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Ion storm; Critical Error; The Deck Caught Fire - Printable Version

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Ion storm; Critical Error; The Deck Caught Fire - stewcool - 10-05-2010

So I was sitting just outside Dijon Station. RPing to myself,
since the lack of people in Burgundy is kinda high but its peaceful to say the least.

Anyways onboard GRN Battleship Revin I was just doing things like.

Lady Emilie Cross: "Alright that checked out now lets try and drop all auxiliary power
and do an external scan of the ship."

*booping sounds and the sound of systems powering down*

Lady Emilie Cross: "Well that failed...........................

Than the nice little icon for my alleged ion storm pops up and I get the Critical Message
"You've been disconnected."

Really though that should say.

Your screwed.

So how bout all of you. What's your FML (Fudge my Life) of Discovery 24/7?

Ion storm; Critical Error; The Deck Caught Fire - Corsair - 10-05-2010

The night prior, I had been fighting in Conn using a shared LABC. Lag DCed near the end of it.

Logged in the next day in the middle of a fighter/bomber swarm who immediately said "KILL THE LABC LOLOLOLOL" and I was all, "Q_Q"

Ion storm; Critical Error; The Deck Caught Fire - Blaze - 10-06-2010

Olol... I love doing that... I will be able to in a few days..

Ion storm; Critical Error; The Deck Caught Fire - Death.RunningVerminator - 10-06-2010

I was on Smeagle, flyin' through California.. When out of no where pops up 5 friggin' LN Caps. I remember thinking to myself, "Yeeeaaa.. Goodbye!"


Ion storm; Critical Error; The Deck Caught Fire - CCI45-px/Probe149 - 10-06-2010

Have a trade ship, take a gate/hole and end up in a swarm of at least five hostile fighters/bombers....

Or don't pay attention to where you are flying to while there is a minefield a few minutes ahead, and alt-tab.
Outcome left for everyones speculation.