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A Delivery of Terms - Printable Version

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A Delivery of Terms - Agmen of Eladesor - 10-09-2010

---Incoming Transmission---
---Max DeVirgo, Guildmaster---
---BHG|Core-Guildhall, Omega-15---

Your actions have proven that you are no longer 'neutral'.
You allow the Order to base from your Freeports while denying that to us.
You defend the Order while we are fulfilling our righteous cause.
You ally with the Order against our holy warriors.
You have fought side by side with the Order ships that attacked our ships first, and you have claimed to already be hostile to us.

You have proven yourselves by your actions, and you have condemned yourselves by them.

You have one hope for redemption.

Just as you no longer allow us to dock at your stations, you will deny the Order this ability as well. They shall no longer be allowed to plot, plan, and prepare their nefarious activities at ANY of your facilities in the Omicrons. Do this, and nothing else shall need to be done. We shall be quite satisfied by this.

Fail to do this, and you will no longer HAVE facilities in the Omicrons for them to dock - or to live. Your precious Freeport 9 hangs in the very balance, even as we speak. Should ALL of your bases in the Omicrons must needs meet that same fate?

Apply your famed diplomacy. Revert to your status quo of neutrality. Fail to do so at your own peril.

You have 96 hours for negotiations, and/or to comply with this demand.

To the Order - I simply say this. How much more innocent blood must be shed for your deceit? Remove yourselves from the Zoner facilities, so that you may spare their lives. Act as honorable men and women, and for once, do the decent thing.

---End Transmission---

A Delivery of Terms - Dusty Lens - 10-09-2010

-( [color=#FFFFFF]Incoming Transmission )-
-( '€¢'€¢'€¢'€¢'€¢'€¢'€¢'€¢'€¢'€¢ )-
-( Freeport Nine )-
-( Timothy Rhyme )-
[font=Comic Sans Ms]
Uh... I believe I speak for all of us on Freeport Nine when I say we have no idea what you're talking about. Hell, we have a hunter in the bar right now.

So... Er...

*over his shoulder* Did he say holy warriors?

Ah. Yeah. We're about lost over here. But I'll... Ah... Pass your, er, ultimatum along?

-( Transmission Terminated )-

A Delivery of Terms - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 10-09-2010

Incoming Transmission
Adress: Freeport 11 Central Communication Sattelite, Omicronium Thetion
Origin: [ZF]Glorious.Advance
Speaker: Honorable Guardian Marvin James Orphelia

[Image: coolieo.png]

Dear Inflatable Bounty Hunter,

I have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. The BHG at Freeport 11 attacked the TCG| / Order| Forces at Freeport 11 within the NFZ. As im QUITE sure you know our laws, We assisted the defender, at least to expel the belligerent(s) from our freeport no fire zone. What does this have to do with Freeport 9?

Quote:Just as you no longer allow us to dock at your stations, you will deny the Order this ability as well. They shall no longer be allowed to plot, plan, and prepare their nefarious activities at ANY of your facilities in the Omicrons. Do this, and nothing else shall need to be done. We shall be quite satisfied by this.

When did we deny you access? That was only during the breif period of conflict a few months ago in which one of your fellows decided to demand something like 3 Nomad Tertiary Brains from one of our ships... And then you subsequently lost 3 of your stubby Mako Battleships... I thought the docking locks were removed...

Quote:You ally with the Order against our holy warriors.
You have fought side by side with the Order ships that attacked our ships first, and you have claimed to already be hostile to us.

Holy warriors? Get over yourself. We merely were defending our freeport from our point of view whom attacked first, and that was the Hunters rapidly approaching Freeport 11. Where is your proof... or sanity?

A Delivery of Terms - DAnvilFan - 10-09-2010

Location: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
Affiliation: Zoner civillian

..:: Message ::..

Howdy. I've been living aboard Freeport 9 for well over a year and a half. Read your message loud and clear but am not sure what y'all are talking about.

We've been lettin' the Hunters land on our base since the beggining of time. If you've ever been barred from docking on the Nine before, that ain't the situation now. Everyone's free to land on our Freeport - your folk included.

A Delivery of Terms - fencore - 10-09-2010

> CommID: Gheis Mace
> Origin: Near Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
I think you can gather from the messages of Misters Rhyme and Pushkin before me that the only ones who should be answering for the transgressions at Freeport 11 are those who were present at the time of the incident. In case you're not aware, Director DeVirgo, although I suspect you have some sort of understanding given that you don't live under a rock, the "Zoners" as such are no longer represented by a unified body.

Remember to treat the actions of any particular group as those of the individuals within that group respectively, and not in any way representative of the feelings of Zoners as a whole. We stand as individuals, or as residents of our respective Freeports, as it should be.
> End Transmission

A Delivery of Terms - tyro - 10-09-2010

...:Incoming Transmission:...
...:Robert Pirx:...
...:Trading Office, Freeport 5:...

It looks like nothing else than an ultimatum preceding the war.

First Corsairs, now Core. It cannot be random. What Corsairs didn't manage to do, you are going to finish, right?
You want to seize an opportunity, when we cannot defend ourselves, and definitively solve the Zoners issue.

You say, you want a war, because we don't allow you to fight with Order near our freeports?
You are going to madness. You forgot who is our and your real enemy - Nomads, or maybe you all are infested already?

We supplied your bases. We hosted your people, where everybody wanted to smash them, to keep delicate balance in dangerous regions. We risked our neutrality, we have got into trouble, also because of your presence in our bases, and now you betray us. Such long time we hosted treacherous snakes in our stations.

We here also have Bounty Hunters on board in Freeport 5. Majority of persons in the station are civilians, but quite a lot from them has a weapon. I don't know what can happen, and whether people will manage to remain calm.

Think again and say it was a mistake or maybe you have decided already and we are at another war?

...:End Transmission:...

A Delivery of Terms - Agmen of Eladesor - 10-09-2010

---Incoming transmission---
---Max DeVirgo, Guildmaster---
---BHG|Core-Guildhall, Omega-15---
Mr. Mace, Mr. Rhyme, and Mr. Pushkin -

The Order has not utilized Freeport 9 multiple time to attack the Guild. To be perfectly honest with you, we show that Freeport 9 had been basically abandoned by nearly everyone, as it no longer exists as a viable biodome or freight processing and transshipment facility. Perhaps it would be best if you simply left it to its fate. AP Manufacturing can assist you in constructing new facilities somewhere else. (They're VERY skilled at building combat worthy facilities in hostile environments.) Just a suggestion...

Mr. Pirx -

It appears that you are in need of either instruction in galactic map reading (Here's a hint - Freeport 5 is in Omega 41, not in the Omicrons) or you fail to grasp the concept that when someone violates their self-stated neutrality of their own accord, that the person or group that was violated will seek retribution. In either event, your facility is not one which we are discussing at the moment. I believe Mr. Mace stated that "Zoners are not represented by a unified body". We have no quarrel with you on Freeport 5 at this time. Do you wish us to have one?

Mr. Orphelia -

The very Order ships that attacked the Guild staged from your Freeport. I seem to recall that we of the Guild were forbidden to dock our ships at your Freeport, as you were claiming we were utilizing it as a staging point for attacks. Since you appear to be quite capable of talking out of both sides of your mouth at the same time, you are obviously running for some political office. Perhaps in a new Zoner-Order Council? Either way, we recognize the facts that we have, and your intransigence will not release you from your fate should you not change your ways. Our demands for your base, and for those of all Zoner facilities in the Omicrons remains the same. I'll even restate them here, in case you failed to comprehend them in the first place, and in simpler terms.

You will deny the Order the right to dock at any of your stations in the Omicrons.

Failure to do so will have consequences that you cannot begin to imagine.

84 hours remain.

---End Transmission---

A Delivery of Terms - Dusty Lens - 10-09-2010

-( [color=#FFFFFF]Incoming Transmission )-
-( '€¢'€¢'€¢'€¢'€¢'€¢'€¢'€¢'€¢'€¢ )-
-( Freeport Nine )-
-( Timothy Rhyme )-
[font=Comic Sans Ms]
' Wrote:You will deny the Order the right to dock at any of your stations in the Omicrons.

Failure to do so will have consequences that you cannot begin to imagine.

84 hours remain.

Just so we're clear on this end. That's the position of the Bounty Hunters Guild?

-( Transmission Terminated )-

A Delivery of Terms - n00bl3t - 10-09-2010


The Zoners Trading Consortium has no standing problems with the Bounty Hunters Guild Core.

As the Zoner Alliance disbanded, and the previous decision to deny you docking for initiating hostilities for a period of two weeks, you are free to dock on any of our public access facilities at this point in time.

Omicron 74 is currently closed off to all except Zoners, as per the Consortium enclave. Currently, no-one except Zoners should be basing off anything in that system. As per our enclave we are also not in much of a position to debate much, but the Freeport laws, specifically, those under our control will be revised once our enclave is over.

As for Freeport 9 and Freeport 11, Freeport 9 will remain as is, in the hands of Zoners and populated by them. It will house anyone who wants to land and does not pose a threat to the Zoner populace once it is rebuilt. The same with Freeport 11.

Refusing to house The Order will lead to attacks by The Order in ways we cannot imagine either. We cannot defend against them. More importantly, regardless of words, you cannot protect us from their retribution.

Freeport 11 will remain open to all parties who pose no threat to the station.

If you seek simply to attack us because we house all parties that do not attack us, then please let us know.

-Sebastien Coen.
Zoners Trading Consortium.
Department of Diplomacy.

A Delivery of Terms - tyro - 10-09-2010

...:Incoming Transmission:...
...:Robert Pirx:...
...:Trading Office, Freeport 5:...
' Wrote:Mr. Pirx -
It appears that you are in need of either instruction in galactic map reading (Here's a hint - Freeport 5 is in Omega 41, not in the Omicrons) or you fail to grasp the concept that when someone violates their self-stated neutrality of their own accord, that the person or group that was violated will seek retribution. In either event, your facility is not one which we are discussing at the moment. I believe Mr. Mace stated that "Zoners are not represented by a unified body". We have no quarrel with you on Freeport 5 at this time. Do you wish us to have one?

I know very well geography of the sector and I don't need pointers. If you watch the Freeport 5 localization more precisely, you will see that we are just between jh to Omicron Theta and jh to Omicron Gamma, and everything what happens in Omicrons, has direct influence on us. That is why your message to Zoners in Omicrons was heard here too.

I am glad Freeport 5 isn't in guild's blacklist, but this whole situation doesn't look good.

...:End Transmission:...