Discovery Gaming Community
To Mr. Coen, Sebastien - Printable Version

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To Mr. Coen, Sebastien - Dusty Lens - 10-09-2010

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-( Freeport Nine )-
-( Timothy Rhyme )-
[font=Comic Sans Ms]
' Wrote:As much as you would wish not to, you just did. Quite a predicament right? That may be why the Zoners tend to stay out of other's business when it does not affect us.

It seemed prudent to set this as an aside, rather than appear divided, not that I expect much of an impact from these words.

To touch on minding our own business, it's fair to say that the Omicrons is a swath of territory which extends beyond the hull plating of Freeport 11.

There's few reasons to be rude and every reason for other parties to express a wider concern in the outcome of these discussions.

If you require assistance in contacting the Order, or any other matter, do let us know.

We've a number of relief supplies stockpiled at present following our attempts to resume operations somewhat akin to normal. It would be a simple manner to issue relief your way.

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