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Omicron rule violation - RockCrystal - 10-13-2010

I call everyone who flies in the Omicrons, including myself, to task for:
Quote:0.0 Be excellent to one another. Consider the people around you. Keep fair play in mind. It's a game and nothing is gained, or lost, save the experience. Credits can be re-earned. Ammunition replenished. If you become infuriated step away. If you make a mistake apologize. If you wish to remain in system after you die, or after someone has moved away, simply ask.

Fair play, a level head and consideration for others.

Seriously. What the hell, guys. Zoner, Corsair and BHG RP have been bent so far out of shape they're now completely unrecognizable. Where's the reset button on this thing...?

There's -way too much- hate, jerkery, and general poor feeling on all sides, and I can't help but feel that it's getting to the point where it's not all just roleplay.

I started to write more, but I'm too involved in the situation to keep my personal feelings out of it. So I call on the Admin team to watch -closely- the events in the Omicrons for violation of this or any other server rule.

Omicron rule violation - Akura - 10-13-2010

Everyone is responsible.

No one can deny blame, as everyone is to blame in this case. All three sides have acted pretty poorly.

Omicron rule violation - mwerte - 10-13-2010

Indeed. Watching the battle today I was just sad. There are no other words to describe it, just, sad.

Can we change the name of the website to '' please? It's more fitting then 'community'.

Omicron rule violation - ryeguy146 - 10-13-2010


It would be more applicable if more people engaged in such activities. Though I am more convinced every day that reason is more a rare commodity than I had once thought. As I am in no way involved, it has been almost entertaining to watch the groups throw themselves at each other in impotent video game fury. Almost.

There's always a means to remedy a situation, but most everyone seems to be more interested in witty comebacks. Perhaps one of the involved groups could get over themselves enough to work towards a fix? I won't hold my breath.

Also: Nerf Zoners!

Omicron rule violation - Shryke - 10-13-2010

To all the people chiming in with their holier-than-thou attitude.

Stop taking this so seriously.

Omicron rule violation - ryeguy146 - 10-13-2010

But what if I am holier than thou? Do I still have to knock off my stupid crap?

No, you're absolutely right, Shryke.

Omicron rule violation - Shryke - 10-13-2010

If your feelings are getting hurt by anonymous people on the internet, you need either thicker skin, or your head to be examined.

Omicron rule violation - Reacher - 10-13-2010

Si vis pacem Para bellum: "If you wish for peace, prepare for war"

I'm having fun:)

Don't take a game seriously... its not healthy.

Omicron rule violation - Sand_Spider - 10-13-2010

It started with an ooRP bounty on Zoners by a single person.

It led to the invasion of FP 9 by the Corsairs.

What it evolved into was something much, much more terrifying....

Seriously, what the heck. I have been observing this whole "Zoner hate" thing for a while now and I find it to be rather immature. The bounty was and always will be ooRP. The Corsair invasion was a random thought one day: "Hey, i've got an idea, let's do what the SCRA are doing and make 10 bombers in full EMPs, then go keel some zoners!" (For the record, SCRA get a cookie for the idea, they're meant to kill anyone they damn please)

Now the BHG is involved in all this? Seriously? I know they use the "Oh Order is using FP's to base assaults against us" excuse, but come ON. Who DOESN'T? You cannot honestly tell me you have never launched from a Freeport and then flew somewhere, blew someone up, and strolled right on back to the same base. I've seen multiple sides do it, hell I think i've done it once. Where do you think indie pirates have to base out of that have no factional ties, hmm? Because of this whole "Zoner/Corsair" war thing, my butt was nearly ousted by some BHG in Dublin on my Corsair hired by a ZONER. Now indie Zoners are placing bounties on me? This is NOT setting a good example for some of the sheep who carelessly follow the herders.

Seriously, where IS the reset button? I mean sure, I suppose it gives the Zoners something to do other than sit around all day, but this is getting out of hand. People have LEFT Discovery because of the Zoner hate vibe. Hell, I think the Zoners Trading Consortium either lost most of its members or dissolved completely from the face of Sirius because of all this.

Go on. Flame me, insult me, call me a schmuck for all I care. But this is getting waaayyy out of hand people, and I honestly think that there would be a few around here that would tend to agree with me, having never spoken up about it in fear of the hate and shunning it would generate. This has been on my mind for a while now, I felt I needed to let my voice be heard.

Omicron rule violation - Shryke - 10-13-2010

The SCRA does not shoot Zoners. On the other hand, we have come to the Zoners' defense many times.