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Random idea - Curios - 10-14-2010

I was reading through forums, recent events etc and i got idea. Maybe it's possible to make stuff that was just delivered to base to be left for sale until restart? Like, train coming to base with cargo full of "A" that base don't sell itself, unload, and now the delivered amount of that "A" goods is now available for buying by another players.


Random idea - HurricaneX - 10-14-2010

Could be a good idea I guess.. Although how would you do that?

Random idea - Curios - 10-14-2010

Well, i have no idea, some FL hook magic perhaps. I'm already saw that there is ability to make some goods for sale in limited amounts.

Random idea - Rommie - 10-14-2010

If you're talking about Train NPC's, that won't be so good, because they only spawn around players, so that will cut on the dynamic.

Random idea - Rapur - 10-14-2010


An example:

You're brining food to Crete and sell it. Then I'm coming and take it away? I mean they wouldn't sell it inRP. Same goes for a lot of other stuff.

Edit: But if you're talking about the same idea which I wrote below then it's np :cool:

But you brought me to an idea:

Dynamic trading with limited goods on planets/bases. Let's stay with the crete example. If the planet has enough food then you can sell it for X credits/unit, but if they are in a need then the food's price would increase to 2X 3X credits/unit ect.
Same goes for buying stuff. The price depends on the amount. The more they have the less it costs.

And the currently sold goods on certain planets/bases would automatically replenish? Let's say 10unit/second ? It'd make trading a lot more interesting. But I'm not sure if this is possible.

Random idea - Curios - 10-14-2010

No, i mean something like..

We are splitting bases on:

1. Base producer - it have unlimited amount of good for sale
2. Base - trading hub - it have no that good for sale, but if !player! delivering cargo of said goods on that base - it will be available for other players in that base.
3. Base - consumer - If goods are delivered there, they are going to be used for base's needs and not available for sale.

Well, example with Crete.

Zoner is taking a cargo of food from Cambridge - Cambridge is a base producer, so there is unlimited amount of food for sale. Then he took said cargo of food to Freeport, Freeport is trading hub - so there is no food for sale, but after dropping cargo (lets say 5000 units) there will be 5000 units available for sale in said freeport. Then Corsair transport coming and loading 3800 units of food and leaving to crete, so 1200 units left for sale on freeport. Transport landing on Crete, Crete is consuming all delivered food, so no food for sale there after unloading cargo.


Random idea - Cond0r - 10-14-2010

' Wrote:Well, example with Crete.

Zoner is taking a cargo of food from Cambridge - Cambridge is a base producer, so there is unlimited amount of food for sale. Then he took said cargo of food to Freeport, Freeport is trading hub - so there is no food for sale, but after dropping cargo (lets say 5000 units) there will be 5000 units available for sale in said freeport. Then Corsair transport coming and loading 3800 units of food and leaving to crete, so 1200 units left for sale on freeport. Transport landing on Crete, Crete is consuming all delivered food, so no food for sale there after unloading cargo.
This would be very very hard to do I think, since you would need to make a dynamic economy and configure all of the bases, because all bases consume something. For instance, you could drop off food on Crete, but since it would consume said food, you couldn't buy it again, but since Crete is not the only planet that would use food (duh), then you would need to configure how much of that food each planet/base would use.

That would take -a lot- of work and some giant plugin, or am I wrong? Dunno.

Random idea - tyro - 10-14-2010

no need to define dynamic economy and no need to redefine all bases.

just define some of them - freeports, depots, shipping platforms - as trading hubs.
eg. from game: freeport buys food rations for 180cr, but doesn't sell it.
give this freeport an ability to remember the amount of bought food and to sell this amount.
then Corsairs trader can come and buy this food for 180cr.
it doesn't hurt current economy, because it splits only the profit between two players.
it would add whole new RP possbilities.

Random idea - MetalPheonix - 10-14-2010

' Wrote:I was reading through forums, recent events etc and i got idea. Maybe it's possible to make stuff that was just delivered to base to be left for sale until restart? Like, train coming to base with cargo full of "A" that base don't sell itself, unload, and now the delivered amount of that "A" goods is now available for buying by another players.

Like the idea, It seems confusing though

Random idea - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 10-14-2010

' Wrote:I was reading through forums, recent events etc and i got idea. Maybe it's possible to make stuff that was just delivered to base to be left for sale until restart? Like, train coming to base with cargo full of "A" that base don't sell itself, unload, and now the delivered amount of that "A" goods is now available for buying by another players.


I don't think if this can be acheived, why?

Because of the game's mechanics..