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Nomad wepons - Lobster - 10-09-2010

I originally heard it was just the order and Wilde/keepers who could mount them.. and only two of them for the order..

Ive been hearing something about the BHG core being able to mount two...

Is that for indies too? just the official faction? or am I wrong?

Nomad wepons - n00bl3t - 10-09-2010

No, you misunderstand Lobby, the BHG|Core only has a NAP with the nomads, not an alliance.

They do not share guns.

Nomad wepons - Rodent - 10-09-2010

Actually Lobster. The BHG has a long standing RP which means they have a limited store of Nomad related guns....usable only on Faction ships by Agmen's permission.

Nomad wepons - Lobster - 10-09-2010

' Wrote:Actually Lobster. The BHG has a long standing RP which means they have a limited store of Nomad related guns....usable only on Faction ships by Agmen's permission.

Right.. thought so..

Thanks for the quick response..

Nomad wepons - GhostFace - 10-09-2010

It's good they finally came down with restrictions to it. Before everyone..and I do mean everyone had some.

Nomad wepons - aerelm - 10-09-2010

The Official BHG|Core- have an Approved SRP to have access to limited number of Nomad Prototypes, Only usable on Mantas operating in Outer Rim. (Border & Edge Worlds)
Quote:Character Name: BHG|Core- (Mantas in Outer Rim worlds ONLY)
Forum Name: To be determined - certain ships with weapons only given out by Athenian / Agmen
Item Requested: Useage of 2 Nomad weapons on BHG|Core- fighters
Background RP:
Admin Link to request:

Nomad wepons - Sturmwind - 10-09-2010

' Wrote:[...] the BHG|Core only has a NAP with the nomads, not an alliance.


Can anyone summarize what that is with a relevant link or a PM? Last time I heard the nomads were hellbent on destroying humanity without distinction. I'm a bit like "...what?" after hearing about all these NAPs done with nomads by different factions.

Nomad wepons - Exile - 10-09-2010

' Wrote:No, you misunderstand Lobby, the BHG|Core only has a NAP with the nomads, not an alliance.

They do not share guns.
Last I heard, we still shoot the BHG as much as anyone if they give us reason. (Assuming NAP is Non Agression Pact)

Nomad wepons - Akura - 10-09-2010

To back Mike up, the BHG and Nomad shoot each other all the time. Boonlet is just paranoid.

Heck, we have to deal with 6543456787543 BH~ ships in Iota and 99 daily.

The BHG using Nomad Blasters and Cannons is an SRP posted and approved from Agmen I think, it's nothing to do with the Nomads. Keepers and Wild alike.

Nomad wepons - valen - 10-09-2010

N00bl3t made a joke, related to the BHG-Corsair events that occurred in the past few weeks and people saying they are allies now. Seems only Major got the joke.