
Vessel Class: BDR-845 Avenger VHF
IFF: Liberty Navy Guard
Posting: Assigned to Battleship Petersburg
Current Mission Profile: Assault Strikecraft/Tactical Escort

Transponder: LN-Robert.Paris
Vessel Class: BDR-845 Avenger VHF
IFF: Liberty Navy Guard
Posting: Assigned to Battleship Missouri
Current Mission Profile: Assault Strikecraft/Tactical Escort

Transponder: LN-Sam.Ellis
Vessel Class: LI-117 Upholder Bomber
IFF: Liberty Navy Guard
Posting: Assigned to Battleship Mississippi
Current Mission Profile: Heavy Interceptor/Heavy Bomber

Transponder: LN-Adam.Kincade
Vessel Class: BDR-845 Avenger VHF
IFF: Liberty Navy (Undergoing Guard training)
Posting: Assigned to Battleship Whitefield
Current Mission Profile: Assault Strikecraft/Tactical Escort

Transponder: LN-George.Deacon
Vessel Class: BDR-845 Avenger VHF
IFF: Liberty Navy
Posting: Assigned to Battleship Ottawa
Current Mission Profile: Assault Strikecraft/Tactical Escort

Transponder: LN-Nathan.Range
Vessel Class: BDR-804 Guardian VHF
IFF: Liberty Navy
Posting: Assigned to Battleship Mississippi
Current Mission Profile: Light Interceptor/Reconnaissance

Transponder: LN-Thomas.Lee
Vessel Class: BDR-804 Guardian VHF
IFF: Liberty Navy
Posting: Assigned to Battleship Yukon
Current Mission Profile: Light Interceptor/Reconnaissance

Liberty Navy fleet - Carlos187 - 10-09-2010

Transponder: LN-Lance.Colbert
Vessel Class: Li - 117 Liberty Upholder Bomber
Affiliation: Liberty Navy
Liberty Navy Guard
Identification card: Liberty Navy
Standing directive: Full standby for the defense of Liberty space, at all costs, at service of the Liberty Navy High Command, the Primary Fleet and of superior officers within.
Posting: Pending
Current mission profile: Heavy Interceptor/Heavy Bomber.
To provide assistance with Liberty incursions against unlawful activities, and to preserve the continuity of Liberty's commerce and peace.

Liberty Navy fleet - Matthews - 10-09-2010

---Incoming transmission---
---LNS-Columbia New York---
---Captain Mathew Dragon---
---Encryption level:*low*---

All ships have been successfully registered.

---Transmission terminated---

Liberty Navy fleet - Snow - 10-10-2010

Transponder: LN-John.Crowley
Vessel Class: BDR-804 Guardian VHF
IFF: Liberty Navy
Posting: Assigned to Battleship Mississippi
Current Mission Profile: Assault Strikecraft/Tactical Escort

Liberty Navy fleet - Matthews - 10-11-2010

---Incoming transmission---
---LNS-Columbia New York---
---Captain Mathew Dragon---
---Encryption level:*low*---

[color=#33FF33]John.Crowley has been successfully registered.

[color=#330033]---Transmission terminated---

Liberty Navy fleet - Stifter - 10-12-2010

Ship Name: LN-Jason_Char
Ship: Upholder

Liberty Navy fleet - James.O'Brien - 10-12-2010

Ship Name: LN-James.O'Brien

Ship: Avenger - BDR-845 Liberty Very Heavy Fighter

Liberty Navy fleet - Matthews - 10-13-2010

---Incoming transmission---
---LNS-Columbia New York---
---Captain Mathew Dragon---
---Encryption level:*low*---

[color=#FFFFFF]It seems like not everybody did understand it, so again here.
The LN- is ONLY for fighters and bombers, all ships from GB and above have the LNS.
Thank you.

---Transmission terminated---