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Alpha - Gamma balance - chopper - 12-06-2007

Let's have a look at the Omicron Gamma system.
It has jump holes in it, great.
It has Omicron Theta and Omega-41 jump holes. (and Kappa but that one is not important)

Now, when someone is in Omega-41, Corsairs don't go on alert, because he can go in 5 other systems then Gamma.
When someone is in Theta, it's the same.

But, let's have a look at Omicron Alpha now.
Omicron Alpha has Omicron Beta, Omicron Eta and Tau-37 jump holes (I'm not counting guard systems).
Each of this systems has 2 jump holes. This means, only one way to go.
Which means, Outcasts are on Alert when someone enters one of this systems.
They can prepare. (in RP meaning, in PVP meaning everyone is always prepared)

I know some people will say, that's not important, blabla. Maybe it's not, for PVP.
But in RP sense, Alpha is a fortress, Gamma is a highway.

Can this be changed somehow?
By adding some more jump holes in O-Eta, T-37, and O-Beta?

Maybe i am paranoid. :mellow:

Alpha - Gamma balance - Mr_3ppozz - 12-06-2007

I agree that outcasts are all bunkered in... Having more and more High-level NPC's then most others. Most there bases do high damage against ships... They have heavy fortified systems, and the new Eta system is no exception. It has the Uber minefield that killed my GB in 3 explosions... Every other minefield (with exception of the NY one) will do maybe 1/10th of the damage...

Alpha - Gamma balance - Eppy - 12-06-2007're supposed to go around the only takes 30 more seconds. Outcast space isn't a bunker, it's a highway, I routinely have BSG freighters tromping through and have to chase them down... Gamma's a Common Room. I'd also like to point out that there are three times as many Corsair players as there are Outcast. Alpha isn't a fortress; if you want to see a Fortress try Omicron 85 as a Corsair. I dare you.

Alpha - Gamma balance - mjolnir - 12-06-2007

Hmm.. It was like this in vanilla Freelancer......except for Eta of course...

Corsairs have base in Omega 41 and they should actually be very interested to get anyone from there. Theta is a bit open yes...

On the other hand Beta is really small... takes very short time to cross... and Outcasts don't have any base in Tau37, while IMG has one + the Freeport... and on the other side you come out right next to Malta... from Theta to Gamma you are far away.

Alpha - Gamma balance - Ripper - 12-06-2007

' Wrote:Maybe i am paranoid. :mellow:

That explains it :)

Well look it this way,Alpha can be Invaded from 10 systems,while Gamma can be invaded from only 3...Corsairs are far more spreaded than Outcasts,so Outcasts have a fortress,and either way both Alpha and Gamma have 3 real JH's.

Alpha-Tau 37,Eta,Beta(Other are not important)
Gamma-Theta,O-41,Kappa.(Good when playing cat and mouse,you go gamma-theta-O-41 round and around.

Alpha - Gamma balance - galaktik - 12-06-2007

Yes, but then if you go now to alpha with fighter as you jump there are 2 missile platforms waiting you, and numerus NPC in Sabers if you are not fast you can die easy, and then you are 10k form Malta,so it is really easy for Outcast player to catch up the one form tau 37 couse he must go near Malta.

In Gamma corsairs dont have single missile platform and in alpha there are 2 for every Jumphole, and why station in eta has 12 large turrets and lot of NPC and wepons platforms around jumpholes?
I mean it is not Outcast guard system......

Alpha - Gamma balance - Jwnantze - 12-06-2007

also Malta is right in the middle between the Tau and omicron JH, so anyone that comes in goes strait past it. Crete on the other hand is a good 40 kilcks off the path between o-41 and the theat/kappa jh.

Alpha - Gamma balance - chopper - 12-06-2007

No it's not:)

Malta is 13k away from T-37 JH, and 35k away from O-Eta JH.

Alpha - Gamma balance - Eppy - 12-06-2007

He means its right in the path of flight. If the Sairs want weps platforms near their JHs, whatever, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Alpha - Gamma balance - bluntpencil2001 - 12-06-2007

Also, maybe Corsair Cruiser NPC patrols in their home system, like the Outcast get Dessie patrols?