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Pirating in Pirate Transport vs cruiser and Up... - Printable Version

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Pirating in Pirate Transport vs cruiser and Up... - Aes_Sidhe - 10-11-2010

Ok. like read a sanctions because in real life example you can really catch some holes in rules and i believe some rules can be interpenetrate differently depends on what side of the barrel u up.

So let say we have situation.
Pirate A flying Pirate Transport(or similar nice armed transport or liner class ship) committing act of piracy. Trader B sa go &^&^%^%!!! yourself and start running.
Same faction (official or not doesn't matter now) whos ID state that he can actively hunt pirates.... cruiser or battleship commander C see whole situation and...

Yea and what...

Pirate flying transport class vessel so he is untouchable ??

Please community share Your opinion.

Admins (rules creator) opinion desired.

Pirating in Pirate Transport vs cruiser and Up... - Zweibrucken - 10-11-2010

' Wrote:Ok. like read a sanctions because in real life example you can really catch some holes in rules and i believe some rules can be interpenetrate differently depends on what side of the barrel u up.

So let say we have situation.
Pirate A flying Pirate Transport(or similar nice armed transport or liner class ship) committing act of piracy. Trader B sa go &^&^%^%!!! yourself and start running.
Same faction (official or not doesn't matter now) whos ID state that he can actively hunt pirates.... cruiser or battleship commander C see whole situation and...

Yea and what...

Pirate flying transport class vessel so he is untouchable ??

Please community share Your opinion.

Admins (rules creator) opinion desired.
atm yes he/she is untouchable but the cruiser/battleship pilot can fire cds to slow him/her from running

Pirating in Pirate Transport vs cruiser and Up... - Lobster - 10-11-2010

Quote:battleship pilot can fire cds to slow him/her from running
I've seen cruiser sanctioned for doing just that :\

Pirating in Pirate Transport vs cruiser and Up... - Dart - 10-11-2010

wait... wasnt the rule just changed for faction capships to be able to attack P-trans?

Pirating in Pirate Transport vs cruiser and Up... - Canadianguy - 10-11-2010

' Wrote:wait... wasnt the rule just changed for faction capships to be able to attack P-trans?
Not only P-trans, but all transports they see.
BUT they MUST belong to an official faction.
Else its sanctionable.

Pirating in Pirate Transport vs cruiser and Up... - Aes_Sidhe - 10-11-2010

That's kind of.. hmm strange... Pirate transport who can shoot almost all his transport turrets forward with CAP6 (just for saving money) is far more dangerous than some of Gunboat.. I dont see a sense why it cannot be take down by cruiser or battleship...
I think rule 6.7 should be expanded:
6.7 Attacking freighters, transports, liners or demanding cargo from the same is not allowed for cruisers and battleships.

Exceptions to this rule are:

a) Official faction tagged house ships in their respective house space ONLY.
b) Terrorist, Nomad, Wild, Phantom ID players;
c) LSF or Liberty Navy Guard vessels operating within Zone 21 or Alaska;
d) Order Guard vessels operating within Alaska or Omicron Minor;
e) Blood Dragon Guard vessels within Chugoku;
f) Corsair Guard vessels within Omicron Gamma;
g) Outcast Guard vessels within Omicron Alpha;
h) Guard ID players in their -own- associated Guard system.
i) Special OP players within the guidelines of their approved RP.
j)Lawful faction vessel preventing act of Piracy
(not only official faction in zoi)

or something like that.... any thoughts ??

Pirating in Pirate Transport vs cruiser and Up... - AeternusDoleo - 10-11-2010

Just buy a gunboat with a few pulse and razor weapons. PT and expecially the slave liner (most commonly used piracy transports) won't stand a chance when faced with such a vessel (although the slave liner should be taken down from a distance - use range to your advantage). Keep using a pulse weapon on the transport to keep it's power down and it won't be able to shoot back (much).

Pirating in Pirate Transport vs cruiser and Up... - ryoken - 10-11-2010

Yup got to love rules that make no sense RL wise at all. I can fly up to any transport in my P-Trans,and demand cargo,and blow it up right in front of a bunch of LNS carriers/dreads,and just laugh as i fly away untouched. Rule makes no sense at all,but it is there,and if those carriers/dreads fire 1 shot they looses 10's of millions in a sanction.
Now for those vets who have been around for years like my self will also remember not having this rule,and seeing 20 LOLWUT dreads chasing transports all over NY for smuggling/pirating and such. So as little as the rule makes sense? it does have a purpose.

Pirating in Pirate Transport vs cruiser and Up... - Aes_Sidhe - 10-11-2010

' Wrote:Yup got to love rules that make no sense RL wise at all. I can fly up to any transport in my P-Trans,and demand cargo,and blow it up right in front of a bunch of LNS carriers/dreads,and just laugh as i fly away untouched. Rule makes no sense at all,but it is there,and if those carriers/dreads fire 1 shot they looses 10's of millions in a sanction.
Now for those vets who have been around for years like my self will also remember not having this rule,and seeing 20 LOLWUT dreads chasing transports all over NY for smuggling/pirating and such. So as little as the rule makes sense? it does have a purpose.

Sighs... U know smuggling and pirating is a 2 different thing... battleships and cruisers are war ships and they shouldn't fly all over system chasing smugglers and I agree with that..

But the hell..... common sense please... If I'm captain on any warship and see trader being pirated I should have authority to engage pirate doesn't matter what he and what i flying at the time...

Pirating in Pirate Transport vs cruiser and Up... - dodike - 10-11-2010

I have no respect for people who continue their pirate attempts in a presence of enemy capship relaying on rules. It is as ooRP as it can get. That's when they should engage cruise engines with their tails between their legs,