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(]o[) - To Daumann Heavy Constructions - Printable Version

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(]o[) - To Daumann Heavy Constructions - ZTC.Board - 10-16-2010

::::: transmission opened :::::
From: Omicroners, (]o[)
Location: Freeport XV, Omicron-74
To: Daumann Heavy Constructions, DHC

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

today your transports entered Omicron 74 without any permission. Please note that Omicron 74 is closed to the DHC, and please note as well that we cannot tolerate further breaching of our system entrance policies. The penalty for three incidents like these makes 12.000.000 SC payable to (]o[)Treasury.Alpha within three days.

Finally, please note that we are expecting you to renounce from further passages through Omicron 74.

Kind regards,
::::: transmission closed :::::

(]o[) - To Daumann Heavy Constructions - Vito - 10-17-2010

[Image: Dhchead.png]

**From: Daumann Foreign Relations Office, The Ring - New Berlin
**Destination: Omicroners, (]o[), Omnicron 74
**Subject: Omnicron 74 incident

First of all, the Foreign Relations Office finds it strange that a group of people who have escaped from house space to live in freedom have such a restrictive series of policies regarding the entrance to "their" system. Due to the recent events in that distant part of Sirius we are also wondering how can a group of people who went through what you did can ask us to use systems controlled by the most feared criminals in the Sirius sector, the Corsairs, rather than allowing us to use a small part of Omnicron 74

We pass through Omnicron 74 for business purposes only. We are business men, that is what we do. We do not care about any fights going on in that distant part of Sirius, we are only there to make money. And we will make money no matter what you say or do. The most cost efficient way to achieve our goals in the area is to go through Omnicron 74. It’s simple as that and we will not pay for the extra fuel just because some loose group of individuals wants us to do so. If you want us to stop using that system you must pay for the extra fuel costs and provide us with escorts while we are traveling through Corsair space. If you are not willing to do that we will find ourselves forced to deploy our escort wings and maybe even hire some mercenaries or a private security company. Of course, that will also cost us extra and you will pay for it, one way or another. Bear in mind that the same mercenaries and security agents, together with our escort wings, can also protect our ships from you, in case you decide to use force in order to enforce this… let’s just say demand of yours

Also, do not forget who you are talking to. Daumann Heavy Construction is the largest corporation in Rheinland, supplying our Republic with almost everything it needs, including weapons, ships and equipment for the Rheinland Military and Rheinland Federal Police. We are not the low life criminals you are used talking to so choose your words wise before you reply to this transmission. We hold the influence and resources to literally blow you into oblivion and we will not hesitate to do it if you are proven to be a threat to our operations.

In the end we ask you to reconsider your position and we demand that our ships are granted the freedom to pass through the Omnicron 74 system. You will only find our ships between the Omnicron Theta and Omnicron Kappa jump holes. If they are found somewhere else feel free to deal with them after your own rules. That means asking them to get back on course, not to use lethal force. Your Freeports may one day need our trains and tankers, so think twice before you make a decision. Do not think just about yourself, but about your people spread all over Sirius

Keep in mind the fact that our ships never fired a single shot at a zoner ship. Never. Not even when two of them were fired upon by one of your own people and one of them was destroyed. Not even when three of our ships were under constant fire. Not even after one of your ships kept using distruptor missiles on our engines until he ran out of ammo. Not even another one used his Supernova cannon on our ships. To any reasonable man that is a proof we are not there looking for trouble, we are only there to work for the benefit of the Rheinland Republic

The Zoners are known for their neutrality and diplomatic skills. I hope you will not prove us otherwise and I am sure you will find a way to make your people realize this is the best way to go.

Head of the Daumann Foreign Relations Office,
Viktor Linz

(]o[) - To Daumann Heavy Constructions - Vito - 10-17-2010

[Image: Dhchead.png]

**From: Daumann Foreign Relations Office, The Ring - New Berlin
**Destination: Captain Mannock
**Subject: Omnicron 74 incident

Attention: This is an automated reply

I'm not an Omicroner, but in all honesty, it is easier to ask permission that to enter directly into a system closed to traffic. We are Zoners, we have few laws, but it's so "hard" to follow them.
Omicron 74 is a Guard System that people can pass is because we are Zoners, if the owners of the system say that can only do those with permission, please meet this minimum requirement.
And, what has Daumann been lost in the Border Worlds? I will answer for you, NOTHING, NADA, RIEN, NICHTS, NANI.
Your message has reached it'€™s destination but it'€™s recipient chose to ignore it. Have a nice day !

***This message has been generated by Golem Security Services 818; the best security for the best nation! Have a nice day!***
***GSS Inc. is not responsible for the content of the message or the damage it may cause to the users or third parties***
***GSS Inc. is a subsidiary of Daumann Heavy Construction, all rights reserved***

(]o[) - To Daumann Heavy Constructions - ZTC.Board - 10-17-2010

::::: transmission opened :::::
From: Omicroners, (]o[)
To: Daumann Foreign Relations Office, DHC

We have read your message with some interest. In fact we have not forgotten whom we were addressing, as we have certainly not forgotten the conduct of your vessels during our last ecnounters. We might want to discuss some topics you have mentioned in your reply later, but our current issue at hand is that you are permanently violating our space, since DHC has no entrance permission to Omicron 74.

Thus we are proposing a common procedure you as dedicated diplomats should certainly acknowledge:
1. Renounce from further usage of our system
2. Pay the penalty of 12.000.000 SC within the set timespan
3. Apply for an entrance permission here

Do you agree to this procedure?

Awaiting your anwer,
::::: transmission closed :::::

(]o[) - To Daumann Heavy Constructions - Vito - 10-17-2010

[Image: Dhchead.png]

**From: Daumann Foreign Relations Office, The Ring - New Berlin
**Destination: Omicroners, (]o[), Omnicron 74
**Subject: Omnicron 74 Transit Agreement

By now you should have noticed that our ships have already stopped using Omnicron 74 in their trips. Of course, that is costing us extra fuel and time. Also, our Board of Directors decided that it would be inefficient to hire mercenaries to help us recover our losses by confiscating your cargo and ships, so we are considering an agreement.

Here are our terms:

- we will agree to the 12 000 000 Sirius Credits you demand and consider it a transit tax
- we will subtract from that amount 4 955 014 Sirius Credits that represent the cost of the extra fuel our ships used to by-pass your system
- we will transfer to your accounts 7 044 986 Sirius Credits
- we will be granted entrance to Omnicron 74 for both cargo ships and escorts. That includes ships owned by DHC subsidiaries or hired by DHC from third party groups or companies
- while in Omnicron 74 our convoys will only use the space located between the Omnicron Theta and Omnicron Kappa jump holes
- if ships belonging to third parties employed by DHC are found at a distance exceeding 10k from the transport ship they are escorting your rules of engagement will apply and we will not interfere, but we will not be held responsible for their actions

These are our terms and they are not negotiable. If you wish to add something else to this future agreement we are ready to hear your propositions.

As a note, this is the second time you treat us with a certain amount of disrespect. If it happens for a third time we will consider it an insult. As a result, all future talks will take place on this channel. We will not have our name next to the ones of criminals and outlaws that are found in the communications channel you invited us to. I hope you will understand our position on this matter.

We are awaiting your answer as soon as possible. We need to complete our contracts on time and we can not keep our ships moored, so with each day that passes we will have to subtract more credits from the founds destined for you.

Head of the Daumann Foreign Relations Office,
Viktor Linz

(]o[) - To Daumann Heavy Constructions - ZTC.Board - 10-17-2010

::::: transmission opened :::::
From: Omicroners, (]o[)
To: Daumann Foreign Relations Office, DHC

We are not used to see Rheinland Corporations in the Omicrons which is why we do not know what kind of respect you are expecting from us, especially after you have ignored our broadcast of changed entrance permissions of Omicron 74. But we still do not want to blame you for anything. You are trying to conduct your business, we are trying to secure our system, and we were convinced that our mutual respect would grow with a successful cooperation, but the terms you are proposing were not acceptable, especially your attempt to achieve blanked entrance permissions for third parties we do not even know, and it is neither within our responsibility to regulate your fuel expenses nor the amount of escorts you need.

It is not a matter whether the Omicroners are respectoing the DHC, or not, because we are talking about a system passage through Omicron 74, not through Rheinland.

Kind regards,
::::: transmission closed :::::

(]o[) - To Daumann Heavy Constructions - Vito - 10-18-2010

[Image: Dhchead.png]

**From: Daumann Foreign Relations Office, The Ring - New Berlin
**Destination: Omicroners, (]o[), Omnicron 74
**Subject: Omnicron 74 Transit Agreement

As I said in our previous transmission, our terms are not negotiable. Your failure to accept them and not permitting our entrance in the Omnicron 74 system is considered by us an attack against the prosperity of both DHC and the Federal Republic of Rheinland.

DHC has almost eight centuries of experience behind it and we posses the resources and power that allow us to complete every single one of our contracts. If you think your refusal to allow us to use your system will stop us completing this one you are more closed-minded than we thought. We are well aware of your relations with our trade partners in the area, but taking it personally and not understanding it is simply business could be a very big mistake from your part.

We will give you 24 hours to review your position. Your failure to do so will have unpleasant consequences on all zoners in Sirius. Think very well about all your people that will be affected by your decision.

To make sure you understand we are not to be messed around with we find ourselves forced to take the following actions, effective immediately:

- all zoner ships are forbidden to enter the privately owned system of Omega 11
- any zoner ship found in Omega 11 will be treated as hostile and dealt with it accordingly
- all mining permits emitted to zoner ships are suspended until further notice
- all zoner ships found in the DHC owned mining fields outside Omega 11 – mining or transporting ore mined by a third party - will be treated as hostile and dealt with it accordingly
- all miners – other than DHC – who posses DHC mining permits and are found selling ore mined in the DHC owned mining fields to zoner ships or instalations will have their permits revoked and they will be treated as hostile and dealt with it accordingly

We await your answer on this matter within 24 hours. If you do not respond in the given time or you decide to deny us access to Omnicron 74 a much larger and harder set of measures will be taken against all zoners - that means not just the ones residing in Omnicron 74

Head of the Daumann Foreign Relations Office,
Viktor Linz

(]o[) - To Daumann Heavy Constructions - ZTC.Board - 10-18-2010

::::: transmission openend :::::
From: Omicroners, (]o[)
To: Daumann Heavy Constructions, DHC

Mr. Linz,

thank you for your message. We are currently not inderested in any deals with you. We thought that DHC might become a major supplier of our Shipyard and Freeport in Omicron 74 but we cannot accept your cooperation with an organization which has contracted you only for one purpose: To amass enought power in order to destroy humanity in the Omicrons. Whether you like it, or not, the Guild Core you have been accompanied with in the Omicrons lately has probably been undercut by infested Bounty Hunders. Omicron 74 thus has to remain closed to your corporation.

Please to not threaten us anymore, and consider your own judgement when operating with the Guild Core. Not many years ago Rheinland was victim of the first Nomad invasion. Do you rellay want to be responsible for a second?

Kindest regards,
::::: transmissions closed :::::

(]o[) - To Daumann Heavy Constructions - Vito - 10-18-2010

[Image: Dhchead.png]

**From: Daumann Foreign Relations Office, The Ring - New Berlin
**Destination: Omicroners, (]o[), Omnicron 74
**Subject: Omnicron 74 Transit Agreement

To be honest I was expecting this answer, seeing that you know nothing about the corporate world and how things work between big players. We do not care who our contractors are or what their intensions are as long as the deal is profitable for us and the great Federal Republic of Rheinland. As I stated numerous times, it is just business, nothing more.

We will still allow you to reconsider your decision. Our deadline expires in about 12 hours

Head of the Daumann Foreign Relations Office,
Viktor Linz

***Personal note:***
Aren'€™t you the biggest hypocrites in Sirius? Aren'€™t you the ones harboring criminals and outlaws? Aren'€™t you the ones supplying them with everything they need? Aren'€™t you the ones putting at risk the very foundation of our nation? And yet, you lecture us about supplying a lawful and respected organization? They are the ones helping us, all of us, all of Sirius. They are the ones risking their lives so that our transports fly safe not only in the Omnicrons, but everywhere else.


(]o[) - To Daumann Heavy Constructions - Vito - 10-19-2010

[Image: Dhchead.png]

**From: Daumann Foreign Relations Office, The Ring - New Berlin
**Destination: Omicroners, (]o[), Omnicron 74
**Subject: Omnicron 74 Transit Agreement

Our deadline has expired. We are sorry we couldn'€™t reach an agreement.

Your denial means we will have to use a longer and very dangerous route in order to complete our contracts in the area and, like I already told you, you will pay for these expenses.

As a result we are asking that 45 000 000 Sirius Credits are transferred to the DHC-Store neural-net account within 24 hours. That amount represents the credits already spent as well as our estimate for the completion of our contract.

Your refusal to pay will force us to take swift measures to recover our losses

Head of the Daumann Foreign Relations Office,
Viktor Linz