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How does one add a name to a Planet? - Printable Version

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How does one add a name to a Planet? - Nathan - 10-11-2010

I want to add a name to a planet ive placed in New York on vanilla.

Any idea how to get a name to show up?

How does one add a name to a Planet? - kindred - 10-11-2010

' Wrote:I want to add a name to a planet ive placed in manhatten on vanilla.

How did you manage to place a planet inside of another planet, it simply can not be done.

How does one add a name to a Planet? - Nathan - 10-11-2010

Oh crap i ment In New York...

How does one add a name to a Planet? - teschy - 10-11-2010

Well, you need to assign an infocard ID to the planet, in the system ini. It can be an existing/modified one, or one you added. In order to change or add infocards, you'll need an application called FLEd-ids. It goes through the infocards DLLs, and shows you the XML data. You can use that to search and edit infocards, but also add your own unique ranges. I think you can find it on the starport.

How does one add a name to a Planet? - Nathan - 10-11-2010

Cheers ill have a ponder around for it.

How does one add a name to a Planet? - Nathan - 10-11-2010


How can i add an info card to it >.>

How does one add a name to a Planet? - Dab - 10-11-2010

In the base coding in the Li01.ini file. Find your base, it should be near the bottom of the file, and it'll have;

nickname = Li01_## or Li01_##_Base

Somewhere in that section of code should be ids_name and ids_info lines.

ids_name = ######
ids_info = ######

Put a number in the ids_name value, then go to FLEd-ids. Type in that number into the name field and then type in the name you want the planet to have. Save that.

ids_info is done the same way, for the planet's infocard (what you see when you hit F9). These entries require XML coding. Also require two infocards if it is to be dockable.

How does one add a name to a Planet? - Nathan - 10-11-2010

Dab your a saviour thank you!