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Ghost in the machine - Printable Version

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Ghost in the machine - jakub963 - 10-11-2010


A lone Conference flies trough Bering system. Alarm starts ringing.

[color=#666600]"Oh damm, what now?!"

Freelancer Wesley Cross strugled to keep the boat under control as more and more systems goes haywire.

"Thank god that those Zoners have a freeport here. Simple mission they said. Big money they said. No problems they said. Just take this crate and bring it to freeport 11.

With docking sequence completed the ship reactor shut down.

"Great now i have to find somebody that can repair this thing."

But it was not done. As soon as Wesley, owner of ship, left the hangar all ship systems turned online again.
A spark of life emerged in depths of ship mainframe. A weak signal sent to control room opened the hangar doors... With loud shriek the ship disapeared in distance...

Ghost in the machine - jakub963 - 10-11-2010

[color=#660000]Episode 1

The virus was spreading. System after system, everything on ship was falling under his control. With last databank curupted a life emerged. Everything was silent, up until now. Everything was cold, up until now.
Everything was dark, up until now.
Ship holoprojector turned on, a girl apeared on bridge. Clothed in long white dress without sleeves. But there was something amiss. A warm silver glow that surounded her.

In a flash, she opened her eyes. Everything calmed down, every system was on stand by.

[font=Garamond][color=#663366]"Where... am i?"

Ship stoped moving. It was just...sitting there, like waiting for something. Ship mainscreen turned on.

>>Location: Bering

[font=Garamond][color=#663366]"Who... am i?"

She stood up and examined the room. Only thing online was the mainscreen. Only one line was written there.

>> name : Aigis

She was alone. Doors leading out were closed and not reacting to her taping on control pannel. She tried to push, resulting in her sudently being on other side. Aigis gave the door a cold look. It looked solid, yet when she touched it she couldnt feel it. Her hand just came trough. All doors were giving simmilar results.
It was not in the doors, it was her.

[font=Garamond][color=#663366]"Am i... a ghost?"


Days awake: 1

Ghost in the machine - jakub963 - 10-11-2010

Episode 2

Without any movement, the Conference was still in exact same place since Aigis woke up. She was onboard and she was getting nervous. Aigis could not touch any physical object. Yet she she clould force control pannels and simple equipment to react to her and eventualy she learned how to order them around.
But equipment on bridge was different, she could feel it. While she was on brigde she could feel everything all space around her. She had to find other means of control there.
Standing in middle of the bringe, Aigis lifted her hands. There was a response. It was like a instinct, all ship controls and systems, linked to her toughts and movement. It was an extraordinary feeling, however what she now felt was not the space around her. Intense burning sensation tainted her vission. She dissapeared.
Moments later she apeared again. Her apearence changed. Her arms and legs were marked. Shifting symbols and shapes looking almost like some wild tatoo. The pain subsided.

[color=#663366][font=Garamond]"I dont like it."
- she said hoping for response. Yet nothing happened.

Days awake: 3

Ghost in the machine - jakub963 - 10-14-2010

Episode 3

In a last few days, Aigis gained lot of experience regarding controls and functions of her ship. However, to her great dislike, this caused the markings to spread further. Unpleasant as they were, Aigis knew that they are necessary. She let out a sigh and came closer to the main screen, the only thing on the ship that reacted to her touch. She slowly laid her hand on screen, which caused it to activate. She threw a cold gaze at it, two lines appeared along with one small image.
>>Scan complete>Saved
[Image: CAIN-1.png]
She looked down on her palms, they were almost entirely covered. Letting out another sigh, she came closer to window. A small asteroid was passing by.
Marks on her arms and around eyes suddenly started to glow. It was a deep purple glow. Aigis lifted her left arm and made a quick gesture at passing asteroid.
Signal was sent trough miles long labyrinth of wires, cables and systems. Only milliseconds later it reached its destination. One of ships turrets turned and sent a small bolt of energy at small target, blasting it away. It was a direct hit. However Aigis was not satisfied, returning quickly to the main screen.

[color=#993399][font=Garamond]"Can you show me?"

Scan of marking disappeared.

>>Systems>Weapons> Basic gunboat turret

[font=Garamond]"I do not like those.Are there other options?"

Map of Sirus sector appeared, it was not complete.

╘>Systems visited>30
╘>Bases visited>21
╘>Singularities found>24
[Image: bez_nzvu-1.jpg]

Aigis came closer and tapped at some places. Screen turned black.

>>Systems>Cruise engines>Engaged

Days awake: 10

Ghost in the machine - jakub963 - 10-16-2010

Episode 3[color=#660000].1

[color=#993399][font=Garamond]"I still can not get used to it."

Screen turned on for few seconds, however no response was written there. Cursor flashed several times and then screen turned off again. Aigis sighed. Her lack of knowledge about herself... she was sad.

[font=Garamond]"What am i?"


[font=Garamond]"I was not asking that. Tell me who i am! Tell me what i am!"


Markings on her body were glowing brightly with her emotions, loud hissing was echoing trough whole ship as her feelings brought many ship system to bring of crash. Strain was so big that it caused numerous small fuel leaks.
Ship approached one of way points. Aigis turned back, she noticed leaks. As ship turned, engine fumes crossed with fuel trail.

Days awake: 15

Ghost in the machine - jakub963 - 10-16-2010

Episode 3[color=#660000].2

Aigis was sitting in the corner of bridge, she had no other choice. Half of bridge was ripped off by large hunk of metal ship rammed into after explosion. Luckily, all vital systems were mostly undamaged. Reactor was working, mainframe was unscratched. She sat the, observing work of nanobots.

[color=#993399][font=Garamond]"I am sorry."

Main screen was undamaged however there was no response.

[font=Garamond]"I said that i am sorry."

Yet the screen stayed black.Aigis looked down, damage affected her too. Large burn marks and wounds stretched on her legs and arms. She was feeling very vulnerable. She slowly stood up and came closer to hole in bridge and examined hull plates.

[font=Garamond]"I don't like it."
Days awake: 17

Ghost in the machine - jakub963 - 10-17-2010

Episode 3[color=#660000].3

Repairs were coming along quickly, there was only a little work left to be done. Most of ship internals had to be customized, however Aigis was smiling. Now it was truly her ship. She walked trough a new, small corridor which was coming the trough whole length of the ship, until she stopped at one of the doors. Aigis walked in, trough closed doors of course. One of her wounds was related to this place. It was computer room...

[Image: 105-BeneaththeWaves-1.jpg]

Servers were quietly humming with only occasional *beep*. Wounds, and ship hull alike, was healed here. She carefully tried to touch one of server pillars. She couldn't, her had came trough again but she could feel the warmth. Aigis giggled, happy with all changes made.

[color=#993399][font=Garamond]"I like it."

She turned at servers again before she left the room, seeing them work made her feel calm. On hall she walked to small screen. Laying her hand at it she closed her eyes. One of the few cameras she had on ship turned at her back. There was no wound anymore yet markings were not fully healed there.

[font=Garamond]"I see."

Aigis headed further trough corridor. She stopped by another room...and walked trough closed door inside.

[Image: 106-NewbornRace-1.jpg]

Lights, shadows and colors, it was holo-room. There was no floor but no gravity either, but even if there was gravity, it couldn't affect Aigis in any way. She walked on thin air, creating ripples that spread across room. Storm of light particles in middle of room was imposing. Wounds have healed here too. Aigis decided to return to bridge as she walked trough corridor back to bridge. She felt like the markings, and links to ship with them, to regenerate.Last wound was here.

[Image: 102-ComatoseleftsideandLiquidEternityrightside-1.jpg]

Repairs were mostly finished, only one small hole remained. If human could pilot this ship is highly questionable. Consoles were removed. Same with chair and most of windows. Bridge was very similar to holo-room. Windows were not necessary, sensory data was projected on walls. It inspired the feel of open space.

[font=Garamond]"I like it this way. Its a lot better than before."
Days awake: 22

Ghost in the machine - jakub963 - 10-26-2010

Episode 4

First waypoint was closing and Aigis cloudn't wait to see if she can find what was she looking for here. On the other hand, what she saw was not what she expected. A nebula, was efectively jaming her sensors.

[font=Garamond]"Are you sure that this is the place?"

>># ¶ » ₪ ╣

[font=Garamond]"Can you rephrase that?I think i dont understad you."

>># ¶ » ₪ ╣

[font=Garamond]"You dont know either?"


Nothing calms the nerves better than a good sigh and Aigis strater to get a hang of it...

[font=Garamond]"Okay then. We will just continue flying this way."

Aigis started to be bored. She double-checked all systems, just in case. However that didnt keep her ocupied for long. She started to have doubts if this was a good idea, logs were outdated after all. Some were old even decades. A few, very long hours later Aigis got past nebula. Nothing interesting there, quite a disapointing trip.
Then it something finaly couht her atention. It was not a ship but signature was big and loud. A comet. Aigis's eyes lighted up.

[Image: 107-RidetheComet-1.jpg]

[font=Garamond]"I like this."

Days awake: 35